The Soothsayer from Boskoop by Johan Smit - HTML preview

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Chapter 9.

(Sammy Washington, Security Manager, age 54)




Nice to meet you, and how may I be of service today?



I have been diagnosed with Diabetes, and I was seeking any information you might have concerning this disease. My sister, Stacy, is a big believer in psychic’s and she said I should come see you. She heard from her friends over in Gouda that you’re really good. So, here I am.



Well Sammy, lets see what Zelda, my guide has to say on this subject. First off, she says do not be subjected to the will of your surroundings. The urges you find for other people in order to please them, or in your diet to find gratification, both areas are seeking the peace. These need not be followed.

Your peace will come from loving for your own destiny, not while trying to appease others. Your happiness comes from within, fueled by activities and thoughts and connections to people and places and your thoughts about them. Your happiness comes when you allow happiness to occur. Do not place your own happiness second. You cannot continue to punish yourself and place work or other responsibilities at the top of your priority list. You must strive for balance in your world. 

The quick fix you seek in all things is an expression of the true happiness, which is attainable, and it doesn't require a twelve-step program to secure. The reason for the manifestation of diabetes is that humans, more often in recent cultural times, are looking for the faster method to attain happiness. But so much of this is due to instant gratification needs. It's not that everything must take a longer path or greater amount of time, it's that many things, due to cause and effect may take 5 hours or persistence, or consistency, or may take rest before manifesting. 

A great deal of society relies on a pill to cure a problem right now. "If you're I’ll, take a pill" is a widely held belief. Much of this is true because of the nature of wealth in this and other countries. A cold or a simple illness cannot be allowed to run its course with its energetic implications and mornings of reflection and true healing.

These things do not happen because many people cannot afford time away from work without pay. Because they cannot afford time off or the necessity, perceived or actual, that they must work several positions for several employers they have little opportunity to care for themselves in the way that is most optimum. In these cases, the "quick fix" is what is sought rather than mindfulness to prevent the problem and provide a level of balance and care for mind, body, and spirit. 





Wow, I need to think about this. Thank you. I’ll be sure to pass on to my sister what Zelda said.