The Soothsayer from Boskoop by Johan Smit - HTML preview

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Chapter 8.

(Franklin Sinclair, Sociologist, age 43)




What shall we discuss this pleasant evening my dear friend?



I am a sociologist who conducts studies concerning the overpopulation of our planet. My wife, Jennifer, is very much into the spiritual side of life and insisted I come see you and your wife Zelda. I myself am a scientist and I’m not really into this kind of psychic mumbo-jumbo witchcraft stuff. So, I came basically to placate my wife.



Yes, I see. Well, first off, Zelda is not my wife, she is a spirit companion from the great beyond who has come to help those in a physical form in whatever way she can through information. She says it matter’s not if you believe or don’t believe, she will give you information concerning the overpopulation of this planet.

Zelda says, you are told your Earth's resources are losing potency and will suffer. You are told that your impact upon the Earth will not continue to be supported and your actions upon it will have dire consequences. 

It truly matters little the number of people upon the Earth at this given moment. You have vast amounts of land that are useable but unused. You have a small portion of the population that feel they require vast resources but a great deal of them go unused, wasted, not even stored until a later time. 

There are so many technologies available, so many places considered inhospitable that can be made hospitable and homes and food provided to everyone. EVERYONE! Not some of them. Not a few people. It is within your grasp to clothe and shelter and feed every living thing, without detrimental impact to the environment. 

It is not an incredibly tall tale to state that much of this does not manifest because there is no financial gain for those who wish to continue to maintain power and wealth. The power and control come from the perception of abundance or scarcity of resources. There is not scarcity, there is incredible dependence by large majorities of the population on "someone else." Someone else will secure the food, someone else will prepare the food, someone else will carry away the waste. 

There are varying types of abundance but even the most destitute is capable of abundance, though friction occurs when one idea of abundance is held as the singular world view and forced upon others. Abundance is abundance, though this is different for all people. We do mean here that food, water, clothing, and shelter are literally abundant without fear of loss, or fear of missing out or fear of making choices between necessities. 

The limited mobility afforded to most people, and the limited application of technology to provide for all people will continue to stifle abundance for all. It is not that abundance does not exist, it is that abundance is controlled and there are a limited number of people actually working towards a solution. 

Many others are entertained in other ways. Many others are concerned only with their needs, even when their needs are met, they work to maintain their perceived success rather than to assist those who might also reach for such prosperity and abundance.

This requires greater sums of those in existence to look beyond the end of their own nose, beyond their own grasp, and beyond the pleasant phrases and worthless actions that serve only to insulate a being further from the need and crisis that exists across the globe. Action and selflessness are needed now. 



This may make sense to you and your Zelda, but my studies don’t reflect what you have just said. I thank you for your time and I doubt you’ll be seeing me again.