The Soothsayer from Boskoop by Johan Smit - HTML preview

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Chapter 7.

(Mrs. Rene Montgomery, Registered Nurse, age 29)





Welcome little lady, please have a seat. So, what may I help you with?




My husband, David, has been diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis and as a nurse I’ve seen many patients with this condition. What can you tell me about this disease that main stream doctors are not yet aware of?




Zelda, my guide says Multiple Sclerosis is not a punishment but the repeated exposure through lifetimes to specific anger and emotion that has not yet been released. More often, this is not simply the individual, but those around the individual who require a greater understanding. At some point, we know this clearly, we expect others to expand and grow their level of understanding, and we know that many may be deemed by those on the earth as superficial, but this is not an immediate process. To be clear, even those who are not actively choosing a process of self-improvement or self-awareness and understanding will achieve a necessary experience from this disease. 

This breakdown, no matter the personal belief system of those who experience it, is related directly to change, more accurately, the lack of change and lack of release. There are many ailments which will impact the body in various ways, but this specifically is the anger about control, that there must be absolute control, but this is absolute control born out of anger and hostility, exceptional pressure applied to the individual and then the individual attempts to maintain this pace and course for the remainder of their existence. This is the inability to see what is of their mind and what is of the mind of others. 

While this may be a bit murky to understand it is also necessary to say that simply understanding, or having the realization, that some pressure in this existence has caused you to live your entire life in a particular way, this does not immediately release the patient from the tremors and discomfort and fog of Multiple Sclerosis. 

It is considered unfortunate in your plane and existence but when the mind grips so tightly to the idea and energy, additional matter and energy will he contributed and created around the belief. In another understanding, if your thoughts over 40 or 50 years are a waterfall pouring daily into a container, it will take time to release the energy that has been stored and made part of your being for such a long time. 

Your human existence, society and institutions are not exceptionally adept at providing alternatives. Better stated, they do not permit the thinking of the possibility of alternatives. Because of this it takes time to personally release energy because this new thought pattern must take root and overcome what already exists.

The nature of existence allows you to change at any moment and you are never limited, the lack of immediacy is often the energy that has been poured onto the scale and then must be removed. To continue and to emphasize, your society is built to be limiting - to limit opportunities to limit the ideas that can spring forth.

Often very few realize that they DO have potential, that they CAN do something. Too frequently vocabulary and minds are filled with can’t and won’t and never. Nothing is stopping you except for an arbitrary construct within your mind. An arbitrary construct that you have allowed to take root. You must keep going in order to make a change. The defeatist attitude reigns supreme regarding adversity, not every opportunity will grow roses, but you will never know if you give up at the first failure or opportunity! 



Okay, thank you.