The Switch: How to Find Happiness and Avoid Crisis by Telling the Truth by Abscondo - HTML preview

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Chapter 9. The Simple Truth

9.1. The end of all confusion is the end of illusion. Illusions are always constructed with lies and always destroyed with truth. Partial truth solves some of the problem and makes things a bit better, but unless honesty is total and complete, you remain on the path toward crisis.

Illusion is always the belief in that which is untrue and, therefore, constantly changing and unstable. All that is built upon what is unstable ends in collapse; and in this collapse lies all failure and suffering.

There are no illusions that need to be kept real. If something is an illusion, it is unreal and can be let go of. That which is unreal can easily be acknowledged as such and the result will always be truth and, therefore, peace.

Attempt to keep some dishonesty for yourself and you will find yourself in the impossible service of two masters. Here is found only  confusion. Here you sacrifice feeling good, you sacrifice your authority over yourself, you sacrifice freedom, perfect love, perfect peace, perfect health—everything you do want. What would you sacrifice any of this for? And why?

To tell the truth is to ignore the ego’s confused demands by always choosing togetherness rather than separation. It is to focus attention on the present moment rather than the past and future. This is to decide for healing and against illness, for freedom and against bondage, for the truth of experience rather than the illusion of continued fantasy.

When you are honest with yourself and with others, the force of life shows you the way—and the way is always good. Truth is the good with no opposite. Now, what was once fantasy becomes reality.

Reality always feels a bit different than you expected. Each time you find out what is real about something, you learn. Growth then becomes your inevitable state—and growth can come only through doing. Doing is knowing, and nothing involves more honesty than doing.

9.2. To tell the truth is one thing, to live it is something else entirely. When you tell the truth, you open the pathway to doing. Too often, you have avoided doing by avoiding difficult conversations and; therefore, pushing things out to the future. But the future is an illusion.

To do in the future is to not do. To wait for someday is to wait forever. If now is all there is, all doing can only be done now. Don’t worry, you cannot miss your opportunity; for it is always now.

Turn on the switch. Tell your truth and live it so that your life becomes rooted in truth. A life rooted in truth no longer contains the ups and downs; for all opposites to truth have already been recognized as unreal. Can that which is unreal affect you in a real way?

Your responsibilities in life never require that you honor the unreal. While others may judge you as insensitive to their pain, your effect on them will ultimately be that of healing. Because they fear, they may prefer to delay crisis through the continued maintenance of illusion. You will not help with this illusion because your knowledge is in truth.

When others are suffering, your truths may seem insensitive. But it would be dishonest to make their suffering real because it need not be, and is not, real.

Now you will ease suffering through forgiveness. Rather than delaying the recognition of truth wherever it may be, you will bring it to the light, teach correction, and you will instantly forgive error even before anyone has asked for your forgiveness.


9.3. You are not guilty, nor is anyone else. But in this world—where the truth is not taught and must instead be remembered—error is a necessary and unavoidable part of the curriculum. How wonderful it is to intimately know all the effects of error from having lived it. Even your errors have become part of your truth because now you understand the effects.

Many will doubt this message for the simple reason that the error of dishonesty has not yet led to a crisis in their lives. Yet still, on some level, suffering is always present. There are constant ups-and-downs. There is confusion and fear. But all this seems normal and, for that reason, somehow acceptable.

For all those who continue to doubt the power of perfect honesty, the crisis will come. The illusions will be exposed. When this happens, the truth will be remembered—and for the simple reason that here it has already been revealed.

Truth, once revealed, cannot be forgotten. While you may choose to use time to delay living it, the instant of total awakening—the perfect alignment of your inner and outer world—awaits you and is inevitable. When this happens, you will experience heaven in this life and in eternity.

Eventually, enough of us will choose to awaken now—not in the future—and a massive remembering of truth will overcome the world.

Perfect honesty is the only real revolution. Any other so-called revolution changes nothing and only constructs a new illusion in a different form. Let dishonesty only be forgotten and the world changes in an instant.

9.4. If there is even one fully-awakened person who always speaks and lives the truth—it will be enough to heal all the world. This person will show the way to so many others, and those others will show the way to still others in turn, that a total healing of the world is inevitable.

The world will awaken from this bad dream, this dishonesty, this scary and confused dream of ego. The world will enjoy the fearless dream of truth and beauty. You are already perfectly free, and therefore nothing will stand in your way. It is already so.

The good dream of life is a dream where all honesty is welcomed. If there is something you feel inspired to share, you have authority to share it. If you feel excited about doing something, you have the authority to do it. Any doubts or taboos have now been lifted, upon your own authority—which has been the only real authority all along.

Now boundaries and taboos have been replaced with unconditional acceptance. Attack has been replaced with the loving correction of error. Now there is a gentleness to life that extends forever through this dimension and beyond into the eternal. Heaven is now, and upon your authority over yourself, you are free to choose it now (if you want it).

All you need to do is to tell the truth about everything. Always tell the truth and the outcome is certain.