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Chapter 10. Application

10.1. If there is still any doubt that you are perfectly free, this notion can be easily dispelled through the very real application of your ability to tell the truth and to live in truth. How can something still be considered impossible after it is offered to you as real?

Perhaps you have felt limited by the constraints that the world has imposed upon you. You have not seen a path toward perfect healing. You may have given up on the possibility of heaven in this life because nobody has reminded you of the way. But now, by accepting this message of perfect honesty, you have taken authority and you are already showing yourself the way toward lasting happiness.

The concepts in this book are not new. You are not learning anything you did not already know; rather, you are remembering that which you have learned to forget, to conceal, and to doubt. Truth needs only be stated and is then recognized. It requires no further argument or debate to be so. It is already known to be so, then it is lived, and it remains so.

Other times, when what is thought to be true is then experienced, it is found to be not quite true. In those cases, further illusion has been revealed and the truth is then eventually known. This is how honesty works. In no case can telling the truth and living in truth fail—you will always reach the destination of truth if you remain faithful to honesty.

This is a very different thought system and a very different way of life. If you want to illuminate your life with this light, then a daily practice of remembering is required.

Eventually, you may find your own daily practice that works best for you. The practice need not be difficult at all. It is nothing other than your enjoyment of happiness. But this thought system does require some repetition to make real—along with faith and conviction to overcome the conditioning of this world.

There is a simple tool you can use, if nothing else, as a reminder and demonstration of your perfect freedom to live in honesty. If you are interested in seeing it, please download this mobile app and register. The mobile app is on iOS (iPhone) as well as Android. It is available now from the App Store ( link here ) and Google Play ( link here ).

The app is called “I Am by Infobeing”.

10.2. Introducing I Am by Infobeing

The purpose of this app is to provide a technology platform where you are free and where nothing prevents you from doing what you choose to do.

You may have read other books, listened to speeches, or engaged in seminars; but then you may have returned to an unchanged life and see little opportunity to apply what you have learned. While revelations may have occurred and even been adopted on a personal level, sometimes new concepts are difficult to apply. Often, it is difficult to find others who understand your direction and share your purpose.

If you decide to become honest and accepting, then it certainly helps (and it is a lot more fun) to interact with other people who have chosen to do the same. Without the support of a community, you may begin questioning the new perspectives and fall back into the usual patterns.

The switch is different because it is an idea that is also brought to life through a technology platform. I Am by Infobeing is the app where this community takes form. The I Am Community is a globally connected group of people who share the purpose of living in perfect honesty, openness and acceptance.

Almost everyone who takes part in this community has the same purpose and the same intention. The I Am Community is intended as an easy way for you to establish and maintain your practice of speaking and living your truth.

The specific features will be explained further, but the mobile app is a place to do the following:

  • Express and share your positive truths about what you want to do as it relates to other people,
  • Make connections with compatible people based on mutual wants and needs,
  • Communicate freely with anyone in the community who you feel inspired to communicate with,
  • Create abundance in your life by engaging in transactions using the IAM virtual currency (which is built into the app),
  • Spend a few minutes each day reading a short teaching to help you remember the path of truth and to guide you toward additional resources.

You are invited to use this free mobile app as a focal point to organize your daily practice of awakening. The basic components will now be explained further.

10.3. The daily teaching

On the top right corner of the app, tap this icon:

As soon as you can after you awaken each morning, open I Am on your mobile device and click this icon to read the short teaching.

This will help to set you on the right track for the day, will serve as a reminder of everything you have read in this book, and will bring new teachings into your life.

Also, check out some of the books mentioned in the daily posts for yourself.

10.4. My Statements

The primary function of the app is to create I Am Statements, which describe what you are doing or want to do as it relates to other people.

You can enter structured sentences that are intended to match with compatible sentences created by others. The idea is to bring people into your life so that you can get to know one another. You can do things together and create abundance in every area of your life.

Creating an I Am Statement is an act of setting an intention for yourself. These are positive statements of your truth, starting with the words “I am”, which are then followed by a verb and description about what you want and what you are doing. Your statements are visible to the community, but we do our best to only reveal statements to people who you match with.

At the very least, creating an I Am Statement is an expression of your honesty. Even if nothing materializes, you will also see that it isn’t so scary to be open and honest. You will begin to trust in your ability to tell all your truths.

10.5. Creating statements

At the top of the app’s main screen, notice the following field:

Tap anywhere in this field. You are creating a structured sentence, and the first step is to select a Verb.

“Meeting” is the default for non-commercial transactions. Use this option if you are simply trying to meet another person for a specific purpose that has nothing to do with buying or selling.

Note: “Meeting” Statements match with “Meeting” Statements and no others.

“Offering” is what you would choose if you are offering something of value—your product, service or anything someone might want to buy.

“Purchasing” is what you would choose if you are describing something you want to buy from another person.

Note: “Offering” Statements match with “Purchasing” Statements and no others.

“Working” is chosen if you want to describe the kind of work you do. Use this option if you are looking for new work opportunities.

“Hiring” is chosen if you are trying to find someone to hire for a role.

Note: “Working” and “Hiring” Statements match together and do not match with any others.

After you have selected the verb for your sentence, you see a flashing cursor which prompts you to complete your sentence. Here, you can use regular language to describe who you want to meet, what you are offering, purchasing, what kind of work you want to do or who you are hiring. End your Statement with a period and tap “Save”.

The more descriptive and meaningful you can make these Statements, the better your matching and the more likely it will be that the right person will find you and will write.

Also note that there is an option to “Add Details” to a statement. Here, you can add additional information in the “Description” field. You can also choose whether to match only with users nearby you or anywhere. You can select a specific date range if relevant.

Feel free to create as many Statements as you can think of about anything you want to do or experience. If there is anything you want to do with another person that feels off-limits, or that you would be in trouble for if someone else in your life knew, this is a clear indication that some level of dishonesty remains in your life. Perhaps you should prepare to talk with anyone who you feel is holding you back from being perfectly honest about what you want.

Also, keep in mind that many statements are probably relevant to only people who are geographically near you. Selecting “Nearby” narrows your matches to only those people and may be used to prevent your more personal Statements from being seen by everyone.

Your I Am Statements reflect the truth about what you want to do as it relates to other people. This can be an important part of your practice of honesty and openness.

See how honest you can be with yourself about the ways you would like to open-up to others. Even if you don’t get any great matches (the community is still very new and growing), you set an intention here of being open to other people and this decision will be carried throughout all aspects of your life.

10.6. Managing Statements

The I Am Statements you create can be edited or deleted from the “My Statements” tab at the bottom of the app. Here, you can also click on the View Matches icon to see the most relevant matches for each particular Statement.

10.7. Home screen

The “Matches” icon on the bottom left is the home screen. Here you can see all the matches for all your statements.

By clicking on the funnel icon at the top, you can filter by most relevant or by most recent.

Please keep in mind that the app is new. The community is still small but growing. You will surely see many matches which are not exactly relevant to your statements.

As the community grows, we will tighten the search parameters to make matches more relevant. In the meantime, try to spend at least a few seconds each day scrolling down the wall to see if there is anyone who inspires you to write.

10.8.  Messages

If someone on the app has created a Statement that intrigues you and you’d like to explore something together, simply tap the “Message” icon beneath his or her statement.

This takes you to a standard messaging interface where you can begin a conversation and the other person will be notified of your message.

Here you can practice the perfect communication skills you have learned in this book with new people in a relatively safe environment. Relationships formed on the app will help you establish the right habits to extend honest communication to everyone in your life.

10.7. IAM Virtual Currency

The intention of this app is to show you how to take full authority not just over yourself and your freedom, but to demonstrate that a community with a shared purpose can join together to create abundance.

The systems of this world have attempted to prevent us from exercising perfect freedom by controlling and restricting our ability to trade and store value. There are a whole set of laws and regulations that require the reporting of transactions through accounting. Financial transactions between people in this world are monitored and taxed.

Those who seek power often create rules to make it seem inevitable that you must give up your authority over yourself. They understand that, for them to maintain control, you must not claim your authority over you. Furthermore, free-flowing communication between people must feel restricted.

Ours is a faith that says we, as divine beings, have the right to express our truths, to communicate our truths, to do things together without fear, and even to use a point-based system (virtual currency) as a way to keep track of our giving and receiving.

Not only is this the right we grant ourselves upon our authority, the governments of the world have specifically designated it as our right. To exercise this right to be left alone by the government, we simply needed to state that it is a matter of religious, spiritual faith. This is exactly what we did in forming the I Am by Infobeing Foundation and, through it, we are free to practice our faith openly.

The governments of the world have agreed not to interfere on matters of faith. The I Am by Infobeing mobile app is protected under freedom of religion and, as such, The I Am by Infobeing Foundation has 501(c)(3) status in the State of Washington, USA.

Our non-denominational spiritual faith is rooted in not only the freedom to speak, write, and to communicate in openness and honesty; but also depends upon having the freedom to serve one another as our path toward abundance. The ability to track the true value of what we give and receive is fundamental to our faith and our ability to exercise it.

The only real freedom is spiritual freedom. Freedom without spiritual understanding is only the ego acting out; and ego acting out always requires an outside authority to keep it in check. But the governments of this world have recognized, long ago, that people acting in true spiritual faith are not a threat. We are the light and the hope for a world that is very ill. They let us be, in peace, because we understand what freedom is and that it threatens no one. Freedom is of being—which is another word for spirit or the soul. True freedom can cause no harm.

Our “I Am” faith is perhaps the world’s first attempt to move beyond the confines of centralized institutions that reject the honesty of our humanity. We are moving beyond a place of worship, a book, or a retreat to live this faith fully and openly in our lives.

We also move beyond the selfish, violent systems of uncontrolled capitalism. We go beyond centralization, which is always the problem. Institutions are inherently dishonest; structured to withhold truth within and without. Inside their walls is a darkness, that cannot be penetrated, hiding their secrets at all costs. From the vast darkness of their inherent dishonesty, immeasurable suffering and crisis always flow. There can be no healing of the world while institutions remain in control.

Ours is a faith rooted in total honesty, openness, and unconditional acceptance. It is loving, can cause no harm, and is organized although it can never be allowed to become centralized.

Centralization is the opposite of freedom. Centralization is the belief that there is something bigger than you which has authority over you. This bigger entity then makes rules restricting your freedom.

Eventually, centralized institutions end up growing powerful enough to decide much of your fate. They also protect themselves with total disregard for human beings—attempting to enforce their ego through all the usual games and causing only the usual misery and crisis (though on a much larger scale than a person acting alone).

For the world to heal, the revolution needs to occur. The revolution can only be decentralized because decentralization is just another word for freedom. Revolution is always the restoration of freedom or it is not revolution.

The process of restoring freedom need not be chaotic. We only need reliable, well-designed decentralized systems to deliver the possibility of freedom to all and to simplify honest human interaction.

I Am by Infobeing is presented as this type of system. As of now—because the app is still not blockchain-based—it can’t be called decentralized. But the design and the user experience (while not perfect) delivers on the intention of creating a decentralized, yet connected and organized community. However, until it becomes blockchain-based and truly unstoppable by any centralized authority, it remains vulnerable to the arbitrary decisions of Apple, Google, and other powerful forces.

Cryptocurrency such as Bitcoin and Ethereum have demonstrated what a decentralized system looks like—and that it works. Today, there is no reason our trading of value needs to be restricted to government-issued, fiat currency. Cryptocurrency proves that it is possible to trade data (1’s and 0’s) as a storage container of value—if that is what we choose to do as free human beings.

Two people can trade data, in freedom, as part of your right to free speech. This, as your right in a free society, is self-evident. Money is only a storage container of value. Whenever two or more people agree that something is a form of money, so it  is. Use government-issued currency and you must comply with all the regulations that come along with it. Choose to use something else, and you can do so in freedom.

In the case of this mobile app, you may choose to offer something of value to another person and be paid in IAM. Then, you can use the IAM you have earned to purchase something else of value that you want or need from another person who you meet on the app.

With this simple mobile app, we have created a model for a new economy. This can become a “people economy” where—rather than depending upon corporations for most of what we buy, rather than depending upon the jobs they offer for income—you can do what you want in freedom and even trade and store financial value.

As a virtual currency, IAM isn’t recognized as money by any institutions. But if we choose to make it so, IAM can be a symbol of our faith; representing the freedom we are claiming to connect with one another—and a way to facilitate abundance through giving and receiving on a global scale.

IAM, combined with the full functionality of this app, can be a very real storage container of value and can be useful in unleashing human potential by connecting us in all the ways we are compatible.  

The I Am by Infobeing app contains everything you need to pay, store, and use IAM as the currency in this global economy of people connecting with one another. The intention is for you to open yourself to others in honesty, and to act upon your shared needs. This is a model that is potentially more elegant and effective than the capitalist economy because it can be so easy to meet exactly the right person to fulfill any need you may have.

The systems of ego are designed to keep you separated so you are dependent upon them. This app demonstrates a very different way; a way of total freedom. If this functionality is used correctly, with perfect faith and on a massive scale, we begin to free ourselves from the systems of dishonest control that have overrun our lives.

We can do this now, without any need to win an election, or to battle against or to fight the system at all. This is what a non-violent revolution looks like. It is easy, and ours if we choose it.

To be perfectly clear, today the app is not yet that instant portal into perfect freedom and abundance. So far, not enough people have chosen for it to be so. But we’re only getting started and it works.

If you exercise your authority over yourself to make so what you decide to make so, if you bring about the end of sacrifice and choose to do whatever it is you want to in perfect honesty, if you are endlessly patient, if you believe in decentralization rather than centralized control over everything—you can easily see, after only a few moments playing around with this app, that a different world is possible now.

The revolution may happen on this app, or it may happen in some other way. At the very least, the I Am by Infobeing app serves as a model—and also a very real possibility that the switch can happen now, not just in your life, but also on a massive, global scale. The idea here is to fully unleash human potential by removing the illusions that keep us small and by setting ourselves free.

IAM is the world’s first virtual currency that is directly tied to unleashing the full creative potential of people. Other cryptocurrencies are based on the ups and downs of financial speculation, but IAM is intended as a currency that is to be used primarily for person-to-person transactions such as favors.

Aside from earning it, you can also purchase IAM by contributing to the Foundation over the app ($10 = 1 IAM) or by referring your friends using the unique referral code you can get on the app. If you want this idea to work, it is in your hands, waiting to be made so. What is needed is nothing short of a conviction that never dies. Endless patience, a daily practice, a deeper knowing of the truth which cannot fail simply because it is the truth.

As the I Am Community gains momentum, the plan is to create a fully decentralized, unstoppable blockchain version of the entire app. IAM is already a cryptocurrency (an ERC20 token with only 100 million IAM in existence), but as of now you can’t sell it for government-issued currency like you can Bitcoin because it isn’t traded on an exchange. For now, we can use it exactly how currency is intended—to unleash value, which is not money but creation and service to others within an economy of people.

The potential of human beings is the ultimate source of value. Let’s connect, in honesty, with a shared purpose to reach our full potential as individuals and as a community. People have been restricted, now we are free. What exactly is our value? We can find out now by releasing it in freedom.

“I Am” is intended as a community of healed, honest people who are constantly growing and capable of infinite value. There are no promises here. This is only a vision of where we would like to go; a very beautiful, and entirely possible intention.

Whether or not the I Am by Infobeing mobile app becomes a valuable tool in your daily practice, you have already turned the switch. You have awakened. You have begun your path toward perfect honesty, openness, and unconditional acceptance. You have chosen to be happy and free. It is already so in your life, and nothing in the realm of the external can take this away.