The Switch: How to Find Happiness and Avoid Crisis by Telling the Truth by Abscondo - HTML preview

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Chapter 11. Conclusion

The world we see today is filled with so much pain and suffering. You have suffered in your thoughts, in your relationships, and in your work.

You know your neighbors are suffering because you listen to their fights and arguments. Beyond that, there is so much homelessness and substance abuse. People are tired, stressed, and feeling hopeless. Few people are even physically healthy. Pain and suffering have become today’s normal state of human existence.

The youth are also suffering—largely withdrawing from the world and into the temporary escape found in their devices. They don’t have it so bad yet. Their suffering is on a lower level because they think their story will end differently.

Just as you did, they believe that their reward for all this nonsense will be pretty much as promised. It isn’t so. Unless we are honest with them, unless we allow them to be honest, and unless we find the courage to speak the whole truth, then their life journey will also be this same cycle of suffering that leads to crisis.

Devices need not lead to isolation. Technology can set you free if you choose to be free. You can show and lead the way.

So many of the self-proclaimed spiritually awakened—and there may be millions around the world today—have also withdrawn. With so much talk about removing toxic people from their lives, establishing boundaries, and so easily discarding anyone who does or says anything they don’t like, their spirituality offers very little relief for anyone but themselves.

Any awakening that needs to be protected with boundaries is no awakening at all—only ego continuing to find value in separation and continuing to temporarily boost self-esteem by projecting the image of being more spiritual and better than others.

To truly awaken is to become open, to unconditionally love all your brothers and sisters, and to go through life with the intention of alleviating the suffering of others. The truly awakened are unafraid of anything; especially not other people who are only living their lives.

When you are honest, there is no reason to fear or avoid other people. In honesty, you care nothing about your image and do not judge your own feelings or reactions. If someone says something that doesn’t make you feel good, you can say so. If you don’t feel like spending time with someone, you can say so.

But, these days, people would rather be dishonest about how they feel, dishonest about their intentions, dishonest about who they are—always trying to avoid hurting feelings while simultaneously trying to become better than others. This leads them to say what they don’t mean, smile when they don’t feel like smiling, and pretend they don’t care when they do.

Most of even the self-proclaimed spiritual, or awakened people today are not being entirely honest. We now see that the lack of honesty is the only problem that need  be corrected in this world. It is the cause, while all the seemingly different varieties of problems of the world are only the effects. There can only be only one fundamental error in this life: dishonesty.

Watch the news today or study history. Here you will see the horrific effects of what happens when humanity becomes detached from honesty. Was there ever a war that was not waged with lies? Is the destruction of the environment not carried out in a state of dishonesty with ourselves and one another? Would any of this happen if we were being honest?

All this time, we have believed that some lies are justified. Justified by what? Is there some higher purpose or some result that is more worthwhile or desirable than perfect honesty? What can be considered valuable, important, or worthwhile and yet beyond truth?

If anything were important, legitimate and justified; would it not also be true? Could there be a path toward any truth which requires some dishonesty to be made real?

Whatever it was that we were searching for or working toward in the future—whatever we thought was more important than telling the truth—if it does not stand in perfect honesty and truth, then what is it?

That which cannot stand in truth is illusion . Whatever we pursue outside of truth is false and; therefore, is to act in error in pursuit of an idol. While truth can be used to describe error, no error can continue to exist within truth.

Dishonesty is the root cause and all problems flow from it. Even in this perfect knowledge, the process of healing isn’t complete. The intention to be only honest and to always tell the truth is only the beginning of your healing. It is your decision to heal, and even to make such a decision in this world is still very rare.

After this decision, this enjoyable release from suffering through the remembrance of perfect truth, comes a lifetime commitment to truth. This requires an open mind and heart, and an unshakable willingness to consider the honesty and dishonesty in everything you see, hear, read or think.

The truth will surprise you. It is almost always directly opposed to what the world thinks is true. But you are the authority now, and nobody else is more qualified to know what is true and what is false.

Now, with an open mind and heart focused on the joy and bliss of this present moment, you are free to explore, to experience, to do—and therefore, to know. Learn your truth and share it with everyone.

The switch is only a decision to be honest. By only being honest, you become a perfect example—a perfect teacher who is always capable of illuminating the truth for others and allowing them to do the same.

This message of truth now becomes yours to speak, to live, and to teach. If you still aren’t ready, you will be. In all your suffering and in each crisis, you will now look honestly at the cause. You will see that the cause is always dishonesty somewhere, and dishonesty alone. In this knowing, truth will always prevail.

What is “crisis” other than the light of truth exposing a lie? If there were no lies to begin with, what crisis could there be? You would live in truth. Truth, by definition, cannot change or be threatened. Therefore, it cannot lead to crisis, misery or suffering.

To live in peace is to live within the calm safety of truth. When there are no lies anywhere in your life, then you are free. Nothing can threaten you.  But, to get there, you’ll have to start eliminating all untruth wherever it may exist in your life. You will need to be perfectly honest with yourself, perfectly honest about whether you believe any of the tired lessons of the world, and perfectly honest in all your communication with everyone.

This shift toward perfect honesty, for a time, will bring about painful changes in your life. This is the undoing of ego, the shedding of all the lies that have kept you suffering. There is no way to awaken to consciousness, to enter the kingdom of heaven, to end your suffering if you do not start with perfect honesty. Anything less than perfect honesty is belief in separation; the idea that there is still some value in keeping yourself apart from the perfect force of life, itself. This is the sickness that we have now cured with perfect honesty.

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