The Untold Story of the Soul by Cem Ilyas Eker - HTML preview

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Life is always just.   We must understand that life always responds to us in the way we can handle it with our powerful cognitions.  What we choose to see is what we will experience. Life does not wait for your powerlesness, but it is compassionate enough to pull you out of delusion, by showing you the right path. Sometimes it takes something away from you, which seems to be as everything is falling apart, but in reality, it is falling in right place! Injustice is nothing but an immature conclusion about life. Life does not recognize this at all. It simply gives you what you put out, but it is compassionate enough to again pull you out of your delusion. The moment you feel life is hard for you, then only because life supports you to churn your patterns and make them visible for you to complete with it. Situations seems to be hard because life

does surgery on you, some parts of you need to be removed, taken away in order to bring something into your awareness.  Your ego will be cornered through tough times, so it cannot hide and run away. It will be destroyed but you need to go hand in hand with this process for you to get where you want to be.  All hard situations are opportunities to surrender your identities and persona which are contradictory towards life. It is a pure rejuvenation and purification process. A real blessing. All the purification has to come first, as a preparation for what you have asked for in order to maintain it. Your will persistence is being tested in order for you to maintain what you want. If you have a hard time and pray to god, do not think he is sitting outside of you or you need to convince him to receive his grace. He happens through the situations itself for you, the situation itself that purifies you, not to take anything for granted and celebrate your consciousness, you even existing, is all only because of his grace.