The Untold Story of the Soul by Cem Ilyas Eker - HTML preview

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1) The ability to tolerate comes fundamentally by disengaging with compulsive reactions within you and disengaging with compulsive reactions of others.

2) Engaging with irresponsibility in not willing to mature in consciousness is intolerance, enjoying irresponsibility by deciding to distract yourself is spiritual terrorism.

If you are a matured being:

You seeing that others literally distract themselves from their responsibility, avoiding responsibility to mature as a conscious being and enjoying it, ganging up with each other to maintain their irresponsibility to mature and enjoying it, you seeing this delusion and being bothered about it is also intolerance.

You being bothered about others falling into delusion by their irresponsibility itself is another delusion you yourself add unto you and get deluded within you. It is maybe factual that this is happening outside of you, even while you know you are thousand times more responsible, but you are caught in an external happening and because you are seeing this happening, you become intolerant to yourself and to the happening. The only way out of this delusion is to understand this happening, then decide to complete with it, disengage from it. You disengaging from it turns to tolerance.

Do not allow to let that to sink into your inner space, is tolerance.

You reacting to it in your inner space, deciding to perceive it in others is also intolerance.

The actual intolerance is reacting to others irresponsibility – when it becomes an extreme, by enjoying to distract others from their conscious growth, it is being called as discrimination and racism. You enjoying irresponsibility and seeing it happening is fun for you, you make ironic and sarcastic fun of it, is discrimination, deeper intolerance.

If irresponsible beings enjoy their irresponsibility and gang up together, then you already started separating and grow in hatred, denial and become a spiritual terrorist. It falsely appears as if beings connect with each other, in reality they lead themselves deeper into separation and destruction. It is no way of empowering. You can only help them by showing them how responsible you are, in not allowing distraction to be entertained in you inner space.

If you have nothing to do with spirituality and live in extreme intolerance, you are a real terrorist, living in abusal, violence, leading to persecution, blame - then you are a danger for all beings.

The most subtle blind spot hiding as a good pattern

The most subtle and cunning form of separation is, when I mentioned earlier, that individuality is a mere concept that actually separates us, which is, the conclusion that “I am different” or “I am not like them”. This conclusion, when it hits the crown chakra, you will probably feel “you are the only one”, which leads to separation, emptiness, feeling isolated and creates a barrier between you and others. This pattern also ties in a subtle fear, that whatever your life stands for in you, can be lost or taken away, that is why you still try to protect your individuality, which in essence, is nothing but a remaining NO attitude in you. As I said before, you are already unique and you do not have to make your uniqueness to a burden by constantly trying to protect it. The only thing that should be protected in you is your vision about humanity and the statement: life is for others, because there lies your authentic being in it.

It is by purely expressing your innermost as you are, not by fighting for your individuality. The Jiva (individual Soul) can only become Ishwara (God) when the Soul uses the world (Jagat)to manifest its Ishwara. The World (Jagat)has only been created to manifest the Jiva to Ishwara (God) through others.

Enlightenment is not about personality development. It is personality dropping!