The Untold Story of the Soul by Cem Ilyas Eker - HTML preview

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Integrity is your ability to iron out your inner space and align it the way you want. It means, that whatever comes out of you – if it is a word, you have to be committed to that word you gave. Tune yourself to the word you give to yourself and be true to it. If there is something you do not want, or you feel you can not fulfill that commitment you give to yourself or others, at least complete with it, withdraw from it, rather than becoming inauthentic and lie to yourself. Your integrity is the first cosmic principle that decides who you are going to be. Everything in your life is moving along and following your integrity. It is like the direction you set for your life to grow and expand. All your actions align with your intentions. Integrity decides what kind of a life you will be living. When you are non integrated, you will live in hypocrisy, cheating and maintain a cunning strategy to constantly fight with

yourself and others. Being non integrated gives you endless excuses, “if’s and buts” for not doing what you want to do or you are supposed to do. In any field of life, it is not faith that is being demanded from you, but integrity for the sake of being successful and being able to maintain your success.

When you start to become more and more integrated, you will see how your energy level raises drastically and whatever you do, all your actions become more and more productive, efficient and effortless. You will trust more and more on your intentions to be the way you want to and strengthen the ability to do as you want to. The more integrity is being imbibed in you, the more you feel clarity and perform on your peak of performance. Once you live with integrity towards the goal you have in life, the more you become authentic. Only with integrity, the life you want can actually become a reality for you. From there, the next cosmic principle gets awakened – which is the power of authenticity.

Your power of integrity shapes and carves or rejuvenates your inner image, outer image, others image and life image. All four basic identities you have gets more and more integrated, you start living in oneness with yourself and the world. The less integrity you have, the more you are distracted, distorted and deluded. Integrity leads to the depth of your self image. With less integrity, you create more and more self images which contradict with each other and your interactions in life are limited, too superficial and has no depth, no meaning. Let me repeat. If you have too many self images, you are non integrated, you get more and more deluded.

Integrity equals to setting conscious and consistent intention and being true to it. This is the only thing you can build on in your life. Real integrity is the core for real and everlasting wealth.

Overloaded accumulation of self images leads to having no ground and basis. No foundation to give roots, to go in depth and become it.

Too many choices – not being committed, leads to roaming around and feeling of emptiness, worthlessness, loss of value, feeling of loss, sadness, as absence of the actual basis, foundation within oneself and creating a habit of dependency and losing oneself in the past and in the outer world where the senses seems to take over and delude you even more.

Too many self images are affecting the time dimension. Wherein your alignment process for the reality you desire is being slowed down.

You can be the leader of time by building on it consistently. Time is in essence only predictable mechanics, where it mechanically goes cycles and works itself out to match other cycles, waves, frequencies. The more persistent your waves and therefore cycles are (which you generate by intention: awareness/presence of something and feeling) the more it has space and opportunity to match with something related to it. This was only a one dimensional introduction to the dimension of time. Time is another dimension of you which is multidimensional in itself. You will discover more about this topic in further chapters. For now, it is about understanding integrity and imbibing this fundamental principle. Integrity is like a frequency, that which can only rise and lead you to anywhere you want to go in life.

The more it is being radiated, the more you will gain the trust of others. You honoring your own word, makes others honoring you and giving you more responsibility, the next cosmic principle after authenticity, which is actually pure power. The more responsibility you get, the more influence you gain in life. I remind you once again, it is not a burden, it is the expression of your very own power, that can become a beautiful experience in you and enrich others life.