The Untold Story of the Soul by Cem Ilyas Eker - HTML preview

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There is a difference between thoughts and mind,

Thoughts themselves are totally unconnected and independent. Mind is connecting completely independent thoughts to a shaft or a chain. It forms memories, creates impressions from the environment you are in and constantly tries to form immature conclusions about anything you come in touch with and creates more and more identities to frame your existence to run your life based on arithmetic logic.

The mind itself is nothing but mental gravitation that attracts more gravitational mental patterns to a series. It is a power to ground oneself into resistance and experience oneself as an individual.

Wherever the mental gravitation is focused upon, it will not attract the same mental patterns like the law of attraction states in likeness, no, it will attract only more mental gravitation and more resistance, more heaviness. The only thing that attracts are the reinforcing power of powerful cognitions.

In terms of human experience, mental gravitation leads to more and more unconsciousness, means more distraction and more holding on onto something, that leads to emotional suppression and suffering. *A person with a mind appears to be very dull, insensitive, unfriendly and highly intellectually speaking, without any higher uplifting emotions and creative ambiance, because an identity has been set due to conclusions coming from certain results.*

The stronger the mental gravitation becomes by gaining more momentum, the more one will collapse internally and create another pain shaft. You are putting yourself into a prison. A powerful cognition supports you, liberates you, raises the conscious component in you and makes your mind redundant, irrelevant, which then expresses as the cessation of the mind. It is not about destroying or trying to fight with it, it is only about you becoming liberal in your actions and conservative in your reactions. The less you are actively in use of your consciousness, the more the mind has power over you and takes supremacy over your body and you enter into delusion.

The mechanism of the mind is trying to form new identities to relate with society. It is neither good nor bad. The gravitational effect of the mind is also connected with the effects of the physical body in form of ups and downs of chemicals and hormones and acts as a screenplay as well. You cannot fight the mind, or control it in anyway, because it is an illusion. It is only the screenplay of what is being held in your inner space. If you try to fight with it, you will only fight more with it. What you resist, persists. You can only liberate yourself from it by understanding that it is the wrong place of building your identities because of its temporary nature or everlasting gravity to generate resistance. You really do not need it. Meditation is not a separate practice in your day to day life – how many people think. It is a continuous state of being detached. A continuous decision to be detached. A space of being unclutched, which is the essence of buddhist teachings.  It is not a practice. It is the very parable of your nature. Let me tell you this, most of your efforts by trying to meditate, is only hiding, suppressing, avoiding all your patterns by not completing with them, not learning from them. You miss the whole thing, when you try to do it without the proper context.  If you do it within the proper context, you will see how your consciousness grows, your awareness reaches deeper levels, layer by layer, wherein your understanding about completion matures. You only enter into meditation, into Samadhi, once you complete each pattern one by one and mature by gaining wisdom due to the depth of those patterns; why you did what you did, why you made certain decisions, for you only to understand, so you learn not to fall into the same delusions again and again.

The force of gravity exists in all levels.

Not only the physical body is affected by the gravity, the mental body is also affected in a subtle way. Only consciousness is not affected by it and is – let us simply call it levitational, because consciousness is superior to the mind and all matter. It is divine and beyond logic. The closest descriptions to understand it is only by powerful cognitions, which enlighten you.

So as mentioned in this book: real surrender of the mind is by understanding that the mind is the body of the senses. One must detach from the supremacy of the senses, knowing that it takes too much of inner space, therefore one must enter into the nonresistant surrendering state of flow, or allowing itself, and enjoy the freedom and lightness of it, which is the allowing of the blessing, life as the very auspiciousness to happen to you.

I tell you, surrender is the Ultimate, but it is not final.

It goes on continuously. Real surrender is the greatest master, which can never be mastered. It has no end for it to be mastered. You can never say: “I have surrendered!” No! That is foolish. Then why are you still suffering? Drop your immature logic and simply surrender again and again and again.. If you love to devote your life and you are a really devotional person, then you are a Bhakti yogi! If a being is constantly surrendering the inner world, it is called Bhakti Yoga. If a being constantly renounces the outer world, it is called Jnana Yoga.

Even animals have a mind, which by its nature of gravitation expresses as greed to hold on onto things - rather enjoying and completing things we hold on and crave within a temporary nature, it also expresses as the fear of loss or letting go of things, it further expresses as the worry of not having enough trust to be stable because of holding on onto something.

The only thing we are actually doing is holding on things that defines our life, if its perceptions or material things. Holding onto thinking as a series leads to boredom, tiredness and depression. Letting go is rejuvenating and a refreshing lifestyle that allows more abundance. The less we hold on, the more we feel complete, the more ocean of life can enter into us in form of abundance. If its simply a tree, a stone, an oven, the very air or all beings. They all represent your abundance. What would you do without any of these? You would simply sit in utter darkness. Understand this, every small thing in life is your abundance. If you abuse it, you lose your abundance. The very energy that makes anything alive and visible to your senses, is by the power of Shakti. The feminine part of your consciousness.

Grace, beauty, innocence, purity all together is feminine by the absence of mind, holding on onto things by mental gravitation. It goes hand in hand with decision making, means taking the responsibility to keep the cognitions pure and alive in you, means being grounded in your intention where one part is pulling and the other is constantly letting go.

All you need is a powerful cognition, that’s it! Open your wings and fly! Just do not forget to land and then fly again as much as you want!

Let me demystify the law of attraction.

Do not work on your thinking, you will miss integrity.

Work on your integrity, because what you are integrated to, you are only going to attract and your

thoughts will align automatically.

Your thinking automatically changes, when what you are integrated to changes, therefore what you attract changes and life reflects it back to you. The more integrity you have, the more you attract what you want outside of you.