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Karma = action = cellular memory/bio memory

Let me be very clear. There are tons of scientific studies already available, which beautifully represent the content I am about to share for an example water storing information, sound waves affecting matter instantly, or how cells work together as a unit for a greater version of themselves and so forth, but nevertheless I am only here to give you the spiritual context, the basic understanding related to your decision making about the process of cognitive shifts and the transmutation of the body which is following.

The body aligns in a time space realm starting from neurological pathways, psychological patterns, up to physiological structure,  to the intentions you are setting. Whenever an intention is being repeated, it becomes a karmic pattern.

The intelligence is constantly shape shifting your entire biological system, biological clock, by creating a form and becoming entirely formless. It constantly goes through a process of rejuvenation.

Your whole biology thinks

It is completely thinking as one unit. It is not your brain which is thinking separately for itself. Within the enlightenment science, each detail related to the way we even dress ourselves, how we carry ourselves, if we have long hair or not has an effect on our system, because it is influencing our thinking as a whole.

All your intentions based on the perceptions you are carrying in your inner space, which are performed intensely – are having a tremendous impact on all levels of your biology. Each action that is being done by you manifests geometrical structures, patterns in your system and set your capacity of consciousness to be settled in you. The more consciousness settles in your body, due to a powerful cognition, an inspired action, you gain more life energy, which is directed by your Kundalini Shakti, or bio-energetic force. When consciousness settles in your body due to a powerful cognition, an inspired action or intense intention, your whole body and all of its microorganisms, chemicals and hormones are listening you, dependent on your capacity of consciousness you are building. You can easily shape your body as you want.

The more you repeat certain actions, the more it becomes a habit, a formation and all formations put together are your blueprint of consciousness (DNA). You will understand that your body evolves and consciousness descends, lands on the body. Your body either starts to reflect karmic patterns, or reflect pure consciousness. The stronger your capacity to let your consciousness settle in the body, the more enlightenment does the body radiate, you will feel lighter, more sensitive and build a strong nervous system. Each intense action creates an implosion in the body, wherein them start rearranging and restructuring the physiology of the body from cells to even neurological pathways in the brain. It collapses like a wave and shapes or carves a new body.

There are 5 types of super conscious activities happening in your whole system. One is creating form and one is maintaining, one is rejuvenating, one is pulling in/out of delusion, one is liberation (I will explain further about these later). Emotions, or intense intentions facilitate transmutation of the body which expresses like an explosion, then follows an implosion in the body. Whenever we have a disease, there is some part of you, where something is not at ease, where you are not allowing the rejuvenation aspect to happen (the destruction aspect to happen), or you are not maintaining a healthy system because some part of you is still in delusion, or you are not working on creating a new, healthier body. Here you can see the types of memories we are having as per the Veda Agamic sciptures:

Muscle memory

(Your actions)

Bio memory

(Your decision making)

Bio energy

(Kundalini Shakti – bio electrical force)

The more we are setting intentions and surrender to the process of transmutation, allow transmutation to happen, your fears will be churned out and come to the surface, due to the disintegration process, but that is the sign that the old formation, your old system is dying and rejuvenating itself to a greater version. The alert and protection system that itself is being destroyed and changed.

Great shift in reality means when the system went through rejuvenation and mutation. If you experience a Kundalini Awakening within you, where you rediscover your true identity, yourself as the source, which is power, the will to exist as consciousness, the body starts the heavy process of strong disintegration and reintegration, starting to reflect consciousness in the body. If you allow that shift to happen properly, by surrendering to it, even when it is painful, the first phase takes maximum 21 days from then on to complete the major, preliminary shift. You will probably experience pressure in the ears because of sound wave distortions in hearing. Seeing that everything looks vibrational and not really solid. Then the teeth also feels influenced because of changes in the nerve system. The brain also feels unable to work fully and concentrate a new intention or the body - not able to focus and to be intense in expression. There is also energetic disturbance in the back and for first awakeners the entire spine is about to erect and become a straight line, not as the school medicine has taught you to be. Your stance changes within a short period of time, the way you walk and hold yourself is different. All this knowledge is experiential and goes hand in hand with my own and of thousands of other awakened beings.

You are entirely in the midst of a breakthrough

Ancient vedic science states that karma or the old self is also being released when someone got a physical pain or being hurt by a cut of sharp objects. It can be through various ways. 

We also saw that many things in the house hold got broken and seemed to create a mess in a series of a short period of time, or objects suddenly disappear and missing, is also indicating a transmutation, because our inner and outer space is interconnected. It is another sign that something is transforming in your entire energetic grid.

The truth about Kundalini energy - your potential has nothing to do with evil

Another sign of transmutation is back pain. If we allow the rejuvenation process, the Kundalini energy, which is known as dormant energetic force or potential tries to align the spine to cosmic geometry and becomes straight. Once the major transmutation is complete, the spine will remain straight and back pain will never be a problem again in one’s life.

Kundalini energy is being invoked by conscious decision making. The sudden act of a decision been made in the very same moment, the Kundalini force gets activated. You are being infused with higher energy. The Kundalini is an independent intelligence that manages the transmutation and manifestation process. It will try to release stored emotional engrams, psychological patterns from the muscle memory and shocks the body through electrical impulses on its own, in the middle of reintegration. How to be sure you Kundalini really awakened? The moment your whole body starts to shake on its own, you surrender to that happening, the body either jumps or levitates or you may roll on the ground and think you are probably going crazy, because you are aware that your nervous system has not yet well developed itself through enough powerful cognitions. The moment you experience as cosmic truth about reality and experience the “aha” effect, that cognition has then become a part of you and your perception starts to shift.

Why authentic yoga is essential in spiritual awakening

Yoga is the only authentic, most ancient, ritual that rejuvenates internal organs and aligns the sacred geometry of the microcosm with the macrocosm. It is literally allowing the divine to enter into the body. With Yoga, you are training your body and brain to reflect consciousness. Each decision becomes part of our bio memory and muscle memory to shape, reprogram, rewire our physiology and align it with the universe. The most ancient and authentic forms of yoga are being revived which is not yet collectively known as Nithyananda Yoga, Shivasthamba Yoga (on a pole for male) or Kundalini Raju Yoga, (on a rope for female) by my own very enlightened master, the incarnation Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam, including various sacred sentiments, alchemy products like sacred energized ash or Jnanjana (soot of ghee being energized and applied on the forehead, to constantly supply the third eye with enlightened bio energy to flower), sacred energized herbs, mantras, rituals and sacred geometrical forms which are all part of the ancient authentic Yoga practice. Yoga is literally allowing the divine consciousness to enter into us and reunite with the Source. There are lots of scriptural references in the Agamas, which describe that Yoga or Puja (a sacred ritualistic offering of gratitude to connect with the divine with various items like a bell, conch, plate of organic food etc.), Contemplation on the divine, yogic inner cleansing of the body known as Pancha Kriya or any other activity should be performed within the Brahma Muhurta time, which is happening before the sunrise, approx. between 3 am to 6 am in the morning, being active between the dream state and waking state of your reality, where it has not yet fully crystallized and anything that is being absorbed or performed, internally or externally, can easily enter into your blueprint of consciousness. If you want to read all the scriptural references in Sanskrit with translations, as the Shastra Pramana, the exact words, sutras of Parmashiva, Patanjali etc on all dimensions of Yoga,

here is the link:

The greatest detoxification process for living enlightenment next to intense Yoga

The greatest way of detoxifying the body from all toxins that has been injected into you through society, through food like products, fluorides, pesticides (the list goes on - I bet you already know it) you must allow the stomach and intestine to rest for it to switch its mode to rejuvenation and detoxification through intake of pure liquid organic food. This practice is essential and is being described in these ancient scriptures as Nirahara Samyama. For a sequence of 21 days. If you are already initiated or an advanced or already trained seeker, it is being recommended to reduce the solid food intake to 10% and 90% of it is only liquid per day. Solid food intake shall be avoided after sunset.

It goes further, liquid diet is the greatest natural technology to detoxify the body, being shared through various enlightened masters on this planet.

This process is going to awaken the intelligence within you and here are some following effect of the liquid diet:

glowing shiny skin – no dehydration – consume energy directly from space – cure diabetes, obesity, hypertension – improved ability to focus and attention span – anti aging and disease free

body as side effects – enhanced sensitivity – stronger feeling connection to nature – improving release of toxins – lighter body – breaking food disorders – experiencing more completion on all levels. Especially when it comes to greed, lust, anger and sleep. All these four can be cured with the Nirahari Lifestyle!

I can say from my own experience, that the moment you live with  healthy liquids, your whole system is remaining cool. All the restlessness of your senses and pleasures are loosing its power. When it comes to anger, you do not feel you can keep that in your system. You will naturally feel you can not afford to poison yourself and waste too much energy unnecessarily. When it comes to lust, you will simply won’t feel any movement from your chemicals and hormones throwing tantrum. It is like the lust to have sex becomes unnecessary as well and waste of energy. When it is about hunger itself, you will see that your understanding about hunger drastically changes. At least this part you have to discover by yourself. Greed simply fades away. All of these four components which control your body and affects your DNA to evolve into super consciousness, simply becomes more and more redundant, irrelevant to you.

You will break any food disorders and addictions without buying any product from scammers, who have only vested interest, aim at your money and create even more dependency on food products. There are hundreds of others aspects you will discover by going beyond solid food. If it kindled your sincere interest, you must take up the responsibly and discover it for yourself, without me sharing too much about it in this book.

All of this knowledge is completely freely available waiting to be discovered. From my own experience, I can say it was the best decision ever to live a detached lifestyle and making tremendous inner space available. You can also discover few more yogic practices about detoxification to maintain a healthy body, without any need of health care products and dependency on too any food supplements.

Ancient Yogic Cleansing Practices such as

Neti-Pot Nose Cleansing or Nasal Douche

Neti removes all the dirt and bacteria filled mucus from within the nose. It also helps to drain the sinus cavities. This in turn, will help to reprogram the body’s natural mechanisms against nasal infections such as hay fever, allergies, sinusitis and other upper respiratory complaints like sore throats and coughs, post nasal drip, inflammation of tonsils and adenoids.

It is beneficial for illnesses such as asthma and bronchitis as it reduces the tendency for mouth breathing by freeing the nostrils of mucus. Neti also helps to drastically decrease migraine. It has a cooling and soothing effect on the brain by drawing out excessive heat, and is therefore beneficial for headaches, migraine, epilepsy, temper tantrums, hysteria, depression and general mental tension.

Using an Eyewash Cup

Eye cleansing process cleanses the eyes by removing external dust particle, body heat and secretions of the eyes that come in the way of normal movement of the eye lids that irritate the eyes. This process helps in having clear vision, reduces itching, eye strain and burning eyes. It cools the eyes and keeps fresh. Most essentially, for a Nirahari, it cools the body, energizing the eyes and improve the vision. It even reduces under eye bags.

Enema Kit, Clyster

Enema is a fool-proof way to keep your stomach clean and cool. An Enema is a great way to stimulate a bowel movement, and clean the intestines to the lowest excretion tract.

Our stomach region is directly connected to our worries. It stores our thoughts, and root-patterns that limit us from experiencing the real jewels of our creative, potential energy. Enema, by clearing these residual matters helps us to experience health to the optimum. It keeps the navel center healthy, and worry-free, and cools the digestive system, the fire energy, ‘jataragni’ that is responsible for digesting food. When in imbalance, we experience indigestion, ulcers, allergies, to even chronic diseases.

When we take plain water enema, it removes all the fecal matter completely. All the physical, metal, emotional disturbances are caused by toxins absorbed from this residual fecal matters that are not removed by natural means. The energy flow in the body happens without any blockage. This also helps you to come out of many chronic diseases and skin allergies.

Oil pulling

The oil pulls all mucous, bacteria and toxins from your body through your saliva. According to Ayurvedic medicine, mucous is a poison that must be removed. This improves the teeth, they become white, firm, and fresh, and you get a relaxed feeling on waking up, disappearing dark pouches below the eyes, a new appetite and energy, better memory and deep sleep.

Other significant healing effects are elimination of ulcers, gum problems, skin problems, and cooling the body.

Haritaki Powder

known as the nectar drink of the gods

Benefits of using 1tsp. of organic powder every night:

 awakening non mechanical parts of the brain, cleanses intestine, purifies lungs, increases oxygen intake by 300%, equals to 2 hrs. Pranayama or breathing exercise a day, prevent growth of intestinal bacteria, anti inflammatory, also heals the stomach from ulcers, antibacterial, cardiotonic, reduces cholesterol etc.

Neem Tea or Drink

known as the All in One Cure natural medicine

Benefits of one cup of neem drink every morning:

potent antiinflammatory and antiarthritic, heals gastric ulcers, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, hypoglycemic  (lowers blood sugar), anti-pyretic (reduces fever), diuretic, Anti-septic, Anti-malarial, Immunomodulatory, Anti-tumour

Malic Acid for natural energy boost and whole detox of toxins, Castor Oil for Stomach and Intestinal Cleansing, Wheatgrass and more

Find out more here:

Why being a vegetarian is important for living enlightenment

If human beings seek to live enlightenment, they will have to realize, that whatever we eat, we become that, it literally becomes a part of our living organism and influences our very behaviors and thinking. The moment a human being starts to consume an animal, the plate with that meat on it is nothing but murder, if you kill that animal or not. Many people are not aware how many animals are being killed and slaughtered. They do not see and understand that all of those animals were going through the same emotions we human beings are going through. The moment they see how their families are being slaughtered as a witness, that hellish scream, that experience due to their tremendous pain and fear, they strongly release certain chemicals into their body, which is becoming part of their muscle memory, which later on while consuming, becomes part of their own system, being loaded with the lowest and most destructive information's, emotions and their bio energy. The meat consuming human being is storing their traumas and are becoming one with it, literally eating violence all the time. The moment you decided to eat flesh, be very clear, your stomach already carries violence within you, greed within you.

If you do not have tears in your eyes when you see a goat being beaten, then something is seriously wrong with you! Is this that much of compassion you have? If all slaughterhouses on this planet would happen in a glasshouse, probably every being would naturally turn towards being a vegetarian. If you tell anybody to go and kill an animal with their own hands, you would be surprised, none of them could proceed. I tell you! If yes, you are a demon living on planet earth. Be very clear, you should be destroyed, because you are a danger, life negative.

Life negative always gets destroyed. That is the law of life.

How unfortunate, that a common man still believes, that most of the protein comes by animals. They are being cheated. The animals themselves get their proteins from plants. Forget even about the protein, when you are not active in nature, it simply becomes unnecessary fat. Intelligent beings, higher conscious beings get their energy from their powerful cognitions, from the very empty space, because the power of responsibility makes higher energy available to you, to fulfill your intentions.

Plants do not have a muscle memory and can not store pain. The more ignorance you eat, more violence you eat, negativity you eat, that becomes you and your biology thinks as a whole.

We are not eating for killing and violence,

we matured beings, intelligent beings


We eat not because we have to eat. We are eating in the right context. Eating should be done from the context of healing yourself, rejuvenating, refreshing yourself and not going back to sleep after you have finished your meal, collapse during day time! Great, since I have let you know about being a vegetarian and I explained the storehouses and capacities we have within the body, I have to demistify the sayings about the subconscious mind, from the context of living enlightenment and give a more clear understanding.

The truth about the subconscious mind vs. wholeness of



The subconscious mind is nothing but mind programming, habitual living, recreating impressions though emotions and intense intentions, related to all information your consciousness is surrounded within the environments you have gone through and accumulated.  In existential reality, there is no differentiation between subconscious and conscious. There is only more conscious or less conscious. Less conscious means less power and influence. Whenever you form a conscious habit, the moment it has become a habit in you, it is reflecting as a whole of consciousness, as I said earlier, the whole biology thinks, not just the brain and acts like a magnet. Your habits form your destiny. Now let me explain, why scientists tell you that emotions have a strong impact on the, what they call subconscious, to store those specific impressions in your system.

The so called subconscious mind is nothing but your feminine aspect of you. The sacred feminine consciousness. The emotional mind. The expanded version of you. The sayings about conscious mind is true, that it is selective, but what they  define as subconscious is non selective and is your entire consciousness as a whole that is being formed and impregnated by your intended feelings, all your reactions, or more precise, your response towards life on a continuous basis. The Space you carry in you that you express to the world. Your conscious blue print that remains with you forever. It can either be kept in delusion, or being pulled out of delusion, be liberated and then transforms along with your DNA.


The truth about masculine and feminine

is oneness- not duality – but wholeness of the two aspects


The masculine aspect expresses through the principle of sowing seeds of possibility and persistence. It is integrity. Thinking and words becoming one on a continuous basis.

It is a state of tension - inner strength called will persistence. It is also very narrow because of its holding tight nature. Very concentrated and pure. It is your state of being.


The feminine aspect is about allowing, nurturing, caring and being sensitive, expressing the innermost feelings. The feminine is reaping the harvest of seeds being sown in consciousness. It is a state of being that is with ease, reduction of tension, hard power becoming soft power, which is the greater force within you. It is also very broad and spacious, means, creating a space to expand into the level of being.

 It is feeling and visualization being one. Sacred feminine consciousness or enlightenment are expressed by motherliness.

Both aspects, male and female are your existential oneness reality as a whole. Both describe your wholeness, completeness.