The Untold Story of the Soul by Cem Ilyas Eker - HTML preview

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How to live in the end result. The desired reality you want to live, from now on. I give you the secret.

Most of the people think that it is not possible for them to easily believe in powerful cognitions or different ways of perceiving themselves in an empowered way, to simply act the way they want to.

There is only one understanding missing to make it easy to believe into something they want to believe in, in order to generate momentum and make the law of attraction for them.

The basis for this understanding is integrity. What I am about to reveal, you have be integrated to that and keep doing it, be persistent with it. The Law of Attraction works at the being level.

It is your intention to be the person who already has whatever it takes within.

It only needs to be activated through the right perspective.

The right understanding is being taken when you work on your intentions. It is not required to believe in the outcome of your intentions or the things you want. I will tell you how to easily believe in your intention itself. Your belief is set on your intention to perceive yourself in a certain way.

Your habitual intentions alone are the point of attraction you only have to believe in. Let me give you some more basic understanding first.

Many people try affirmations like:

"I love myself, I am beautiful, I am smart" etc.,

But they are not convinced about it, because they do not feel it. Why? Because the mind which is rooted on the senses is not taught that your thought about something is already an evidence. If you change your approach in a new way you will see how easily you can be convinced by yourself about yourself. I will show you how. Here's an example.

If you say to yourself in front of the mirror:

"I really love and enjoy the thought of being lovable" or

 "I really love and enjoy the thought that I am beautiful."

When you try this, you will see how your feelings literally change, because you are saying that your statement is already being fulfilled.

The mind will recognize that what you say is true because you are saying that you enjoy the thought of it, what you really do, which is a real evidence for the mind to built upon. Try it. You will be amazed, when you continue doing it, how your inner space will shift very rapidly, almost immediately. You will be easily convinced to change your being and shape yourself image as you like, in the fastest way possible.

This was the basics. Now let's move to the next level. Now you understand the power of your intention and that your mind can be convinced due to the approach of speaking in terms of evidence. The next step is to express your intentions with your whole body, by moving the body and creating strong momentum, energy in motion. Intensity. Now please listen very intensely and read carefully.

The more intense your motions are, the more intensely you express your intention, it really equals to the level of belief. This is immediate belief reconditioning. Intensity, Intention and Believing are one and the same thing. Now you know the secret. Whenever you are intense with your intentions, it is equal to the feeling, the impact like a belief. Please try it. Go out and be intense from now on. Whenever you speak to yourself and express your intentions that lets say you are rich:

Repeat this again and again. Nobody even dares to do this, because they are afraid. If it is money, they are afraid of money. If it is success, they are afraid of success. The more you express it, by creating an intention list for yourself and do this intense practice daily, you will see how fast you grow in confidence. All your blind spots will erupt out of you and it will be easier to complete with all of them. Once you understand what I am explaining here to you, once this clicks with you, you will catch the threat of intensity! You will strongly feel that only your intention needed more power infused by you ability to will!

Here's how you can alter your commands to the universe to achieve immediate coherence, alignment with you and your intentions to be. Here are some examples:

"I KNOW exactly how it FEELS to BE lovable."

"I CAN REALLY FEEL RIGHT NOW that I AM deserving to be loved"

While you start practicing Intensity Intention Believe, you will also need to be aware that you are not holding on onto it too much and remain too long in tension. You must let your intentions go by releasing them into the space. Your words are very powerful, because they generate strong vibrations and waves that influence the entire space and shift your entire spectrum of conscious growth, the entire future you are deciding for, in its outcome will adjust itself to reality.

You speak it, scream it, dance it, express it into existence.

As you can see, it is not really about self development. NO!

It is literally about awakening the parts of the cosmic you in you which already exists! That’s why I always insist on aiming at having a conscious break trough, rather than gradual, slow process of growth. In the Vedas and Agamas it has been made very clear. The Sanskrit term Moksha is about liberation. You actively engaging with super consciousness is Moksha. Dharma is gradual growth, without intervention of super consciousness to evolve to a greater existence. All breakthroughs in the field of evolution where only initiated by enlightened Avatars, which have descended for the purpose of evolution of consciousness, which caused a super conscious breakthrough. From fish, to monkey, from monkey to man, from man to super human being. When you live in intense action, not only your whole system and consciousness gets purified, but also your body evolves, matures into greater capacities to cope up with higher vertical times zones of reality.

While you are setting your intentions and you believe in them, you have to let go and switch into the surrendered nonresistant mode of allowing the blessing TO BE. The less resistance there is, the less it takes for the scene to adjust itself to you and see how you change. I came into existence to go through the process and then tell you about your higher possibilities of existence, all of this knowledge in this book, so you share it with the whole world, along with me.