The Untold Story of the Soul by Cem Ilyas Eker - HTML preview

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As you were guided through a vast content about Hinduism, the origin of all mystic sciences, deeper understandings about life and consciousness, you are now initiated into the greater existence of you, the cosmic you, you are now officially responsible to carry out his knowledge to the world.

The more this content is being shared, debated and internalized, the more you are part of making the only Hindu Nation of Kailaasa happen. We are not here to put us into the political structure, but to simply and legally start from wherever we are.

I have put all my life time energy and talent into putting all of this content together, where almost all of it has been written by myself, after a long time of studying, internalizing, enriching and digesting all of these great truths. Years of work and study have been put into an order to help you as a guide and enrich the world. I tell you honestly, I am not interested in collecting your money. The first reason why I have done this job is because of my gratitude towards my beloved Guru, Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam and second, as my own contribution due to my responsibility to make others rich. My vision is Paramashiva and supporting my master wherever I can. My purpose is to create an enlightened Eco System, Kailaasa on planet earth. If you want to be part of it, whatever you can contribute, it is all highly appreciated and dependent on the work you do, I tell you, a deity will be installed for you to be worshiped and your name will be carved in gold stone. This is hinduism, a higher existence to be celebrated. You can donate property or anything you can to create Kailaasa. Celebrating our existence because we are consciousness! This is our time to make the change. Be part of history! With all my integrty, whenever we contribute to Paramashiva, you will make history for mankind, you will be showered with the best things life can offer to you, especially when you understand the lifestyle of super conscious beings.

All that you read through, was a preparation for you. All of it is equal of being his disciple. If you want to get initiated, you can go through a ritualistic process of becoming his disciple as well, which can only happen, at this very moment in indian ashrams. In order to become a Kailaasavasi, a resident of Kailaasa, you will have to bring some documents as I will put a link below for you to proceed further, in order for you to be allowed to get into the ashram. You will receive sacred alchemy products, your own disciple necklace, rudraksha malas, vedic cloth and be involved in the extraordinary lifestyle of living enlightenment, perfectly aligned to the Shastras, the Ultimate scriptures. I tell you, it won’t be easy.

Many people can only endure for few days to live in such an intense training ground, but ultimately, when you are highly integrated, it will be the greatest freedom for you, to live in such an ambiance, which can’t be compared to any other places. The training will be very intense. Paramahiva will reflect all your patterns and blind spots, all your pains through other fellow disciples. The situations will teach you. Alright, I hope you got what you wanted from my part. From here I can only hand you over to God, or as we Hindus understand, the Guru.

Sincerely, with all my love and respects,

disciple of bhagvan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam

Jnana Acharya, Bhairava, Shri Kailasavasi

Jiva Shakti (Cem Ilyas Eker)