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Fundamentally, whatever you already read until here in this book, was all introduction and expression of hinduism itself. Hinduism is the modern term for Sanatana Dharma, The eternal cosmic way.

In Hinduism, there are millions of gods and godesses existing, where ultimately all of them were rooted in Paramashiva.

I can tell from my own experience, where certain gods or godesses appeared in front of me and gave me Darshan (initiation or blessing) or they appeared in my dreams, where my being was lifted into a very high frequency when I sincerely tried to connect with them through the use of various mantras. Their presence can be literally felt around those who came in contact with a divine presence. All the deities, statues were made to be worshiped as a window to a certain god, as a methodology to relate with the divine and enable a deeper relationship to a certain god a seeker feels deeply connected to. Deities are not part of a cult, they create a culture and embody blissful intelligence itself. Hinduism is not a mythology or fiction, it is first and foremost based on enlightenment science, a grand cosmology that is as old as the sun and new as the sunrise. Each of those gods do really exist in the dimension of nithyattva, the eternal dimension of oneness.

Each one of them embody certain attributes of the divine, wherein you can seek to experience their oneness and by their grace you receive various blessings to facilitate the spiritual evolution or fulfill any desire, or simply celebrate their existence. It is not only powers which they can initiate you into, but also their characteristics you start to express in your life. Hinduism is essentially the spiritual science of realizing we are in Oneness with the cosmos. This cosmos is created by an Intelligence, hence being in Oneness with this intelligence grants us abilities of the intelligence itself, including powers that regular people may consider extraordinary. This intelligence is known as Sadashiva, the original author of the science of yoga. Hinduism believes that Sadashiva incarnates again and again on this earth to reintroduce the science of yoga to the world – we call this person an Avatar. The Avatar on the planet today – the 293rd incarnation of Sadashiva is Guru Maha Sannidhanam Sri Paramahamsa Nithyananda Paramashivam.

‘’His divine holiness Bhagwan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam, founder of Nithyananda Peetha, as per Sanatana Hindu Dharma, is the Incarnation (Avatar) of Paramashiva – the all-pervading super conscious energy, the source and the original author of ‘VedaAgamas’, which are the Pure Science and Applied Science of Oneness (Advaita), Yoga, Enlightenment and Enlightened lifestyle. As the Vision documents for humanity, the VedaAgamas scientifically and systematically reveal all original knowledge currents, ritual methodologies, lifestyle systems and Yogic sciences. Hinduism or Sanatana Hindu Dharma, is the pure and irrefutable Cosmic Science of Super conscious living, as revealed in the VedaAgamas. The long saga of heinous conspiracy and attack on His Divine Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda, His Sanyasis (Hindu monks) and worldwide organisations, by The Anti-Hindu Nexus, intends the genocide of Hinduism from Planet Earth. Operating through life-attacks, heritage-destruction, false cases and atrocity material generation by media, the attack continues. A midst the saga of persecution, His Divine Holiness continues giving Super Conscious breakthrough to countless individuals, despite of hindu genocide, community members especially female monks being assaulted and raped from police officers, attack and destruction of heritage, character assassination, illegal arrest, fake rape charges against him, false accusations, fake news in media, abusal etc.’’


Find more about all conspirations against Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam:

Here you can download the free Sourcebook called The Jnana Paddhati Volume 1 – The Shastra Pramanas, the scriptural references as the ultimate authority for Hindus, the cosmic truths as they are being spoken by Paramashiva himself, as a compilation done by my master Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam:

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