The Untold Story of the Soul by Cem Ilyas Eker - HTML preview

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It all started once you were an innocent child, let's say for an example you wanted attention from your father to show him how good you are doing at something, or you are able to do something that you have learned, but your father was not able to give you his attention due to various reasons mainly because of his own absence within himself and it happened repeatedly. You slowly started to develop a thought current that you are not deserving attention, or you are not lovable or good enough, you did not get the support or approval from your higher authority.

Within a certain timeline you have unconsciously chosen to believe this thought current to be true, your ability to will gave life to those patterns. As a child you did not know the meaning of this belief yet, but later on you became more aware, you have forgotten that you formed this belief and started to become dependent on other opinions to carve your identity. The problem is, that your belief impacts almost every aspect in your life and closed the doors of infinite possibilities. Your power has been buried within you and you lost the connection to your innocent true self. The core of your being has been split and decreased in value.

Let’s put it on a list and see how the root cause builds up and expresses the blockages. This understanding can liberate you and give you the basic clarity about you and why society has ended up the way it has been. We became what we have been contemplating in our life.

The primordial thought current, the root cause or the seed started by the major Incompletion that has been sowed in you by yourself like: I am not good enough, I am not lovable, I don't deserve it and so forth.

It is the concept of guilt itself.

1) This root cause has hit your core of your being, which is your self-worth, self value. This has caused a separation between you and you.

It has created a cut and separation and loss of your own will, which led to a feeling of powerlessness and insecurity. (Muladhara Chakra)

2) This sinful act that can be described as guilt that has been sowed in you, created fear that expresses through the senses, because the mind is rooted on the senses. Fear is the first phenomena because you have created a fiction of being cut apart and that has given you a sense of death, weakness and mortality, because of the loss of your own will (Independence). This fear is the second expression of the blockages. You will see how everything fits together as the blockages are building up in order. (Svadhisthana Chakra)

3) The next blockage after fear expresses as worry/doubts. The problem is that worry itself influences all outcome of your actions. The mind built on senses through past experiences which is only knowing a problem. The concept of victim hood is born.

Worry/Doubt is the next phenomena after fear, where you start questioning with who, what, when, why, where and how. You become stuck in worry and question your very authenticity, your existence. (Manipuraka Chakra)

4) The next blockage after fear, then worry, comes attention need as the further expression.

Because you have separated yourself by losing connection to your core of being. You stopped giving attention to yourself, your own consciousness and started to demand approval from others in order to keep yourself temporarily feeling better and worthier. It is also demanding and holding on onto others opinions, plus the need to fit in. This is attention need. (Anahata Chakra)

5) After your fear, worry, attention need comes jealousy. This expression of blockage comes from your very non alignment with yourself, where you try to fit in other circles of people and adjust yourself to others or try to fit into the society. You are jealous of people who are much more confident and express themselves freely without limitation in their unique expressions.

This also causes that your inner image that you project outside is more than how you feel within about you, over-compensating and inside of you- you feel much lesser than you think. How you show yourself outside is not in alignment with how you are inside and try to add masks after masks to cover your lower inner image, which leads to in-authenticity and lies. The concept of hypocrisy is born.

(Vishuddha Chakra)

6) After fear, worry, attention need, jealousy comes seriousness, an expression of insensitivity, unfriendly and dishonoring behavior. Seriousness comes from Sirius or series of thinking. Trying to create more conclusions to defend your lower identities. This blockage ends up in judging people and gives a feel of unpleasantness, heavy weight on oneself by not surrendering the identification rooted on the senses, which is pure fiction and not existential reality.

People became too serious and end up in the series of thinking. It is pure tension and dullness through unforgiveness. It becomes a stagnant attitude, demanding, not yet understanding that each judgment we make is attached as a burden on our own consciousness, because there is only one consciousness. It also expresses as being strict and criticizing, making others responsible rather than being responsible for the way we see ourselves and how we feel and respond to others. The concept of ego is born.

(Ajna Chakra – spell: Anyha/ traslated as “The Will”)

7) The last expression of blockages turns out to be deep discontentment and depression, feeling a meaningless depth in our existence. A feeling of being isolated and separated from everything else. Emptiness. The feeling of emptiness is the concept that is being born, because of our own absence within our self.

(Sahasrara Chakra)


Note from the Author:

When you look at the numbers from 1 to 7, you will discover that the series of blockages were linked to the chakras, main energy centers in the body. Once you know how everything is building up, you will know what needs to be done to clear all of them at once: by going to the root, which is your self-inner image. The core of your being, your self-worth, the value you give to yourself. Your true identity has been replaced with a faulty generalization of a human being and immortality, which is still just another concept to justify our limitations.

You must complete with your past story

and make negativity redundant in your life to rewrite your future.

Most of the people are still writing the same story over and over and over again, without realizing that they project their past into the future, which is indeed, interconnected through this very moment.

Whatever has happened in the past, it is already over. Why are they still holding on onto something that is already over? They are thinking they must shoulder it and share their story, which is only their victim hood, hoping they will earn consolation from others, validation and respect, for their hard attitude and performance they provide.

They think because of the hardship they have experienced and the hard work they have done they must receive some sort of consolation to feel better, all only for status. Here I am talking about your state of being, not status.

Being stuck in the past is called a vicious cycle and pulls them back and keeps them in a prison. It creates an immense burden and weight on their heart where whatever they are picking up as a project they quickly lose interest and intensity in life and are never able to be fulfilled, rather than letting go and letting life be as it is and step into the space of possibility, freedom.

It takes too much of their inner space to maintain memories and miss the beauty and auspiciousness right in front of their eyes, actually their very magical existence. They are always complaining and missing life. If you want to change your life and allow to receive the blessings which are meant for you, you must decide to complete with it.

Who cares about your past story?

Probably nobody but only you. You will see that nobody is interested in talking about only suffering unless others sympathize and resonate with you because they are doing the exact same thing, which most people feel is attraction. The law of attraction is only happening within the realm of mind between individuals. Only patterns are being reflected, projected on each other.

Decide today that your past becomes redundant from now on. Negativity is irrelevant from now on. Understand, you cannot deny it! Understand the science of Completion. (Poornattva)


The real You is the source of your power, which is your ability to make a conscious will.

The source of your power is your power is your will. Your intention to be. What you decide, intent to be, feel to be, is your existential fuel in your life. It is the Pi of your existence. Everything in your life aligns to the Pi of your existence, moves along to that direction.

Life does not wait for your ignorance, the Dharma Chakra (wheel of life) goes on spinning. The only solution is to go on and complete. The decision to complete with all your incompletions!