The Untold Story of the Soul by Cem Ilyas Eker - HTML preview

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This chapter gives a complete overview

about how to master yourself by conscious decision making

and releasing resistance.


Let's get to the point.

Where does the pain come from?

It is only YOU who is unconsciously rejecting your innermost and innocent being. YOU are closing the doors, the entrance to your innermost true self.

THIS is what you call pain. This subtle action that is happening behind the scenes is what lets you feel pain. This repeated action has been stored in your bio-memory and muscle-memory which is known as karma. It is only You denying your expansion. It is only You saying No to life. You will discover that there is one part in you, one corner in you which is saying NO to life.

All you have to do is becoming aware that you are actually doing it! You can only free yourself, once you are aware of what you are doing unto yourself. How you talk to yourself. Only You are listening. Most of the people point out their fingers to make others responsible and fill their consciousness with more and more judgments, hatred but the truth is it's their own responsibility on how they treat themselves, how they perceive themselves, how they feel about themselves. You have chosen to believe that you can be hurt or that your innocence can brake into thousand pieces. Each piece is only you believing it, nothing is broken. Whenever you feel rejected, denied or hurt, because you do unto yourself unconsciously. Life will constantly put people in front of you to reflect what you are doing unto yourself. You will only see this happening outside of you and feel triggered, because it is connected to you and tries to reach your awareness.

Almost everyone is running away from their responsibility by distracting themselves even more by using various substances or other entertainments to shut down their senses to hide their pain. Once you become aware of this happening and it becomes visible, you must look in and accept it first, then you must decide to complete with it. Unless you do not complete with your unconscious behaviors you are doing unto yourself, it will control you. It has become independently intelligent, because you gave life to it so it becomes a reaction. It will have power over you and makes you powerless. It is like being externally controlled.

Now you know it and I know because you are reading this book, you must be surely an advanced spiritual being, but see, everyone should be able to understand this chapter.

Start causing others reality and your reality will be caused unto you. You will be rewarded from the divine for giving people their power back. It is of undeniable importance that people are equipped with their own power – responsibility. It is not a burden, it is a pure power. It all leads to how we respond to life. It is literally expanding through others.

Responsibility is collective power. Leadership consciousness. An inner awakening to the larger part of you.

What is anger?

Anger is nothing but You unconsciously suppressing yourself, a lot of energy from your self is being held back, a part of you within yourself. You are holding on too much, you are resisting change because you are afraid of the change and the unknown (which is only an unknown part of yourself). You say no to life and expansion. Anger is the expression of holding yourself back rather than allowing. Your body is constantly trying to take supremacy over your consciousness and tries to maintain its old structure. If you say: “I can not tolerate this!” You are a fool. Rather than becoming stagnant or shouting at others - is only destroying yourself.

What is fear?

Fear is actually only a transition sequence between your old self and your new self, biologically speaking. It is the death of your old belief system, which is also grounded on your senses and connected to your nervous system. Fear is rooted on the senses because of its temporary nature. Fear is an immature cognition, a childish conclusion about life as well that is causing you to shrink.

If you hold on too much onto your senses, you will create pain, because life seems to pass by without you having lived your life to the fullest and creates again some sort of guilt. Anger is also part of the seed of guilt (poverty) being planted within you by you. Anger is violence, the inability to handle yourself, your very will, which is obvious when you look at some children, how they behave when they are not able to make use of their will properly. They literally go crazy – rather than grace-y. The only thing being recorded as karma by the universe is violence (judgments) you do unto yourself and others. Whatever judgments you make, be aware, it is attached, based on your very own consciousness. At the end, only you would be suffering.

You must let go and forgive yourself. Say these words to yourself on a continuous basis:

 "I am sorry, I love you, Please forgive me, Thank you."

Guilt is the root of all Incompletion. If we do not forgive and liberate us from it, we will blame our self because of some mistakes we or others do or have done. We will be stuck in a vicious cycle of blaming ourselves because of those mistakes, but we learned from it. Because of that guilt we carry due to past mistakes, we will feel like a failure itself. That fear of failing, creates karmic debt and financial debts as well. Guilt is the root of poverty.

Falling is not wrong, but never getting up is wrong. Guilt is the root of injustice, punishment, control and persecution.

Life is all about Completion. You must get back to your wholeness and go through your completion process, which will be easy for you, since you are now initiated into the right knowledge. Let me explain how the Completion process looks like in few sentences:

Once an unconscious pattern comes into your awareness, you have the possibility to complete with it and simply change your old conclusion or judgment into a new powerful cognition. It will only work once a blind spot in you has been recognized. You will be able to turn impossibility into a possibility. That’s all.