The Untold Story of the Soul by Cem Ilyas Eker - HTML preview

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- The author sharing one example of his life -


I was born pure and innocent.

In my case, I am able to see how it all started in my young age and where the root cause is placed regarding society.

When I was a kid, my biological father used to believe that this innocent and spontaneous, shameless, ferocious and unpredictable expressions of myself were silly, childish, weak, stupid, insecure, immature, worthless.. because he used to believe someone has to become ECONOMICALLY MATURE and a SERIOUS ADULT immediately!, otherwise it would be inappropriate and it should be denied or punished, because someone does not apply the rules of society, which is being falsely interpreted as a higher authority like god. It is utter slavery of mind through societal conditioning and using guilt and fear as the instrument to make other beings obey, forcibly.

That demand to grow fast like industrial food, was imposed from society for economical reasons only -like work, income, fame, productivity and infrastructure etc.

It all came from the idea that mankind shall be poor and too humble, related to god, who has been replaced by society through fear that is being demonstrated and fixed as the matter of daily discussion.

My father thought one should NOT be innocent, pure, spontaneous because in terms of societal economy and relationships it is stupid, ignorant, an immature act against that higher authority called Society. You can literally see how all things has been twisted.

My biological father was always demanding, serious, controlling, insulting, strict just to do something for his favor. Guilt was the controlling force to do something for his favor, especially when it is about hard work that was the channel to be respected. I was not respected, not worth so I had to earn it.

Most of my completion happened when the expectation of my father was redundant to me, my whole inner self opened up and I was showered with self love and self value. We tempt to resist the demand of society because we know it is wrong, the only problem is that we fight with it and therefore the resistance persists in the consciousness, not understanding where the root of the conflict is coming from, we assumed we are the problem itself. I completed with my father internally long ago because of my understanding and forgiveness, that he suffered from something he is or was imprisoned in, by society. The great delusion. Most of the problems we have that we project outside started by the interactions between our mother and father. This is where we have to complete first, to heal the relationship with the divine. I was kicked out, rejected from my father in young age and there I had to start from scratch, with only one baggage and seek the path towards god. God was my only hope in life and so HE guided me to compile this book years after my struggle of managing my life from zero and too many fall outs. Anyways, I just wanted to put this example but this book has been created for you to live your wholeness and believe in what you are seeking, because what you are seeking is seeking you.

In this case, what a real father wants deep down for his child, is that it learns to take the responsibility for its own life and learns to become independent. When a father fails to teach responsibility, because he can’t take it for himself, he tries to hide it, ignores the kid, so that his frustration, his guilt and pain can’t be seen. The father is afraid that his child could see weakness in his authority, so he tries to act strong by being serious, strict, insulting, shouting, blaming the kid. The father is caught by his own pride and hides his own fear to fail. The only way to forgive your parents or anyone is by deep understanding and compassion. If the male energy fails to teach responsibility to its descendant, he will be swallowed by his own pride and denies his own kid. The female energy, the mother only wants its to be cared, protected and happy. That is all that a real mother wants.

As soon you start to engage and fight with negative patterns, you do not see that this fight leads nowhere other than your own destruction, until you realize, that anything that is trying to deceive you is actually powerless. All need to be done is all that which overpowered you needs to become redundant, because nothing can overpower you when you make conscious decisions.

Your own conscious decision making liberates you.

That is real freedom.

You are already amazing. Everything that is auspicious - you are already in nature and must be true to it.

The connection to your real self can and never will be lost.

It is impossible. You have been cheated but that needs to be forgiven to clear your own consciousness of guilt.

Society makes you dull because itself is the ultimate delusion, because you do not do what you want but everyone does at most all together. It is nothing but the collective entity of deceiving patterns created, that's all is the matrix.

Poverty does not exist, it was just an idea,

imposed by society to create fear to make things move for somebody to fulfill their vested interests. Poverty consciousness is the root of anger and violence.

Whatever you want, it exists already in you, only the idea of poverty makes you to want it!

Remember, you must forgive all people because they are all interconnected with your consciousness. Whatever you judge will affect only yourself. Initially we tend to say NO to our higher authority, to falsely interpret this attitude as a freedom to get out of parental conditioning, in order to establish our individuality. At the beginning, this attitude seems to be necessary to break out of a structure, but the problem is that we go on and keep that NO attitude within us, which will slow down our growth to mature further. Later on, once a being is getting matured, we realize that individuality is not our goal in life as the prior context.

Once we experience our very consciousness, we understand that we are all part as a whole, everyone is equal to its very core, our expressions are already, if unfiltered, already unique, therefore individuality is a mere concept of ego and in the realm of existential reality, only illusion.

From now on you must decide to be committed to re-strategize your existence and reinvent into yourself. Being integrated to the source of our ability to make a will, which is constantly empowering us to exist. The more we feel empowered, the more we awaken what is already dormant within us. Your potential.

Which idea about you are you protecting in your life? For what you are strategizing, that is your integrity and authenticity, like my master used to say. What are you integrated to? Pen it down and change the context for what you are living. Whatever you believe to be about you, is your Pi in your life an only that is going to expand.