The book of truth and life by Antonio Pinto Renedo - HTML preview

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From my point of view the universe has a cyclical nature, this means that everything in the cosmos renews everything regenerates and everything is exchanged. Galaxies finish their period of expansion and return to the starting point again and again to create another universe in a permanent process of creating universes. But the immortal spirits of living beings reincarnate again and again living in each cosmic cycle a different life until the same time start again and then re-live the same events, but each being would live the experiences of others in an infinite process of replacement and renewal so that all beings would live all possible experiences in the cosmos. So what sense does it always unfair conduct and when the passage of time and cosmic cycles all live all experiences? It makes no sense cause harm to others, because sooner or later we will live ourselves.



Some might think that the philosophy of justice not for him not to believe in the cyclical nature of the universe. However deeply wrong, because the reasons for justice as an essential philosophical principle no need to look for on principles which some people might consider as distant or Utopian as it would in the case of cyclicality, as these reasons are mainly derived from concept of self-defense, i.e. it is not possible to create a society organized in large cities without regard to respect for the rights of others as a basic standard of conduct. Those who do not respected would be punished by using self-defense, i.e. up to 85% of acts of justice would be expressed by self-defense, and only 15% could be considered a consequence of the belief in the character cyclic universe. It is clear that is self-defense mainly it necessary to have the philosophy of justice as an essential philosophical standard without being necessary to resort to other ideas, which does not

mean that the cyclical nature of the universe or full justice can not make sense. Some might believe in a kind of philosophy of justice and not the other, this would be called justice with exceptions, as would be to have justice as the core of philosophical ideas, but do not believe in the cyclical nature of the universe follow a philosophical approach based on full justice. Or believe in the cyclical nature not deem necessary or proper follow an attitude of complete justice, and only believed in justice with exceptions that could also be called justice derived from police self-defense. In any case, you need to have justice as an essential philosophical norm, both for each person individually as any advanced society, it is impossible coexistence and progress without this clear.

Therefore, it is clear that to have justice as an essential philosophical basis is necessary, but not because of a romantic philosophical point of view or belief in the cyclical nature of the universe, since it is the contact on a daily basis between people making it necessary, because it is through self-defense as shown in most cases expressions of justice and not a distant through cyclical way, as this represents only a minimum of assumptions.


People who base their way of being in the pettiness and despotism end up being unhappy because that way of being what it does is brutalizing the soul by reducing their sensitivity and thus their ability to assess things around them and a lot of money They get never get to feel satisfied or performed.

Actually an evolved society seeks happiness through the wonders that science and technology have given humanity and not despotic or violent behavior, is also useful as a means of personal fulfillment.


Some people may believe in justice as essential philosophical rule, but it can also be raised with exceptions, not to believe in the cyclical nature of the universe. Also some people may believe in the cyclical nature of the universe, but think that this does not

lead to consider a full justice, considering that are not linkable immediate events with distant through the cyclical nature, at least as it concerned a moral attitude. These people believe that while it is true cyclicality, defend full justice would be wrong and would bring more disadvantages than advantages. In this case it would mean rejecting the philosophy of justice as an essential rule, but who think like are the exceptions arise. In any event, any evolved society needs to have clear these principles to be considered as such. It is clear therefore that uphold justice as an essential philosophical rule solely based on the cyclical nature of the cosmos would be wrong, because it is through self-defense as primarily expressed. You can not believe the total derivative justice cyclicality, but anyone who thinks that this can lead a life based on iniquity be wrong, because through self-defense would find punishment for antisocial attitude. Only principles based primarily on justice can make a person or a society to progress.

That said, I would like to clarify that from my point of view the best option is to defend the full justice as a mode of civic conduct, because it is the one that makes more fully the person and the other comments seek only to understand the different approaches on this topic they may arise. In any case all opinions should always be respected and when they arise in a peaceful manner.

The fact that the future society could come to believe that the defense of fair behavior without exceptions could not be more appropriate, does not mean therefore that society no longer needs a value scale that considers justice as a basic rule, It continues to exist as self-defense as the main driver of justice, so justice as a basic standard of moral conduct would always be needed whether it is complete or not.

So the key is to reject despotic and selfish behavior as part of our being, as these behaviors are derived from considering evil as representative and essential character element and those acting are thus destined to be unhappy and feel always unsatisfied. This is because personality inverted to adopt a model of moral behavior that best they could ensure a happy and balanced life, as this is derived from living in harmony and harmony with other people.

As for the question of what would consist exceptions justice, essentially it would be exceptional and minority situations in

which there would be no physical confrontation usually, as in the case of business benefits, salaries of politicians or those derived from the expansion of states throughout history, i.e. would be mainly indirect forms of injustice and a certain degree of social acceptance. It should be borne in mind that if an employer has a profit motive, it is preferable to leave to have a higher salary than allow to give rise to corruption, the damage that would mean businesses. Having a modest salary, must be on its own initiative and without coercion, this does not mean that these jobs salaries should be unlimited, but to pretend that wages are equal in all trades and positions is a utopian assumptions and that even possible you have to have the will of each citizen without pressure.


The reason that philosophy is the most difficult science is based on the fact that the philosopher is the distance which increases the depth of its findings. It is the concentration which increases the results of the philosopher and this concentration is not possible to get without detachment and intimacy.

In a society in which social relationships and work are necessary for life, philosophical research arduous and difficult so this is the science that has lagged behind the end. It is therefore curious, from my point of view, that in this current confused society, philosophy is the least evolved there and yet the music more.

Paradoxically which normally guarantees life that are social relationships and have children, but do not help in investigating philosophical, because this science requires a certain distance and the greater the depth of the larger conclusions is the distance and concentration.

Arguably the evolutionary scale, the first and simplest is discovered, it is everything related to the physical sciences because those sciences can be developed in a professional manner without interfering with the normal rhythms and ways of life. But the philosophy is different, although there has been much further behind because of the difficulty of reconciling philosophy, family and work. It should be borne in mind that the degree of depth on

the findings of a philosopher is in direct proportion to their degree of concentration and detachment. It is therefore normal that the most important in the development of this science part is pending for the end, this does not mean that therefore a philosopher can not have children or social life but it is clear that the degree of progress is directly related to the degree you can get some privacy.

It could be said that philosophy is the art of finding the pleasure of silence through meditation, because meditation constructive as a means of research and progress can be great entertainment, and the main tool of the philosopher is apart from the books their own brain and reasoning ability.


Some think that the origin of criminals and despotic some people's behavior can be found in an exclusively genetic, but this view is in my fleeting opinion, it leaves education and philosophical and moral ideas as if they had sense or were unnecessary. I think this is a big mistake, since it is folly to think that a developed society can survive without giving its citizens a formation in values since childhood, highlighting the need for civic behavior as a fundamental element in the order of values all evolved society. Not to forget that a healthy child who is not a moral formation, runs a clear risk of straying into evil. Therefore, the genetic component in this case is rather a secondary value and acts primarily resulting in the sufferer more difficult to distinguish between what you can do without reprisals and what not, but always being aware of damage and act against the rights of others, genetic problems can cause those who suffer a gross view of things and mental obfuscation, but values education from childhood what could alleviate effectively.


And war was in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels prevailed not over, and no longer found his place in heaven. And it precipitated the

great dragon that old serpent, called the Devil and Satan, the deceiver of the universe. He was thrown to the ground, and with him his angels were thrown. And I heard a loud voice in heaven saying, Now has come the salvation and the power and the kingdom of our God and the power of his Christ, because it was the accuser of our brethren, who accused them before our God day and night. They overcame him under the blood of the Lamb and by the word, which testified, despising their lives to death.

Therefore rejoice o heavens, and ye that dwell in them. But woe to the earth and the sea! because the Devil went down to you, filled with great wrath, knowing that his time is short. (Rev 12:7) The struggle of humanity against evil is not unique to our planet, it is a common phenomenon in all the worlds of the universe in its early stages of evolution. Eventually false beliefs, unjustified prejudices and despotic behavior will also be expelled from this world and the earth will reach a level of stability that will allow you to expand through space in an environment of peace and clarity of ideas inspired by scientific knowledge.

Because evil actually lives in ignorance, and those worlds that support life on truth and science leave no room for tyranny and despotism, therefore, this is only possible on worlds like earth, they have not completed their stage of evolution.

Therefore, I believe that evil on earth has little time left, if we consider it as a consequence of the ignorance of some people who do not understand that life based on ethical behavior and balanced is the key to happiness.