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Is a big mistake mythologizing is being done sun in contemporary society, some thousands of years ago humans began to lose hair that covered his body precisely because it happened to use the clothes, i.e. the hair served the function a protective layer to the skin of dangerous solar radiation.

But today this desire to show a dark appearance due to a mistaken overestimation of this fact has led society to an alarming increase in cases of skin cancer.

The myth of the beneficial effect of the sun, based on the argument that produces vitamin D, which has led society is exposed to the sun without proper protection required by the situation. It is true that the sun is beneficial to health or moderate exposure favors the development of vitamin D, but exposure is received through the face or arms is more than enough to generate the necessary vitamin and everything others enter the realm of myth and fads.

The truth is that the skin needs continued protection against solar radiation except in exceptional cases and sun exposure as the ultimate goal is a mistake also the remedy for some diseases is not necessarily the sun but the heat is another of its effects.

Therefore, sun exposure as an end and the half-naked body should be ruled out of social practices and medical recommendations, because apart from the helplessness that the skin has no clothes, there is another effect caused by the sun which is premature aging.

The real cause of the mythologizing of sun originated in the fact that in the early twentieth century tended to associate dark skin tone with a higher economic level and therefore get that tone became a target priority for broad social strata. The explanation is simple and is that before the industrial revolution, the color brown was associated with poverty and work in the field, but with industrialization the workers went to work in factories and

workshops sheltered from the sun, is when the dark tone became considered a symbol of leisure and high economic level.

The unfortunate thing is that doctors were carried away by this fashion and condescended into a mystification of sun exposure underestimating the risks involved and that in any case or only in very exceptional cases should recommend direct exposure to radiation from large body areas.



It is a big mistake to trust a state of great optimism, he who is so what it does is let our guard down and stay more exposed to the risks of accident or life problems. The most logical is placed in a mental state that could be said to be found in the average of optimism and depression, thus the brain is more predisposed to be able to adapt to any sudden state of mind that might arise. The ideal of course is to be happy, but one of the causes of happiness is precisely balanced flow of the circumstances of life and excessive optimism should only be exceptionally something right.

Much vanity to think that everything will go well forever because this is an unrealistic attitude that ignores the fact that we are all exposed to have slumps or accidents, since the events that happen to us not all depend on our own will , great empires that believed omnipotent as the Roman fell when it seemed almost impossible.

This shows that when things are going well it is advisable not to fall into the easy vanity to think that things can not change and act prudently and with the humility of spirit trying to be happy, but without thinking that one is safe from the problems that may be our neighbors.


Arguably, there are two forms of depression, would be caused by a problem and other serious caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain, in the event that depression was caused by a situational problem or annoyance best to fix it momentarily stop and analyze

the problem calmly and carefully. For this, the brain causes the sufferer in a state of dejection that deep down you're looking to increase the level of concentration and enable the person to stop and resolve the situation that causes discouragement. Another reason is that depression try to reduce the state of nervous tension that could lead to brain damage or otherwise.

Who suffers from depression usually ordinary type caused by a problem this state of despondency ceases the moment that the person finds the solution to it. It should be added that trying to solve drug problems is a big mistake, because besides not solve the drugs they do is mask the problem, use is a little courageous act and what results you happen to have a problem to have two as drugs disrupt the normal flow of the brain in addition to producing addition. It should be borne in mind that when we have a problem it is normal to be sad as a way to adapt to it and therefore it is best to find a solution as a way to recover the spirit, anyway drugs not only do not solve it also they force the brain to an artificial stimulus, when what it needs is to follow your own path natural way to overcome the problem. It is logical that if we have a problem that it is reasonable to be sad, self or physician us stimulant-type substances, because it would be meaningless to hinder our recovery. In addition, there are a thousand natural and healthy ways to recover the mood without drugs. In any case first be sought the solution to the problem and then recovery mood.


Instead, the process is different from a chemical depression. In this case, this is not caused by a problem of vital situational or psychological, but by a chemical imbalance caused by different causes or illness. In this case the person feels depressed and do not know why, then tries to find an explanation and searches the first thing that comes to mind. But try to find a solution to the problem through an analysis is unwise, because it is not psychological but chemical problem, such as a drop in blood sugar. Therefore, it is more appropriate to leave the mind blank until the effect or attempt to counteract pass through exercise. In this case as in the above, try to disguise it with stimulant drugs

would also be wrong, because apart from drugs that can fix the imbalance, can be searched, as in the previous case, natural entertainment without side effects.


Paradoxically, the sun can also be a depressing factor when a person is satisfied with their situation the sun can be very stimulating and produce a feeling of joy but there are people that have concerns or a state of emotional decay sun them can produce the opposite effect, this is because these people feel as examined to think about things they could do in those days of pleasant weather and yet can not perform.

On the other hand, excessive sunshine may cause some people a situation of discomfort and nervousness similar to epilepsy process, i.e., the light intensity can be disturbing to interact with the nervous system, but in no case means they lose their ability to reason, this increased sensitivity to the sun occurs mostly in the spring and early summer and in some cases may be related to a viral process similar to that causing brain cold but need not excessive given importance.


Many people wonder why if the teeth are designed by nature to chew food, how could yet so vulnerable to decay? The answer is very simple and teeth like the rest of the parts forming the body has to fulfill conditions for healthy and function effectively.

The key is that the person must keep your teeth clean most of the time as possible, this does not mean you have to be using the toothbrush







counterproductive to lead to a swelling of gums with brushing your teeth once a day before going to bed is enough, therefore it is only right that adults divide the day into four meals and the intermediate period between each meal only water is ingested if possible and this does not cause tooth decay, after every meal requirement is necessary to rinse your teeth with water to remove food debris. With these simple tips you can avoid such an

unpleasant decay and maintain healthy teeth, everything is a matter of assuming normally dividing the day into two main blocks, one majority, in which no food is not eaten and where They stay clean teeth, and another minority in which we dedicated ourselves to eat but always followed by a mouthwash. Except in exceptional cases in the period between meals ingest only water, but to consume a product, followed by rinsing process is repeated.

For young children, this would be different because they need to have a rate of more continuous meals, why nature has given them the opportunity to renew their teeth before reaching adulthood, and thus release some new teeth so have the possibility of entering adulthood without damage from the previous period, in which cycles meals were not so separate and therefore there was increased risk of caries.


It is a fallacy to think that one can do what he wants with his body and then consume certain medicines believing that all problems will be solved health, because such a belief is false and pretentious.

One of the causes of many diseases is precisely obesity, when a person consumes food that does not need, what it does is put your body in an embarrassing situation of having to process, store and transport these reserves do missing all these extra efforts they do is cause premature aging of the organism as well as causing excess cholesterol and heart attacks. It is unfortunate that there are still those who praise obesity as if it were a choice like any other, when it is clear that this is a deviation from normal body balanced state.

It is also a fallacy deny that is by eating foods such as obesity occurs, although it is also true that in many cases begin with a genetic flaw that causes a feeling of hunger continuously to those who suffer and therefore control diet in these circumstances it becomes complicated.

A good way to combat obesity would divide the day into four meals exclusively throughout the day only water is consumed. In turn these four meals would be divided into two large and two

small that will happen rhythmically, i.e. a small breakfast would happen a big meal and a small snack would happen a big dinner.

You can also change the order so that the breakfast is great and the midday meal is small, that would be at the discretion of each, a limited number of foods allows the stomach fills easily and so can fight the feeling hunger, in the case of children the number of meals could be higher because they are in the growth phase.

The problem of Western countries is that only talks about taking more vitamins, more protein or other foods like better health was equivalent to increased food intake, in fact arguably in these countries fifty percent of the population has some extra weight that has come to be considered normal by the majority of the population ingesting a quantity of food and especially excessive fat throughout the day.

The war against obesity can not win resorting to diets called miracle, characterized by its suddenness and so sudden act, but by a firm in controlling the calories throughout lifelong attitude.

In any case the subject of diet is not an irrelevant question because the quality of life depends on many aspects of it, a balanced body is essential for a happy life, also prevents many disorders and diseases so look for the dietary balance it is an art worth worrying about it.


The best way to maintain good health is certainly a mainly vegetarian diet, i.e. a diet that includes fruits and vegetables.

The myth of the flesh is a belief that should be banished from society, because plant foods surpass in every way the flesh because in them you can get both protein and mineral fats or vitamins without being certain that it is necessary to resort meat as a food source is more ideally society was as far as possible by substituting such food source for vegetable.

It is also well known the negative effect they have health animal fats, so they endeavor to defend its consumption is dangerous and inadvisable. We must not forget that in nature there are many animals that eat only vegetables and yet are perfectly healthy.


Drug understood as a stimulant that negatively disrupts the normal flow of the body and addictive arguably one of the most damaging things in the history of mankind, but curiously comparable to other social evil is the lack of freedom.

Actually right if you want to have a healthy lifestyle is the eradication of lifestyle consumption of any of these narcotic substances including of course alcohol and snuff, because not for the fact that these two common and widespread substances leave by it being profoundly negative consequences for society, because they are the cause of most deaths all. It is therefore paradoxical that some governments say they are fighting these products while finance their production.

It is also paradoxical policy condescension of some governments who cause harm to others drunk, since this policy that considers extenuating in a trial being drunk during the commission of a crime, all he does is on the one hand protect alcohol and other causes defenseless victims. This is a cynical and contradictory policy that does not contribute to society to favor healthy lifestyles. It is also a mistake to trivialize and divert the problem simply stating that it is a disease to consume alcohol requires the conscious intention to do so and adding only occurs over time, after maintaining this habit continuously. Therefore it is first vice consumption of drugs and only then comes the addition, and this state of addition can also be eradicated with a firm attitude sufferer especially if you ask for help. It should be borne in mind that whoever commits a crime while intoxicated may have at that time his diminished mental faculties, but if that person is an adult knows the effect of alcohol on the body and therefore is also free decide not to take knowing the effects it causes. It is the conceited behavior of some people which leads them to drug use, as these what they do is inflate his ego, in other cases can influence an inferiority complex, but they are free to seek the solution to healthy methods and not fall how easy to fool with drugs.

For this reason, when some government policies pose to mitigate sentences for those who commit crimes while intoxicated, what they do is make the problem worse, since the message is sent to

the company is that they can do whatever they want if drunk, behind the government will protect them. If one is adult to exercise their freedom, must also be to suffer the effects of the law, an adult knows the effects that alcohol has on the body and is free to not take it, or if it does, you can give up things like drive.

Therefore the law should not look at these things by setting their sentences, or at least consider as aggravating, but never as mitigating.

Another bad habit of politics is to try to protect citizens as if they were minors by establishing penalties for conduct detrimental to health things, keep in mind that the state should only advise citizens on healthier to follow customs, but not You should meddle in free will, because such a temptation is leading to a rift between society and government, leading to the emergence of mafia organizations which are in fact as parallel mini governments supported by their customers. It is true that drugs are harmful to health, but the government must convince citizens it peacefully and without violating their freedom of choice. The same goes for prostitution, it is desirable that this practice does not exist, but to achieve this is not justifiable abuse and persecution of those engaged in it, but rather we must create the conditions for social assistance to enable these people out marginality, it is very easy to ban these things, but if you want to eradicate must first address the problems of social exclusion and help these people.

Precisely because of the desire of governments to interfere in the free will of citizens on health issues, is what appeared mafias which emerged in the early twentieth century in the United States, the paradox is that these mafias even within illegality somehow represented an expression of social justice claim to disobey the laws aimed at limiting government social rights. It is for this reason that the mafias are great, because the fact that one thing is insane does not mean it has to be illegal, and if citizens believe that the prohibition is not correct tend to disobey and therefore creates a parallel power that has been resulting in a sad clash between police and citizens. Sometimes these mafias become so powerful that reach cause real civil wars as in Mexico and Colombia to be producing or drug transit countries, many blame

for it is the United States trying to impose its policy on drugs to these thus inducing countries to confrontation between them.

The right thing would be that in every country in the world distinguish between what is harmful and what is illegal, so not because one thing is insane have bound to be illegal, because every adult should be respected in their free will and that it can decide to purchase or freely takes governments, they should do is fight drugs in the cultural aspect, advising and guiding society to the leave, and those who fall in adding help them out of it but under the principle of free will in trade or consumption of these substances. So mafias disappear and the absence of restrictive governments towards citizens and countries that suffer from it would return to a situation of peace liberties.

Ultimately it is right that governments on the one hand respect the right of citizens to consume or trade in these substances however objectionable they may be, but on the other require the appropriate penalty for the commission of crimes under the influence of them or payment of medical costs as appropriate. It is with these measures seeking respect but also jointly responsible citizens with their actions, what truly contribute to society overcomes in its fight against drugs.


In the future, unlike now, the number of offspring that may have be limited to only two children per couple. This is because each planet has a cap of inhabitants possible number, i.e. the implementation of policies of birth control that prevent the number of inhabitants pass to avoid overcrowding and overpopulation in all advanced worlds is necessary the number established as sustainable.

This is not an irrelevant issue because it determines the quality of life of all citizens, the number of children would be limited by law to two per couple and only three possible in the event of an unexpected death occurs by accident, to give a couple the option of having three children this death would be solved in the number of inhabitants.

Because of these circumstances, the fact that a couple had three children without state permission could result in financial penalties for parents, as this would jeopardize the policy of birth control and could lead to another couple will confine the number of children one way to correct the imbalance.

It is also true that the fatal accidents occasionally occur, these children could have as excess could be used to correct this loss, but keep in mind that the figures either case does not have to coincide.


It is a great mistake to think that sex only makes sense in the case of wanting to have children, the reason is very simple, is that the mechanisms of sexual stimulation work continuously like other bodily stimuli, i.e. the same way one is hungry on a regular basis, also feel sexual desires.

However, it is also true that every human being is able to decide whether to have children or not, especially by the fact that sex can be controlled so that it reaches the consummation or not the same and avoid the risk of pregnancy.

That is, in the future, because of legal restrictions that would limit the possible descendants two per couple, you could choose to split the two modalities sex.


Full sexuality, would be that in the period of life of couples in which these could have children, sex would have no restrictions of any kind, not existing fear of possible sanctions from the state since have not yet completed their quota allowed two children, then they could have sex without fear of unwanted pregnancies.

This does not mean that pregnancies are taken on what to produce immediately, since man can control to some extent the process by which the seminal fluid reaches women, and thus not precipitate until the desired time achieving the pregnancy. This method of birth control you may be called method seminal control and flow of this element can be controlled voluntarily and thus the period

in which a couple can perform complete sexual acts do not have that limited in time and only they decide when they want that pregnancy occurs. Also keep in mind that this is not a perfect and about method to fifteen percent of cases remain in state ahead of schedule, but that would not matter because they have completed their quota of two children and therefore that pregnancy would be accepted factly.

In the case of incomplete sexual intercourse would be made without the full consummation of the act, this would be because it would be couples who already have had two children that the law allows as how to have safe sex prevent the consummation of the act completely thus there would be no risk of pregnancy, i.e. in sex all the elements of sex but without full consummation of it they would be included.

It should be borne in mind that to satisfy the sexual desires can be used different methods and only in case you want to have children consummation of the entire event is necessary.


Another controversial issue is contraception in principle I believe that the only or best contraceptive method is condoms because this method fully respects human nature and avoids the use of chemicals that basically can only be harmful to health, as I said before intercourse need not be limited to having children, since sexual desires occur normally during large parts of our lives and therefore what is to separate what is sexuality in order to have offspring than not, therefore condoms may be useful in this field.

However it must be said that in the future and because of the restrictions on the number of possible children and the defects in condoms as the risk of breakage or lack of realism in relationships, couples may simply choose to forgo keep sex completely, it i.e. that although would perform sexual acts on a regular basis however opt for these relationships do not end up in the consummation of the act, thus also avoid externalizing these relationships by having to acquire and produce condoms and also the fear of unwanted pregnancies and the subsequent state would avoid punishment.

It is also true that opt for the use of condoms the number of unwanted pregnancies could be reduced by combining the use of this device with the method of seminal control, but there would be no complete safety, although children born so unforeseen could replace lost by accident, but keep in mind that these figures may not match and therefore not serve as a means of population control, especially because in the worlds advanced accidental deaths would be very slim.


In the late nineteenth century, emerged from the feminist movement's claim that the law's allowed to end the life of their unborn children and so finally consummate their realization as men, and that abortion is a great abomination for which feminists in an almost ritual proclaim their renunciation of sex and character of women by sacrificing their own children because they are precisely the children who determines and defines a majority forms the lives of women, this praise of abortion and the excessive desire to imitate the life of men is what has led to premature aging of Western society and submission to colonization and foreign immigration.

Those who claim that the aging of the European population should be supplemented with immigrants do so because they love or their race, or culture, or society, and only value feminist topics that are causing the racial suicide. It's easy to fall into the comfort of saying that women have the right to fulfill themselves as men, but it is a great act of hypocrisy not to see that the western population is aging at accelerated speed and it is not logical to expect that other cultures or societies replace because it is the duty of every citizen to fight for the defense of their society race or culture and not expect so scary that others will solve the problem. It is therefore necessary to end the feminist myth and promote policies that disturb birth but women who consider having children as a hindrance in performing their job prospects.

From my point of view, it is right that every child conceived voluntarily continue until normal birth. It is a fallacy to argue about whether it is human or not, because those who do not wish

to have children have it easy and abstain from sex or perform them safely, but pretend the one hand have sex without control and the other say that they have been unknowingly state is an act of supreme hypocrisy and stupidity. Children do not come by chance nor is it something that only happens to the poor as some would claim. The decision to become pregnant or should not be decided in advance to sex and it is not logical after the act blame the unborn let alone finance abortions with public money, because first is prevention before the problem occurs and not the other way around. Because when a child is conceived no longer it makes sense to argue about it and it makes sense to let the pregnancy continue its course and relevant by the state would provide all possible help to the expectant mother.

However if for some reason a pregnant woman does not feel interested to raise her unborn child, it is good that the state surrender to those couples who for some reason could not have children, and mutual benefit would be made.

It is also a fallacy to say that a woman is young to have a child, but it is not to stay in state, keep in mind that if nature has given to a woman's ability to become pregnant at a given time, is because your body is ready for it, but in any case the state has a duty to help the woman to continue the pregnancy safely to reach a successful conclusion.


In my opinion, society has chosen the wrong way on the issue of organ transplants I think it's a serious mistake to use the bodies to try to solve the problems of living, this policy puts man at the level of Scavengers and I think those behaviors should be unworthy of the human species.

If all scientific and economic efforts had been devoted to the production of artificial organs, at the moment surely many organs of artificial origin whose quality is much assimilate into the natives already have, and that eventually it would become thus, investments in transplants they do is delay this time to the detriment of patients.

Furthermore, it is popularizing the savage custom of transplanting organs from a living to other people, which is an unfortunate practice because it happens to have a person with disabilities to have two.

It would be desirable for society to demand their governments and pharmaceutical companies changing their patterns of behavior, to orient their research towards mass production of artificial organs of good quality that allow end waiting lists by patients.

It is not fair that the sick are forced to wait for someone's death to be eligible for an organ, the deceased should leave them on their way unhindered and living should solve their problems without resorting to the bodies of those already they are not among us.


Instead the issue of transfusions is different, because the blood is recoverable, a person who makes a donation can recover quickly blood flow so that these donations can not be considered as an organ transplant. But people should be zealous in this matter and will not accept donate blood until governments require every citizen's obligation to make a donation in exchange eligible to receive another. It is not logical that a person is donating for altruistic purposes without receiving anything in return, and yet others are receiving frequent blood and refuse to donate, that's a contradiction and a naivete on the part of donors, is correct help but also demanding justice to the state on issues that may be, for it could create a primer donor why only those who have made a donation and only the would could then opt to receive blood from those reserves.


In fact, the origin of the disease is in most cases the stubbornness of people who do not respect nature and requirements of your own body, mistakenly carried away by unwholesome vices and mistreat your body into thinking that a miracle drug you can remedy the evil, but that's a fallacy because if the causes that cause diseases are not suppressed medicines only thing they will

do is make symptoms worse or create new diseases, because in fact the diseases are nothing but imbalances in energy our body, caused by our bad lifestyle habits such as drug use among which I include snuff and alcohol, or overeating that causes obesity, cholesterol, and premature aging of the organism, as well as countless additional diseases . It is therefore necessary to begin to respect our own bodies and take into account its own requirements and natural processes and thus will be much harder sick. In any case of the disease occur, first to solve the problem is to analyze the behavior itself, because in most cases it is the misleading use of our body what causes them and therefore amend the erroneous behavior what solves. Otherwise, it is when drugs or other treatments are necessary, but it must always be after the previous step, for medicines, although very useful in certain cases, be used in excess can also cause new diseases.


I would stress that a pregnant woman is not a sick woman and the habit of asking to lie horizontally to give birth is extremely dangerous, because that difficult time is the birth, in which the woman has to make great efforts, if it is placed horizontally it may happen that excess blood reaches the head, with the risk of stroke, also placed in a more upright position, could serve as the aid of gravity to facilitate movement of the child to the exit.


One of the biggest scourges of modern society are genetic diseases, these diseases seem a kind of divine curse but yet are easily removable, for this scientific analysis of those affected and monitored by the state is only necessary eradicate them.

An easy procedure would be for all the people who were carriers of these diseases only had legal permission to have only one child per couple, the reason is obvious and so these genes sick would disappear gradually having fewer offspring than healthy people .

Another way may be the manipulation of eggs and sperm to eliminate genes that transmit the disease, but the risk of causing

birth defects or other new problems run. It could also pose as a solution that the carriers of these genes simply renounce having children and in return would switch to take precedence when adopting orphans and malignant diseases such chain would be extinguished.


It is a great mistake to try to escape the pain abusing anti-inflammatory, for mild pain must not automatically associate a disease. Sometimes it is indicating a process of adaptation and change our body to surrounding environment and disturb it with medication backfires, sometimes, as in the case of some infections, the inflammatory process facilitates the arrival of antibodies to the area infected and thereby eliminate the infection.

Of course high fever must fight the risk of serious harm involved, but when it is mild it may be useful to promote blood flow and access of antibodies to the infected area.

As bacteria and viruses function in nature is not cause harm to people necessarily, because its mission is to break down dead matter and prevent the world from becoming a mass of waste without recycling. However when bacteria enter a weak body the process is similar to if dead and bacteria they do is try to break it down and reduce it to its basic elements, this does not mean looking the wrong people, because these classes epidemics have more to do with malnutrition or other similar causes that weaken the natural defenses. Sometimes the problem is the lack of knowledge by the immune system of new virus, which causes a slow reaction to infection. It should be borne in mind that the human body is full of all kinds of bacteria, but not cause damage to be in balance with the immune system that regulates the amount of course contact with an excessive amount of bacteria or viruses can get sick or kill, but that does not mean that their role in nature is that.

As for cold or flu viruses that cause are common and well known to the immune system type, but the reason of getting sick is because these viruses only come into contact with the body occasionally, so that when this occurs the number of antibodies or

specialized against that virus is low, therefore the disease process is taken for the body to identify the virus and generating the number of antibodies required to remove it. Once the infection is cleared, the antibodies down again and the process begins again.

In this regard it should be stressed that the role in healing not have medicines but usually the immune system itself, therefore these types of diseases they could be defined as reversible.

Arguably the fight of antibodies against the virus also represents the struggle of life over death and in many cases this ongoing conflict is to determine the lifespan of many living beings, as he approached his old age capacity defenses decreases.

Viruses can also be responsible for numerous cases of headache in spring and summer. They can also cause irritability and winter flu already known, it is true that bacteria and viruses are responsible for causing great suffering to mankind, however this does not mean that is your real goal.


Another practice that should banish all the earth is the mutilation of body organs or skin, are savage practices both those made to the sexual organs of women like circumcision made to men and is an example of progress that governments dared to confront them, at least while they were minors. Practices can also be considered objectionable habit of making holes in the ears of girls or aberrant habit of tattooing the skin, often irreversibly. You need to understand that nature gave humans a perfect body and that progress that fit to come will not be using that kind of practice, but by the natural evolution of biology.


Man in an act of greed, but also ignorance, forget the great use of natural resources and enters experimenting with things like nuclear energy is extremely dangerous. The source from which comes this energy is the same energy which is derived in the stars. This energy is very powerful, but used in a closed as the terrestrial ecosystem may result in serious damage to the

population in case of leakage occur means. Once the radioactivity is deposited on earth, you can pollute for centuries and with it the waters of the rivers. What is truly surprising is that there a source of inexhaustible and clean energy like the sun, obstinate man to resort to pollutants and dangerous as nuclear power means.

As for oil, it is well known that will not last forever and is also changing in a gradual way the Earth's climate with the damage to agriculture arising also must not forget the serious ecological damage posed by spills in case of accident during transport by sea.

Therefore, it is not about how to get more energy but how to get it without incurring damage to the environment and also sustainable. The solution is clear, should empower all energy derived from the sun either directly or indirectly, such as hydropower, solar, geothermal and wind energy, as nuclear energy is better restrict use only the space where the light the sun does not reach, especially for travel between the stars.


And the seven angels which had the seven trumpets prepared themselves to sound. And the first sounded, and there followed hail and fire mingled with blood, they were cast upon the earth, and was burned a third of the earth; and it was burned a third of the trees, and all green grass was burned. And he sounded the second angel, and something like a huge mountain on fire was thrown into the sea, and the third of the sea became blood. And the third part of the living creatures in the sea, and the third part of the ships were destroyed. And played trumpet the third angel and rushed from heaven a great star, blazing like a torch: it fell upon the third part of the rivers and springs of water. The name of the star is Wormwood; and the third part of the waters became wormwood; and many men died of the waters because they were made bitter. And he sounded the fourth angel and was wounded a third of the sun and a third of the moon and the third part of the stars, so that the third part of them was darkened, and the day lost a third of its light and the same evening. And I saw and heard as it flew through the sky an eagle saying with a loud voice: ¡Woe to

the inhabitants of the earth, because of the trumpet blasts missing three angels who have yet to play! (Rev 8:6) LIFE EXPECTATIONS

It has been much discussion about why living beings have long life expectations and instead others shorter. The explanation is very simple, the cause is accidents that each species has in the course of their lives, i.e. when an animal during its life suffers accidents or wear factors such as predation, nature does is speed up your metabolism in order to repair the damage as quickly as possible, but as a result, also suffers a premature aging, i.e. the duration of life is directly related to the life expectancy of each species, so a process both faster healing goes hand lasts the shortest life, an example would be turtles or trees.

Some also try to find the means to eternal youth body, keep in mind that this is a claim pointless, because the human body is made by nature to live for a limited time, as this is the consequence logic suffering wear during their lifetime.

Everything that begins has one day to finish all cell renewal process involves a certain degree of aging, the confusion is due to have a materialistic view of life I try to give the body the properties that are only own spirit, but they refuse, that is eternal life.



It would not be fair to say that everything that has characterized the great powers like Rome or the United States has been negative for humanity, because both have had great importance in the process of evolution. However it is common in them accommodate the belief that last forever, or think that power is something innate in them and not in others. It is precisely the abandonment of their own roots and judicious and honest attitude which in many cases has led them to their own destruction. So my purpose in doing this criticism is not to deny these facts, but rather encourage their progress by encouraging a change in attitude.


And the sea saw up a beast with ten horns and seven heads, and on his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads names of blasphemy.

The beast I saw was like a leopard; its feet were like a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion; and the dragon passed his power and his throne and great authority. And I saw one of his heads as if he had been killed; more she was healed of its mortal blow, and wonderful all the earth, and went after the beast. And they worshiped the dragon because he had given authority to the beast; and they worshiped the beast, saying: << Who is like the beast?

And who can make war >> And was given a mouth speaking haughtiness and blasphemies; and it was given authority to do his work for forty two months. He opened his mouth for blasphemy against God, to blaspheme his name, and his dwelling and those who dwell in heaven. He was also allowed to make war with the saints and to overcome them; and it was given authority over every tribe and people and tongue and nation. And they worship (the dragon) all the inhabitants of the earth whose names are not written from the foundation of the world in the book of life of the slain lamb. If anyone has an ear, let him hear: If anyone is to go

into captivity shall go into captivity; If anyone has to die by the sword will die by the sword this is the patience and faith of the saints. (Rev 13)

About two thousand years ago there was an empire, the Roman, who despite possessing some virtues had an economic model based on slavery and the brutal subjugation of the territories to which subjugated, though it would be false to say that Rome did not








accomplishments were what made it great, but those mistakes were destroyed. Now the witness has been passed to the United States that somehow represents the resurgence of Rome and again is returning to repeat the mistake of basing its economy on a slaver albeit in a covert way approach, which could lead to medium-term their destruction, as happened with Rome. What he has done great in the United States have been its successes but it is a serious mistake to think that their power is something permanent and unchangeable and is a big mistake accommodate a triumphalist view of things. Really the vanguard of the way from Rome to the United States progress, but that does not mean that all values are true and believe such a thing would be a mistake, it would be a big mistake to expect the destruction of the United States because of the iniquities that has caused in the world, especially after the second world war, because it is a country that has contributed much to humanity and could still contribute much more, but it would be necessary to give a turn in its policy she posed mysticism and enslavement of immigrants as its economic foundation.

An example of the bias of the United States is continually extols evil and brutality of the Nazis during World War II and yet practice an attitude of condescension and abetting the extermination policy that the state of Israel has maintained with Palestinians for decades. Much more prudent and sensible would have been if since the emergence of the state of Israel had sought a policy of mutual respect between each other based on the recognition of the right to exist both Israel and an independent Palestinian state.


Great fallacy that is being left or right, as if truth could only have a political color perhaps one can be in favor of using only one hand and to exclude use of the other? When a person opts for such an attitude what you are doing is denying yourself the possibility of having an unbiased view of things and therefore play into the hands of the parties.


And I saw another beast beneath the earth. He had two horns like a lamb, but spoke like a dragon. And the authority of the first beast exercised all before him. And he made the earth and its inhabitants worship the first beast, which had been healed of its deathblow. He also worked great miracles, even making fire come down from heaven to earth in the sight of men. And I duped the inhabitants of the earth with the prodigies which was given him to do before the beast, saying to the people of the land should erect a statue to the beast who was hit by sword and revived. And he was awarded encourage the statue of the beast so that the statue of the beast should both speak and cause take the life of those who do not worship the statue of the beast. I did put everyone, small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, a printed mark on their right hand or the forehead, so that no one may buy or sell if it was not marked with the name of the beast or the number of his name.

Here is wisdom: He who has understanding calculate the number of the beast. Because it is a figure of man: his number is six hundred threescore and six. (Rev 13:11)

Currently political parties also strive to make citizens and turn them into instruments of their interests, dupe them with their instigations and promote hatred against other parties for the sole purpose of nullifying their ability to reason and get thus a vow that what it does is turn citizens into accomplices of their iniquities, I keep them from doing anything until the next election.

Because when a citizen votes, what it does is give power to politicians who no longer have need for them at least for four years which is what usually last election cycles, and the power of voters remain sequestered throughout that time unable to do anything to change things. This kind of democracy will not be considered as such, since true democracy is one that consultation of citizens each and every one of the laws of a binding and not symbolically as now.

By this I do not mean that there is nothing positive in the current democratic models, but it is a serious mistake to think that the only possible or can not be improved, but it is possible that the process is more complex than it seems and requires stop participating in them as a form of protest if politicians refuse to change.


Therefore it is desirable that citizens demanded their political creation of a political model in which the power to decide every law fall exclusively on citizens and the political class only devoted to the drafting of such laws but not approval which could be periodically through means such as the Internet.

Of course things like the monarchy would not occur in this type of advanced society since this political system is itself a time when concepts such as equality or justice had no place in politics and therefore it is normal that disappear. In a truly democratic society can not exist political positions reserved for certain people compulsorily or legal impunity, because that contradicts itself with the principle of democracy.


In the background, the origin of the economic crisis of 2009 had its origin in a problem of competitiveness between the West and emerging economies, notably China.

Although in practice the origin of the crisis was a banking problem, that problem was only the consequence of this loss of competitiveness in developed countries versus those without.

True, in China and elsewhere an economic policy slave type is used by the extreme conditions to which their workers are subjected, but it is also true that in Western countries have adapted to an economic policy based on excessive subsidy that has been undermining the roots of the economy and competition from their companies.

Meanwhile unions warn away from this problem, they have only been concerned about making claims of an economic thinking that corporate funds are unlimited and forgetting that in the end are the same workers who pay claims with their work.

The policy of Western countries since the early twentieth century could be defined as bread and circuses, i.e. have been confined to favor many times protesters not according to their reasons, but the extent of the magnitude of the protest the only interest of getting the votes to stay in power, but increasingly undermining the stability of its economic system.

The crisis of 2009 what resulted was the need to create an economic policy that advantage quality and productivity on unjustified expenses and reward those who were more effective on those who do not.

For example it is a waste that college scholarships to promote careers that have no social demands are met. Why do you have to pay with public budgets the study of those races, even knowing that only a minimum of those students may be placed in what they have studied? It is clear that in this case are not populist measures and social measures that arise and at the end you have to pay the workers themselves but to their detriment. Therefore, in this case, it would be best to be financed by the state only those races where the supply of jobs by companies is greater than the demand from students.

Another error of economic policy is the tendency to expel the labor market to people increasingly early by early retirement, this policy is a torpedo at the waterline of business competitiveness, because everything pre-retired becomes dependent on budgets the state which in turn depends on companies. That does not mean that retirement is wrong, but rather that the economic system what to do is reward those who want to work on those who do not and therefore does not encourage workers to cease their work and

redirect that activity in line with their age and circumstances. Is more effective and healthy a reduced lifetime that much hard work and tiring work for a few years.

Another weakness of the western economy is fraud casualties, it would be appropriate that any person of non-working low pass after a transitional period to be considered the same way as all the unemployed, i.e. to charge a minimum subsidy when you have no dependents and have them would act as appropriate.

In addition, these low employment purposes should not mean the loss of up to fifteen days of vacation or more vacation for less casualties who get caught. So it would favor workers were consistent with their own actions. This would not be a form of disregard for these people, it would have intended the system to adapt to the circumstances of each citizen without having to always resort to the inspectors.

The best favor that unions can do is encourage workers to work more on those who do not because besides contributing to the competitiveness of companies also get workers to see their efforts rewarded.

Excessive subsidies support of some Western economies leads to rewarding those who do not need money and punish those they need, that's an example of hypocrisy and populism.

Do not confuse subsidize social assistance, since social assistance should seek the integration of the needy in the economic system and return to society and the aid received. Instead excess subsidies is to give money to those who do not need just because populism to win votes but with a clear damage to the economy.

An example is given in some cases higher pensions for people with large fortunes and instead are withheld from their paychecks this capital to young couples with children during growth. That's not exactly a social policy, it is not logical that the economic situation of these couples is well off when paid inheritance and change will not be when needed, i.e. when their children are young and have to pay the mortgages on their floors. This type of policy is only intended to get the vote of retirees, but at the expense of the rest of society.

It is therefore logical that pensions are in line with the assets of each recipient and that pension is then a help for those who do not need more than a means to increase his fortune.

Another mistake of Western economic policy is continually interfere with the work rate sandwiching holidays in the middle of the week, that is a detriment to the effectiveness in the work process and does not favor businesses or workers. The right thing is that both working days and holidays are associated, i.e. days off should always start on Sunday back without ever mix holidays and labor, as long as they can avoid.

Another thing that should change is the subject of widowhood pensions should never receive a pension if the recipient does not have minor children or dependents and be of working age, the economic system should promote work on Idleness in the case of young people.

It is true that emerging economies should also change to fairer working conditions for their workers, even if it means them to be a little less competitive.

One way to alleviate the budget deficit may be to increase taxes, but it can be a double-edged sword and turn against the state by causing reduced consumption and therefore more unemployment.

Ideally attack the problem at its root that is making the economic changes necessary to create jobs and make the economy more competitive, would also be positive distribute existing work together, because that instead of there being millions of idle unemployed and desperate would a society of full employment in which all participate in economic growth rather than relying on it.

Ultimately it could be said that the origin of the economic crisis in the West is in a subsidize policy that has been carried out in countries that have developed a false democratic models whose line of action has been characterized since the early twentieth century by a policy if anyone protest is given public money, if someone does strike is given public money, with the sole purpose of securing the vote, although those costs paid at the end of citizens. The state can not be subdued by wildcat strikes, you must establish rules of the game by law to ensure compliance with the essential services. An example of this are those countries that much to increase their health budgets the money ends up

being invested in the salaries of doctors and not in treatment, not being able to establish laws governing justly the right to strike and avoid this blackmail and other groups.

But most paradoxical of the economic crisis is that while the trigger for it was bank speculation, however went to the leftist parties that more forced to rethink their ideas, because first of all I highlighted the unreal and ineffective some of its thesis that the crisis have had to scuttle, realizing that in the end only policies that favor competitiveness and moderate public spending are the key to exit the economic jam and regain the confidence of investors and consumers.



As for the unions, it would be good if these organizations operate more gradually pass as a law firms that form interleaved with acting today in companies. It would be desirable that tended to act more from the right and less from political ambition, namely that trade union activities would be differentiated form of the working day because they do not directly part of the job. It would also be positive for the good of all, unions collaborate in fighting the wildcat strikes that have little difference with terrorist activities, and that the strike days informational picketing were prohibited because too often passed information coercion.

We must also emphasize that unions have helped to encourage improvements in the working conditions in the West but have not been sufficiently aware that their often populist economic claims sometimes turned against the workers who claimed to defend. For example it would be good that unions collaborate with the state helping to create rules to combat unjustified lower than the end of the day end up hurting honest, measures workers such as reward constancy in work, keep in mind that these questions are not irrelevant since it competitiveness of enterprises and their ability to keep their jobs is derived.


It would be good companies sport the existence of a single type of employment contract that would be fixed and indefinite in time.

Thus all workers from recruitment would leave in circumstances identical work and each month would accumulate severance corresponding dismissal would strengthening them increasingly in office, by hindering his dismissal, so we can make plans as have a family or other. It is therefore desirable to defend the existence of fair compensation that encourages companies to keep their workers but not so high as to prevent discard them in extreme cases, the temporary employment contract is something that has been abused and it would be correct to apply only to companies but not workers.

In return, companies should recognize their right to be able to dismiss employees without giving any explanation, but as long as they pay the appropriate compensation in each case, it is not good that the state imposes the presence of force employed by companies wishing not have, as it could undermine its internal stability and therefore its economic performance.

It is also important that governments recognize the right to private property, but not only with regard to companies, but also with respect to homeowners on their tenants. An owner must have the right recognized to have your home whenever you want after a reasonable period, and if the tenant has financial difficulties is not fair to expect to pay the consequences the owner, the right thing is to become part of a welfare program state.


One of the great betrayals of today's politicians towards their society is the condescension toward criminals given in these false democracies. While criminals are considered as citizens with rights, victims are treated with contempt and neglect by the law.

This can not blame the judges, because they fulfill the orders given by politicians and it is they who have to hold them accountable. All you have a poor citizen is his family and poverty and does not expect politicians fail to get rich, but expects at least protect them from criminals. Therefore one of the greatest crimes

of the policy implemented in some is to put a ridiculous cap on the number of years to serve in prison, countries and in some cases serial murderers released are after serving a fraction of their sentences and all for complicity and cowardice of politicians that the only thing they think about is the costs involved in having offenders in prison. These politicians forget that when a citizen takes a life intentionally, it is logical to lose the right to decide on yours and therefore it is right that page with his work in prison for damage caused to their victims or the state and still work in prisons a requirement that it should be mandatory for all prisoners except themselves their expenses and compensation due to victims were paid.

Therefore, it is logical that when a criminal will correspond by the accumulation of their sentences to life imprisonment, this is fulfilled unhindered, and the state does not have to have any fear to require offenders to work in prisons that expenses for their own expenses.

It should be borne in mind that when a person commits one or more crimes intentionally, once the criminal is arrested and convicted, things like rehabilitation or interest of the offender must pass to have a secondary value, because who takes a life knowing must stop to decide on his own, and the state and victims who must decide how to manage this life so that more serve the public interest to prevent crimes, and if for it is considered that should remain in the life imprisonment is their right to decide.

No law is better that you release the murderers easily than one that runs them, the aim of the law should be justice and not fulfill the desires of criminals.

I would also like to stress that I do not consider the death penalty as a necessary solution when the economic mechanisms of a society are going well or there are no problems of force majeure could be a war.

But also there that say that when a prisoner sentenced to life imprisonment show his desire to die voluntarily and could be shown that there has been no coercion in this state would also no reason to stop them, in which case he could offer means for this to happen seamlessly and painlessly.

It should be borne in mind that a society that claims can not leave loose ends on these issues and the message that the state has to transmit to citizens is that crimes must be punished especially violations or serial killings. Of course all prisoners would benefit from the policies of sentence reduction for good behavior or other causes, but these benefits could not be a greater reduction than twenty percent of the total sentence, so those prisoners as serial murderers convicted at high penalties they could not back out of the prison, which is logical if you want to do justice to their victims.

As for prison leave, this is another example of estrangement between politicians and society, because only must give these permits prisoners who are about to serve their sentences, since there is workers returning to their homes on weekends, is criminals who are in jail because they are unable to be released.

It is also important to make clear that one should not confuse the law with justice, because the first is the set of mandatory rules created by the state and the second is the truth that emanates from nature and which should be into account the rights and freedoms of everyone impartially. In principle, the law should be based on justice when creating your rules, but this need not necessarily be so.

Another example of the apathy towards the victims of some states in these false democracies is the condescension with crimes committed by minors. It is true that a child does not have the same ability to approach an adult, but that's no reason to apply ridiculous sentences in proportion to the offenses caused, because the message that society is transmitted is that if you're under can violate or you can kill that go unpunished. Nor is it logical that a man of eighteen serve a sentence as an adult and another seventeen and a half years fulfills another much smaller, the sentence must be in proportion to how close this most old but there is a separation between abrupt be or not.


Some states that proclaim themselves as democracies, tend to practice on issues of legality an inverted policy in which victims

are treated as criminals and criminals as victims, for example in Spain, after the end of the dictatorship, he began the so-called democratic and those called "Democratic politicians" transition also came a change in prison policy that serious crimes such as rape and murder became treated as minor, and minor offenses such as shoplifting, although repetitive happened to have treatment in practice legalized. This means that the victims were preparing an cover trial with all legal gestures, the thief was condemned with all the sonority of the judgment, and once finished the trial was let go and the fine was withdrawn based on Frivolous loopholes claiming insolvency, as if the goal of the law was to obtain money and not justice. Such a state can not be considered only as an accomplice and from a legal point should be considered vicariously liable if it protects the offender refuses to punish such politics that actually hides the desire of the state they are citizens by theft who keep beggars or criminals rather than assuming their duties and create a genuine social policy to end marginalization. Of all the actions of these false democrats vilest far it has been to look away to insecurity and meanwhile spend fortunes in armored cars and bodyguards for them.

In the background, giving the impression that the process of condescension with criminals by these false political Democrats, which actually seeking to create a penal code to suit them, meaning that if convicted for corruption legal measures have already prepared to go unpunished and with them the rest of the criminals.

It should be borne in mind that in Spain and other countries prison sentences for theft never go out of an independently reduced the value of the stolen period of time, even without having been returned under these circumstances many people find it tempting idea of stealing even knowing that they will be arrested.

We must also recognize that the Franco dictatorship was a brutal regime that restricted freedoms, but go from that to a libertine political system also is better, especially shows that extremism often not a solution and make it clear that what they want these politicians is not to benefit citizens but simply create a policy of mere democratic appearance with which get votes.


This phase of history characterized by the hegemony of the victors of the Second World War should be replaced by one in which all countries had equal representation at the headquarters of the United Nations.

After the war the victorious countries were more concerned with securing their power in the world that actually guarantee a future of peace and prosperity for all, so the nascent United Nations UN

began from the beginning take, as far be a democratic body laid the foundations of privilege for the great powers to establish the right of veto in what they pleased no. This right only they had some and others were denied. Who would question the arguments of the great powers? Surely in a world destroyed after the war it was easy to establish unjust statutes knowingly United States stated that out in its territory where the headquarters establishment claiming to be an environment of democracy and stability, but it is not prudent to host this organization remain continuously in the same place, then you run the risk of favoritism are given, and it would not be fair to remain in a country like the United States after the end of world war II all he has done has been dispute with the Soviet Union over the world, often questionable manner as with the support of the Chilean dictatorship or unwarranted invasion of Iraq, for which a lot of untruths were used and only resulted in one hand United States got to import oil from that country as initially wanted, but on the other to leave the war there a million dead civilians and a shattered country.

Another amazing thing is the claim of the victors in World War have exclusivity in the use of nuclear weapons is it only these countries have the right to possess such weapons as if it were a divine plan?

It is logical that countries like Germany or its allies may have restricted this right temporarily to be the cause of conflict, but that does not mean that the winners have exclusivity in this area.

The new organization of the United Nations should be first and foremost a democratic organization in which the vote was fair and no veto for anyone, plus it would be logical that the seat be

rotating among all races and continents to avoid favoritism as now.


Eventually, all nations and races of the earth were to have the same assets and the same per capita than most advanced countries income, but this requires that the egotism of their representatives as developed countries toiling by fleecing their natural resources ends. It is also necessary to underline the importance it will implement a policy of birth control as a way to prevent all the economic growth is spent on keeping millions more poor, this was done in China with positive results regarding economic growth although it could be improved in some aspects, the key to sustainable economic development by which a country only has the number of people who can feed. This would be coupled with a process of recycling raw materials and an effort by technological and social progress.


It would be desirable to facilitate world peace, that small disagreements among nations caused by territorial disputes find a solution, here I raise options for some cases.

The best way that a situation of dispute over territory between different states is resolved without any of the two parties would be considered impaired in turn pass those territories into independent states in practice.

This would be perfectly applicable in places such as Ceuta and Melilla, Gibraltar, the Falkland Islands or Northern Ireland, i.e.

these territories that sometimes do not want to be part of those states that are closer to them and claim them as their own, so they would do is stop relying on any state, but would be able to join their natural neighbors in the event that that desire be expressed in a majority of all citizens. So exist as independent states would no longer exist territorial conflict between the two states that claim and only they would decide their future freely.


Much vanity are some of the currently existing nationalisms as those present in Spain. For example, the Spanish nationalism bases its operation on fostering hatred Spain as an engine of development, which is paradoxical if we consider that it is in Spain where the rights of the provinces and autonomous regions are more developed around the globe.

It is surprising that in a world where the media come together more and more people nationalisms endeavor to separate them, and not all nationalist movements have to be objectionable, but many of them arising from the promotion of a disparaging view of others as with the Basque, which proposes the creation of an independent state tiny and encourages the existence of a language for use by a handful of people, when used the Castilian could be understood with five hundred million all the world. It is also pathetic defense that make the Catalan separatists regarding their language because they claim to be a differentiator itself and the rest of Spain. These people forget that their language is not as own as they think and that really is nothing more than a derivative of Latin that was imposed by the Romans two thousand years ago, i.e. that exacerbated defense to seek any point of disunity with the Spanish state such as language, only shows that the nationalist parties what they are doing is to use regional languages as a weapon and a tool to foment hatred and separation from Spain and thus increase the power of their parties instead of trying to find connecting elements with it, but history has shown many times that is with the union as the force is achieved and not the creation of tiny states as claimed by the nationalists in Spain.

Not forget that one of the factors that led to the civil war were precisely the separatist claims of autonomies, playing to suggest that all the ills of the economy or society were the fault of Spain and all goods were the responsibility of their autonomies.

It is true, moreover, that the last word must have the citizens of each region on their political future, but when the nationalist parties what they do is hijack the public opinion creating an image of hatred Spain is difficult to consider that opinion may considered as objective and unbiased.

It should be borne in mind that in Spain these political parties have a mechanically similar operation that had the Nazis in Germany and who base their policies and growth expectations in the criminalization and hatred of Spain as a form of expansion and therefore their approaches are very implausible.

In addition after the transition to democracy the Spanish state created one of the most decentralized political models of the moment to satisfy such movements and promote cohesion, but was not taken into account that excessive des centralism also favors disunity. For example, a big political mistake was creating a government of proportional representation since the end of the elections the government is unable to govern and must pilgrimage to certain autonomies to get enough power, which means giving in to the blackmail of those autonomies with the consequent disdain for others. This would not have happened if the vote to form a government were to runoff should not have an absolute majority, and always the winning party could form a government with at least fifty-one percent of the seats. That desire to encourage the separatists to end has resulted in an increasingly fractured, uneven and ungovernable state, which is unfortunate considering that Spain in the background is one of the most developed countries of the world, so that in Spain and behind each election the price of political stability through the extent to which the major political parties are prepared by decomposing the state in favor of autonomy, a country that boasts and want to be taken into account can not afford to give that image of weakness and governability to the world.

Ideally eventually create a single language, but not just for one country but for everyone, thus the benefits would be incalculable for all to be possible to travel without the difficulties of understanding or translation of other languages.

Nationalism only are useful when there are compelling reasons that justify such as the creation of the state of Ireland since in this case there are both historical reasons and geographical that suggest the feasibility of an independent state since being physically separated from the mainland and have a higher dimensions has all the necessary to survive safely and indefinitely circumstances.