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Formerly the classical concept of art was characterized by considering as such representations were made through paintings or sculptures that usually represented the people or things that the authors saw.

However a fact changed this approach to things and it was the advent of photography, which led to the "artists" to make a reflection, what if a camera could do almost perfect images, so then served paintings and pictures they did? His reaction to try to survive was to create the so-called abstract painting, i.e. it was to represent symbolic and not images or scenes that we can commonly be found, so things could argue that what they were doing could no longer be imitated by any photographic camera. In my opinion, this has led to a degeneration of the concept of art which apparently anything goes, an alleged artist can do any squiggle and after a convoluted explanation that no one understands try to convince us that it is art.

But what it is really art? Art is actually all that is well done, well-made furniture is art, a well-made car is too. That obsession with the symbolic of the alleged artists is simply a way to delay his agony before disappearing because society had just sick of its symbolism and fine Postmodernism and stop them credibility.

These "artists" from the abstract, what they have really done is try to survive by representing the psychological and symbolic issues that can not take a picture, but really unlike what they think the symbolism does not work with unintelligible images, because the real key of symbolism is to use understandable images but displayed differently than normal, in order to cause a psychological reaction in those who see it and thus be symbolic, an example of true symbolism would be for example the comic vignettes newspapers.

But those who all they do is a simple squiggle or sculpture meaningless and defense strategy is that the viewer does not understand, what they are doing is tricking society, because

according to that rule could all do the same and call art anything, claiming that others do not understand.

From my point of view, the fact that society considers such things as art, only shows that this is a time if you values, which leads her to have an erratic course and a certain blindness in his analysis of things, by the which ends up being manipulated by people without ethics or scruples. It would be desirable for citizens open their eyes and change the situation. Arguably the only positive contribution that these alleged works of art made in the future is used to measure and highlight the degree of confusion on ethical issues present contemporary society as they demonstrate not be able to distinguish fraud from the truth , considering things like art do not deserve this qualification.

A society that were really educated know that this is not art but a deception of those who do and seek to get money and prestige at your expense.

I think in the future the art of symbolism occupy the place that really corresponds to is simply to use these representations in books or magazines, but without giving an excessive value as it is now, because in the future the company will know everything is well done is art and not limited to a partial way some things as some claim.

I would like to make it clear anyway that my critical attitude does not refer to all that is considered art today, but most of the abstract "art" and postmodernist flooding today's society.


It is regrettable to see how being able to choose the easiest and reasonable way, society sometimes chooses the most difficult not because it is better, but for the sake of notoriety by its proponents as a result society suffers unnecessarily. This is in my opinion, the result of a full language approach unnecessarily complex approaches that far from helping learning complicate this matter, especially children without resulting in a clear benefit.

It would be desirable approach in the written language to spoken expression approaching as much as possible, and thus be easier and manageable.

The letter H

An example of this is the letter H, this is a letter in the spoken expression does not exist and therefore it would be best to disappear from the writing, some would say that is used to distinguish words that are spelled the same but with different meanings, but this is an absurd argument, since if confusion in the spoken expression does not occur, why would he have written expression.

The letter G and J

Another change that would favor the student would use the letter G only for expressions of G weak and J only strong expressions, thus greatly simplified the use of this letter and would be minor misspellings in most cases arising from unnecessary spoken decorating arises when written language.

B and V

Another positive change would eliminate the difference between B and V. In the spoken expression there is no difference between these two letters and therefore not have to if any in written expression, the real unit of measure to raise the written language it should be imitate the spoken language, because if a person is expressed with due correction, it makes no sense to then have to write without it. The source of the confusion is due to the words that are before and after these letters that suggest that as the case may be used one or the other.

Y or I

Another example of absurdity is to distinguish between the Y

Greek Latin I seems that the objective of linguists out the tormenting students by creating disparate rules of language as that which gave rise to this dispute, since the logical it would be the existence of a single version of the letter I because as I said in the speech spoken this occurs.

LL or Y

So does the difference between LL or Y for the expression (and), this case is also unnecessary differentiation in some cases decide to use some letters and other used other for the same sound.

K and Q or C

Another way to complicate no reason the language is to use these letters in different ways to represent the same sound, seems

frivolous by those who have agreed to ward off both the spoken expression written because a desire for notoriety for himself, they have led to unnecessary and unproductive complexity of the written language. You should always use the same letter for the expression (ca), thus equating to simplify the language spoken.


It would also be a clear way to handle the letter R were used, such that one should refer to strong R when two consecutive were used.

C and Z

Another positive step would untie the letter C Z, i.e. only the letter C for example be used to pronounce words like "home", but the word "plum" Z would be used with this system each letter only correspond to sound, using the same letter to indicate different sounds totally unnecessary.

Many people seem strange to consider such language, but that would only be to become familiar with it, just when Europe changed to use the euro many people continued to think about their national when calculations coins, but that does not mean no sense.

Another custom unnecessary is to use Romans to refer to historical dates numbers, this is a custom that what it does is complicate things both children and adults, since the fact that it is commenting on a historical event does not justify use a language or old numbers.

The same can be said regarding the teaching of Latin, this is a language that is no longer used and although there are languages that are derived from it would be logical that this language was studied only by linguists and other citizens they are only exposed in a generic way, it would be good to stop using the packaging of medicines, since in this case gives the impression that they are looking for pharmaceutical companies is to prevent citizens understand the composition of medicines rather than explain its contents.

In short I would stress that, in my opinion, it would be better to create a written language as close as possible to spoken thus language social benefits will be incalculable despite this close the doors to those scholars of language to pretend win a reputation at

the expense of creating archaic and unnecessary formalities that the only thing they serve is to entangle and complicate without reason language learning to children and adults.


It is striking that even in those organizations that call themselves altruists speculative behavior as with some NGOs are given, is that in this era of contradictions usual is that things are the opposite of what they seem, an example of this are certain NGOs on the one hand facing society who want to fight against hunger in the world raising money for buying food, but while still leaving in second place the real cause of malnutrition is the fact that in developing countries it is common that all economic growth is to invest in an increase of the population remains poor. That is what is not logical, is that those who are at the poverty line, however invest all their profits to form large families, so if NGOs wanted to help these people first have to do is fight overpopulation is the greatest evil of the countries that have this problem, i.e. it is necessary to train both governments and people in a policy of birth control, because poor with children making is causing more poverty, precisely China was courageous on this issue, because it created a program to prevent excessive population growth and today is one of the countries with the highest economic growth in the world, its policy of birth control can be improved , but clearly they were brave and pioneering consider this important issue as a way to combat poverty and approaching the level of progress of the West.

Another thing that NGOs should not fall is never in pro terrorists or illegal behaviors that often delve, is that it is tempting for these organizations resort to these behaviors by diffusion that is made of them in the media communication, i.e. the use of violence or illegality media respond by asking them a free advertising campaign that is what really pursue, but with these attitudes are discredited and themselves and cast doubt on what are their true intentions.

It should be borne in mind that the end of the NGOs in the background are companies that have revenues and expenses easy

for them to move from altruistic motives to mere profit motive and citizens before making a donation to one of these organizations should ask how many of them displayed so publishes its balance of income and expenses as proof of his good intentions.


While reading my other books the reader will have noticed to some issues different paths arise, this is because science and especially philosophy is not something that has to be conditioned to a single path of evolution or scientific pattern, explanation it is very simple, is that progress is not to substitute something bad for something good but substitute something good that has been true for some time for something better, only time will determine what things are consolidated and which others disappear, but even those that persist can not guarantee to do so indefinitely.

Therefore, in my books I have tried to teach readers to consider free thought and research as part of the values that should be part of the future of man.

An example of this scientific duality is for example the spacecraft have to leave the atmosphere to be placed in orbit, in this case wont readers the possibility of using ships of stages or the majority deposit, both models ships have their advantages and disadvantages, for example to define as would craft steps summarize saying that these ships would be formed by a power module elevator comprising an unmanned and larger volume charge to provide the major impetus for the manned spacecraft and most fuel lift, then the manned in front of the power module.

Once this set come closer to space, the two ships would be separated and would only continue to orbit manned and most important ship also transported the crew and payload. Ship majority tank would also be feasible in which fuel and cargo would go on the same ship occupying fuel majority section and load the minority section mainly at the head of the ship, the downside is that this model would consume more fuel even avoid having to use the various stages to later return and reuse.

As for interstellar travel the staging system would be similar to the above, i.e. the ships would be divided into two main sections in which the first and biggest lead engines and fuel acceleration and second payload and fuel necessary for braking once the fuel acceleration consumed the two sections would be separated and the payload section could use all the remaining fuel for braking, in this case the module launch not be hindered by any cause would continue for the space to collide with a star or an uninhabited planet.

With the majority system tank ship is not divided into two sections and would move to their destination in one piece, but having to allocate part of the fuel to slow the acceleration section, this will would reach a lower speed, but Instead, the ship would have a more compact image throughout the trip and could use the initial thrust section for other purposes.

Another example of the different ways that science will offer the man of the future is the choice of whether to life in planetary orbit or on the surface of planets and moons in space would benefit from a perfect artificial gravity by the use of centrifugal systems, a transparent atmosphere and solar energy abundant, instead choosing to remain on the surface could have all planetary resources without having to bridge the gap to the space and also could be used indefinitely avoiding loss of the reaction gases that would use the ships in space.

In the worlds of low gravity could counteract the loss of muscle mass through increased statures, also to emulate gravity and facilitate travel on foot could be installed magnetic fibers in the shoes and lower parts of the pants and through a field magnetic installed below ground foot traffic of citizens favor, would also help prevent the loss of muscle mass to give preference to manual labor on using machines.

But in space there would be these problems seriously, but would others like the distance to the planet and the consequent difficulties in accessing resources or to make sightseeing trips, difficulties to protect from meteorites or cosmic radiation or problems which causes the need to avoid the loss of the reaction gases ships, these decisions will correspond solve succeeding

societies will have to choose one path or another without being very clear which is best.

Whether or not the centrifugal system was imposed to generate gravity in space, another topic of discussion would be if the ships small cars or transshipment should carry centrifugal or gravity, the cause is very simple and is in the ships nurse rotational drums would very large and the crew hardly would notice the curvature in the different sections or cockpits, but the small ships that would be different and curvature could be visible and annoying, why you could choose to design these fully verticalized ships and served only gravity magnetic as an adjunct to gravity already have on the mother ships or on planets that would descend so, however some people might think that these ships should also have rotational drums of gravity, these drums probably would focus on their structure by a process of structural duplicity and benefit from this type of Gravity, in this case the curvature of the cockpits would be considered as secondary and get the centrifugal gravity as most important to consider that should be common to all ships.

Another topic of discussion is as it should be the ideal clothes of the future, I propose a suit one piece and color, but it would be different for each person and office, however this is open to different options and paths subject and only time will tell which is the best.

Unlike philosophy, technical issues that affect humans are much broader and more moldable than one might think and often the key to finding the best solution depends not only on scientific analysis but also the tastes and sensibilities of people.

Therefore, it could be said that the progress of science seems the result of competition between different options and the difference between them often is scarce, but the best option is one that outperforms other even for a little, why not easy to clarify this issue.


A failure that occurs frequently in the way of putting education to children is known to not tell how it is to be applied to a model of

compulsory education other than what is not, and is often They raise the two as if they were the same thing when there are important differences it is important to highlight. And it is that all education should be mandatory nature while having a soft profile and easy to learn precisely because of its mandatory character, i.e.

a mix between play and learning. Another feature of this type of education should be a reduced requirement to pass each course requirements. Otherwise, you run the risk of traumatize children in their childhood, be demanded some approaches and rhythms of study that do not fit your personality and more importantly at this stage of life education is done without pressure, to avoid damage to its sensitivity and prevent children reject learning.

On the other hand, it is different when education is voluntary and requested by the student, especially as an adult, in this case it is logical to have a more strict and demanding structure not to have existed conditioning to the student to carry out such studies and also for having old enough to decide what you want.


It is a great mistake to confuse a premature adult with an intelligent child, premature adults are children who have the personality of an adult and that gives them greater concentration and a more pronounced character, which does not mean being smarter . Indeed, nature did that children have a lower capacity than adults to develop a personality that could well acquire sufficient knowledge before forming a definite personality. With premature adults this happens very soon, but in return, the risk of having a personality with immature and hasty judgments run.

Unfortunately, these children upon reaching adulthood longer than the others, except for the belief of those who consider them smarter or additional training that you were able to give them.

The real smart kid is not known for going very advantaged in school, but have a different and imaginative personality, prone even not easily follow the system or rhythm that the school will make, so it is possible that in some cases go most behind in their studies and not ahead premature as with adults, although each case is different. Anyway it is best not to separate children based

on these concepts, since the risk of flatter them you run, which could harm the process of education. Is much better than when education is compulsory, consider all the sensibilities of children and the process of learning to be simple and affordable to every form of being.


It is also a misconception that a soft attitude is always preferable in the education of children, since although in general education taught in schools is better this method, however, in the moral order does not work the same way, since which it is in childhood when you can form a healthy personality in children and when parents and educators need to act, i.e. for proper moral education is necessary for those involved in the education try to teach children the difference between good and evil so that they know that all iniquitous and reprehensible conduct by them should have an answer equal and opposite by educators, just as all correct behavior by children must also be matched with a attitude reward from educators. If the opportunity to be morally children in childhood is lost is a risk of them becoming misfits and incapable adults know the difference between what up to them and what belongs to others or put another so they can think whatever they do will not find punishment even knowing their actions be illegal for having been too overprotected in childhood. No better is the father who merely give money to their children and never punish them. The ideal father should on the one hand reward their children for their right actions, but also be willing to punish wrong when done knowingly be wrong. Childhood is when children have their personality undefined and therefore is at this point that corresponds this type of training. To miss this opportunity, on reaching adulthood it will be more difficult to correct deviant attitude and the child could end up being a despot and unhappy adult who collide continuously with other citizens, until eventually the possibility is given that understand their error.

It is also important to stress that it is at school where you have to be religious philosophical education or, since this subject is by no means inferior to other value, but must be free from outside

interference as sects or private religious organizations such as Catholic. It is the state and parent associations are competent to determine how it has to be this training and not others, of course this education must be free of taboos and superstitions and go as consistent with science as possible, but without that's a detriment to his philosophical component.


Another barbaric custom of contemporary society, is to use the suffering of animals as part of entertainment in some festive events. Actually this kind of thing what it actually does is criminalize the animal before mistreat, i.e., it is a psychological game macabre in which people hide their own evil through play Presumably the bad is the so you can mistreat animals, just that what the Nazis did with the Jews or the American colonists with native Indians.

It is true that an animal is not a person, but that does not mean it's right to make of them what you want, not so long that the same treatment is given to people subjected to slavery ago and today that's what some do with animals.

It is also a fallacy to say that if these animals are not used in that kind of race will disappear parties, one example is the case of bulls. These people forget that the species of these animals are derived existed many millions of years before that barbaric custom start to exist, and these animals disappear what they would do is return to their natural environment, even if it meant some changes physical, but it is in the natural environment where they should be and not as mere slaves of people.

Another barbaric custom is to have caged birds. In this case as with slavery only takes into account the interests of the owners, but the animal is considered as a mere object without rights or feelings, whose sole purpose is to entertain those who caged them.

The same goes for the circus, where animals are made to perform ridiculous stunts in exchange for food in an example of complete disregard to their natural way of life.

Those who claim to be against slavery-like practices should also demonstrate applying the treatment to animals. It would be desirable that countries in their laws establish as a basic rule the rejection of the unnecessary suffering of animals were a role model for others.


Arguably, both film and sports are intended to keep our awake to a risk senses, because in reality what is done in them is to represent apparent way a conflict or violence but symbolically, is say that these games or cinematic representations serve us as a way to keep our senses awake and trained at the risk of a real problem, therefore both symbolic confrontations represented in films such as those that occur in sports are socially useful.

However it must be said that the accumulation of sports competitions simultaneously as with the Olympics are not socially useful, since it is alienating them having to play multiple types of competition at the same time and in one place, it is better each sport made its global separately and in different for the sake of all dates.

On the other hand, both film and sports should be the market that determines what things should succeed and what not, and governments should stop meddling in financing certain movies or sports activities, as it is the public who democratically and by paying their tickets who must determine that sports or film productions which must grow and disappear. Too often it is the case that a film financed with public money then is not even issued, or is issued receive a total rejection of the public, just as there are competitions prefabricated by governments such as those commonly found on Olympics sole purpose of which is mere political propaganda of governments that finance them. It would therefore be desirable for those sports that can survive by themselves privately and independently continue to exist, otherwise, just more than film or sport can end up being a mere instrument of corruption or political propaganda.


The only way to get a mass medium such as roads prove a secure environment is by implementing rules of movement but can not meet all the expectations of drivers however allow a safe and valid means for most of people and vehicles.

Therefore, it would be good to create a system that traffic lanes with only one lane in each direction overtaking between equipped motor vehicles is prohibited from in order to avoid the possibility of exceeding the opposite lane at the risk of frontal collision or out of the driveway that this entails. It should be borne in mind that in this type of road vehicles going in opposite directions have to go so close to each other that practically touch is unreasonable then be allowed to exceed the rails to the opposite side when this can be avoid, so this rule would be feasible to establish a mandatory minimum necessary speed for all motor vehicles to allow circulation fluently without having to leave the lane. This rate may not be very high because of the excessive risk of collision that comes from being the tracks so close to each other and to the most people and vehicles can use, of course on the way to two lanes for each direction this rule would not apply. These rules may seem restrictive, but avoid accidents and protect the different types of drivers using the roads to prioritize safety over speed.

The cause of the confusion is that long-engine vehicles and those without it have shared the same roads thereby giving rise to the need for overtaking, but that does not justify and motorized vehicles are ahead each other invading the opposite lane with the risk that entails.

It is surprising that governments claim to be concerned about the high rate of traffic accidents that occur every year in the world, and yet not dare to face the solution of the problem arises here.

Perhaps the reader seems to him that this issue does not have the importance that I give in this book, but if this problem would have personally affected him or anyone in your family understand that is not a trivial issue, but first order, given the lot of accidents and deaths that occur every year in the world, many of them because the problem here expound. In a collective means such as traffic, the particular interests of drivers must always be behind

groups and governments must have the courage and common sense to make that clear.