Things to Remember: Reflections on Our True Identity by Peter M Parr - HTML preview

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Doorways into contemplation

When you eat, eat. When you walk, walk. When another person speaks, really listen to them. Whatever you are doing, do that. Do not be planning the next thing.

Ask yourself two questions. Set aside quiet time to reflect on them. In silence and in stillness, ponder them in your heart. The first question is this: How can I show love for myself? The second question is: How can I show love for others; for the Whole? These questions are two sides of the same coin.

There will be times when we do not feel loving. What are we to do then? Act with kindness – to ourselves and to others. At least, refrain from doing anything that would harm another or ourselves. This is why we have human laws. Children need rules for their own protection. However, when we live consciously with Love, no human laws are required.

“Shun whatever would distract you from your main goal.” (Quaker Faith & Practice 25.09) What is that goal? To let your light shine. To spread God’s Love.

God is Love. We were created in the image of God and it is through us that God’s Love is expressed in the world. Our function and our joy is to let Love flow freely through us. We do this by following leadings and releasing the blocks – fear, prejudice, judgment, our own plans and agendas – that stand in Love’s way.

What matters is not what we do, or to whom we give. What matters is that we let our lives be guided by Love.

A word or a smile is often enough to put fresh life in a despondent soul. (Therese of Lisieux.)

A question I ask myself is, ‘Can I do this lovingly?’ Can I give the person my full attention when I make a phone call? Can I be present as I do a task? If I can’t do a particular activity with love, perhaps it might be better to postpone it until I can, or not to do it at all?

When we recognize that of God which is both in us and our neighbour, we may begin to appreciate that what unites us is greater than the surface differences. If we all have God within us, then we are all part of God. In a sense, our neighbour is our Self.

There is neither black nor white, there is neither gay nor straight, there is neither male nor female... For, in Spirit, in essence, we are all One. (Adaptation of Galatians 3:28)

We serve the world by being true to Who we are. By being Love. Try not to judge other people, but see them for what they are: a child of God like ourselves – a lost child trying to find their way Home.

We experience the greatest, truest joy not when we serve our selves – our selfish interests – but when we serve the Whole.

Don't live for yourself, live for your Greater Self. Live for the Whole. Don't live as your small, separate self. Live from your Greater Self, Child of God.

What would it take, what changes would I need to make, to be able to say, with Paul, ‘It is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me’? (Galatians 2:20)

Offer what you would have come to you. Be what you wish to see. You want to be accepted? Accept all others, regardless of what they say or do. You want to be cherished? Treated as special? Treat others as special and cherish every moment you are with them. Give, and you will receive.

Perhaps the question to ask ourselves is not so much, ‘What do I want to accomplish?’, but ‘How do I want to be?’ If I want to be loving – to live with peace, with compassion, authenticity, kindness – then let that be the primary goal I organise my life around.

Use your time wisely, so that when you look back towards the end of your days you will smile at a life well-lived. Let not your song remain unsung. Do not hold back from sharing your love with the world for fear of lack or thought of a rainy day. If Love calls you, answer.

Don’t wallow in regret over past mistakes or missed opportunities for love. Regret helps no one. Rather, from this day forward, moment by moment, discern what love requires of you and attend to that. Whether you are forty, fifty, sixty or a hundred, it is never too late to dedicate your life to Love. All those who work for the Kingdom receive their reward – joy and peace – however late in the day they begin (Matthew 20:1-16). Even one day lived in Love can make a whole life worthwhile.

Remain in touch with your true Self and the Spirit of Christ will be with you and guide you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in touch with your true Self, that of God within you. (Interpretation of John 15:4)


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Peter M. Parr