Uncage Eden: A Spiritual Philosophy Book about Food, Music, and the Rewilding of Society by DJ Rankin - HTML preview

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JK, you know I’m craftier than that, I invented a Black Walnut ink and refilled an empty pen with a Horse syringe. It’s not quite as dark, but I’m gonna burn this book anyway, my ego has no need for permanent ink. I’ve also been wanting to develop a solution for the hypocrisy of writing a book about saving the trees, on notebooks imported from vietnam. Haven’t figured it out yet, probably just start making my own recycled pages, or maybe this ink’ll fade away with time and I can just reuse these.

Anyway, so where was I? Oh yeah, you were looking for ways to thank me for this book being over. No thanks necessary, I’m as tired of it as you are, and energized to start living the next one. I’m still accepting character applications, so if my writing has enticed you to join the movement, then just come thank me in person. That will be the greatest gift I could imagine, the day when I meet a new family member at camp, and their backstory includes a few pages of mine. I write for me, from the heart, and the transformation you’ve witnessed has been beyond my wildest dreams. The only dream remaining, is that you follow yours, and that together we all wake up, open our eyes, and step through the gateway of tomorrow. The future is now, don’t put off living for another moment, today is the only day worth dying for.




And don’t forget that you promised not to, remember why you are here, and that your ego is not who you are. It is a constant commitment that takes daily practice, but as you build humility in your heart, you will create space for cosmic connection. It may help to remove a few words from your diet, like ‘mine’, or even ‘me’ and ‘I’, not every song is about you, and I’m the first person that needs to remember that. We must also shed the belief in the permanence of property. As we begin to understand that this liquid planet cannot be possessed, we will become enlightened to our inheritance of her infinite queendom.

We must enable the reemergence of an indigenous lifeway, learn from those with the ancestral knowledge of living it, and follow the original instructions of tending the garden. As we begin to understand the colonial mechanism of impoverishing the communities that continue to live with the Earth, we will see that their universal wisdom is unparalleled by any processor power, and we may then be free of the constraints that prevent us from decolonizing our own minds.

We must heal the wounds of separation that have repressed the divine feminine energy of the Earth, it is the only way to empower her recovery. Women must once again be held sacred, as we release them from the chains of patriarchal control. In order for the return of balance to tip the global scale, we must each seek genuine understanding as we look past our indoctrinations, only then will we have the capacity to provide the space necessary for the evolution of unconditional love.

This love must extend beyond humanity, we must regain the consciousness that we are all related. This concept must evolve past the words of the left-brained language barrier, and it must one again be felt in our hearts. We must treat every single plant and animal as though they were our mother, they are, and we must practice the humility to melt away any notion of human superiority. Just because we are capable of caging the Earth, doesn’t mean we should, it only means that we alone hold the key to setting her free.

As we answer the calls of the wild, and listen closely to the instruction of our hearts, we will once again hear the comforting melodies of planetary connection. As we all begin to wake up, it will become easier to escape the electric fences of vibrational disharmony, but for now, it is in your best interest to remove yourself from as many as you can. You may not be ready to sleep on the ground, but you can take off your shoes and dig in. You don’t have to hang up your phone, but you could be a little more mindful of those around you. And you may not yet be in a place to eat the wild abundance of Eden, but every little bit of pure solar vibration helps, as it gently nudges you into tomorrow.

And tomorrow, is the solstice, the biggest day of our revolution, and it marks a complete cycle of a personal journey through our Earthly evolution. The depths of understanding gained, cannot be contained in words, they are beyond comprehension as they flow out of this world. The pathways ahead, are as fluid as the Earth, and the insistence on motion ensures a longer tomorrow.

I will soon leave this place, without regret or concern. I will carry no money, only the compass of my heart, and the ultimate trust that my connection to Unci Maka will guide me to where I am needed the most. It may seem scary to those who’ve yet to break free, an uncharted trajectory with no net to break the fall, but that net only holds us back from achieving our destiny. The time has come to rise up, without fear, to shed the material of yesterday as we step into the light of tomorrow, and to remember that today is a good day to die.

The last year has been the best thus far, and I expect the next to be even better. I am grateful for Ben, and I offered him the feather that I first arrived with, as a token of my deepest felt heart vibration. I also offered him a gift of Tobacco, some that had spent the winter at Standing Rock with us, and had conveniently recrossed my path at the perfect time. This was a customary exchange of energy, as I asked a personal request of a spiritual mentor, and he could feel in my heart that I was ready.

The solstice ceremony begins tomorrow, and I must now put down the pen, for there is much to do. There is food to be prepped, and fires to be tended, and prayers to be tied. And I must prepare myself for the road ahead, it will be an uphill journey into the unknown. I pray for strength and perseverance, as I beg for humility, and I hold these songs close to my heart, especially that protection one, just in case I start to get scared while I’m all alone. On my first hembleciya. Hoka hey.