Uncage Eden: A Spiritual Philosophy Book about Food, Music, and the Rewilding of Society by DJ Rankin - HTML preview

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So I had dis dream de udder day...


Dere was dis really crazy guy up on dis mountaintop, he was shouting at da stars and crying in da dirt, and he just stood dere on dis rock for a long long time. He was getting pretty hungry, and thirsty, but he told dem trees dat he wudn’t gonna eat nuttin, and den one day he wudn’t hungry no more. He got down on his knees and prayed, and den laid in da dirt as he reached out for da tree, and den all of a sudden he got transported to a magical place. He had been to dis place one udder time, but not for long, and dis time he could see more clearly where he was. Dere was a centipede over here, and a slug over dere, and he could understand how dey were all working togeder to build dis place. And da trees were alive. Dere was consciousness in every little drop of everyting around him.

He kept talking about being amazed at how beautiful his mama was, and how he could see her magic, and he cried and stuff, and den it got really crazy. He felt dis big wave of energy, it was da humility he’d been begging for, he felt it pour into his body, and den he cried some more. He tank-you’d his mama, said it was such a relief to finally push his ego off of him, and he just laid dere mumbling wopilas. He said dat he could remember, he could remember da tings dat everyone forgets, he could remember da garden.

He had been here before, but just like last time, da more he tried to figure out how it all worked, da more da magic started to disappear. He understood dat he couldn’t understand. So he stopped trying. He prayed about some more tings, about some friends dat had started him down da road dat led to here, and how now he finally understood what dey had felt way back den. He seemed very grateful for his journey, and grateful to be back in dis garden, and he mainly just cried and wopila’d a bunch.

He had told a friend about da last time he was here, and she already knew about dis place. She said dat it was a magic place dat medicine people can visit, and gain wisdoms and original instructions to share wit dere brudders and sisters out in dat udder world. And now he was back.

He’d already committed his life to his mama, told her dat he would do anyting she needed, he would even die today for her up on dis hill. Dis commitment was easy, it’s his mama, of course he loves her, but den he started to talk about dis udder commitment. It was sumting dat was hard for him, he didn’t like to make plans, he wanted to be free to help his mama wherever he was. He kept praying about it, and den he started to see dat dis commitment would help her da most, and dat it would help her to stay in touch wit him. Dat even if dey got separated, dey knew dat dey’d be meeting back up soon. But dis commitment was for four years, and dat’s a long time, but he started to see dat it would be da constant centerline dat his paff could always come back to.

He was starting to be ready to commit to deese ways, it was becoming clear dat dis commitment would make da rest of his walk stronger, and he was just about to do it. He was squeezing some dirt and sticks and stuff, and talking about his commitment to his mama, and was just about to say da words, and den all of a sudden a great big snake sliddered around da tree and looked him right in da eye.

Scared him. Bofe of dem. He forgot about his commitment and jumped up, da snake backed up and started making a big circle around him, a backwards circle, so da guy just sat dere and watched him for a bit. Den he remembered dat commitment he was about to make, da snake had stopped him, had come between him and his mama, distracted him wit fear, tempted him wit a way out of making dis commitment, but what did it mean?

He tought da snake worked for his mama, so maybe she didn’t want him to commit to dis ting, maybe she wanted him to be free wit da wind. But den no, he knew dat wudn’t right, da snake was trying to stop him from being dere for his mama. Maybe he was a bad guy, or maybe he did work for his mama, and was just checking to be sure dat his heart was strong enough for dis commitment. He watched da snake circle around him, it was behind him now, but it couldn’t stop him from making his commitment. And den he did it, he committed four years to be somewhere for his mama, take dat snake. But when he turned around, da snake was gone. For real.

Den he looked down, dere was someting in his hand, a gift from his mama for making dis commitment. It was a gift from da garden. He could feel dat it held the magic of da garden in it. It would keep him safe, and connected to his mama. She could find him anywhere now, and he could find her. He didn’t know he would get dis gift before he made da commitment, but now he could see dat it would be easy to keep his promise because he had dis gift. He committed to keep dis gift wiff him for four years too, but probably longer, and he knew dat it would keep him walking in a good way.

As long as he always protects dis gift, he will be ok, and his mama can use it to guide him as he always follows da paff dat protects dis sacred tang. And da more he held it and looked at it, da more he could see its magic. Now it looked like two birds, a big mama bird, and a smaller rainbow bird. Da small bird was him, and he was covering up his mama, protecting her. His edges may get worn down as he defends her, but she is big and strong and right behind him, she is protecting him too. Dey are protecting each udder, and if he gets scared out in dat udder world, he can squeeze dis gift and pray wit it, and he’ll be back in dis garden wit his mama. What a most sacred gift.

He was so grateful. And very glad he made dat commitment, and now his mama could find him anywhere, even in dat udder world. Da commitment hadn’t locked away his paff, it had opened it up. He was mesmerized by da magic of it all. Beyond words. And when he tried to find da words, da magic started to fade away. Ahhh, he could see now, da words and numbers and sciences make da magic go away. You can’t try to figure out da garden, or it won’t work. Da words and numbers and stuff just boxes up all da pieces of magic, and den it dudn’t work no more. Dey just try to quantify da love vibration, and you can’t do dat. You can’t cage da garden.

And dat reminded him about dis ting his sister told him about one time, about a medicine journey dat told her about da ones using da two-leggeds to mine minerals out of Unci Maka, and using dem to develop new technologies for some reason or anudder. He had wondered why, but now he could see, dey were trying to figure out da garden. Dey knew dere was dis magic dere, and it gave everybody everyting dey could ever want, but dey couldn’t figure out how to get dere. So dey enslaved da two-leggeds wiffout dem even knowing, and made ‘em start boxing it all up in words, and sciences, and fences, and labeling everyting, and inventing new stuff, and digitizing vibrations, and turning da whole planet inside out as dey dug medals, and made machines, and turned us into robots to try to break into da garden.

From fires to farms to factories to ifones, and it’s just anudder fibonacci as it all gets closer and closer to da ultimate energy, but not quite. Dey want in da garden. Dat’s what da whole ting has been about, da civilization, da patriarchy, da destruction, da original garden snake and dat tree of knowing stuff, dey want Unci Maka’s magic. But you can’t get dere wiff sciences, it’s gotta be in your heart. And now he’s got it in his pocket.

Den it was over. Da garden went away. And nobody ever saw dat guy again. Musta been a writer or someting dough, cause he left a note behind, don’t know where he found a pen up on dat mountain, musta made it or sumpting:



The Garden Of Eden is real. I’ve been there. It is right here in front of us all. We live in a planet made of magic and wonder, but we’ve gotten lost on a path of tearing her apart in order to figure out how she works. No amount of books or clocks or machines will find the magic, it does not reside in the molecular components of the material, and every attempt we make at cracking the code, only tears us further away from utopia. We are destroying the garden as we struggle to survive in this manmade world, and we are getting pretty close to breaking both of them, but the garden is magic. It cannot be broken by us. Nor can it be broken into. There is no back door that can be hacked, but we are all capable of walking through the front gate, and only together can we remove the entire cage. The cage does not imprison the garden, it only keeps us from experiencing heaven on Earth, but we all hold the key. It is in your heart. All you must do is follow the map of your spirit as you commit to the journey, and you must remember that you are not some physical ego in charge, you are a piece of the infinite universe incarnate. And remember to pray. Aho, mitakuye oiyasin, we are all related.