We Are One by Anita B. Sulser PhD - HTML preview

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How We Sleepwalk


“The philosophers have only interpreted the world differently,

what matters is to change it."

– Karl Marx

In modern times, we have an inaccurate understanding of just about everything (community, family, education, religion etc.) We no longer understand the lessons our ancestors are attempting to convey to us, nor do we take the time for their woes. Although many that have taken the time to truly listen have realized, there is something very wrong with the core of our society. We have been sleep-walking, but occasionally we awaken to how unreal and strange life is.

How can we be certain that our eyes do not deceive us, as they so often do? How can we be sure that what our senses tell us is actually real? And how can we trust anyone that simply dismisses such inquiries, when others wholeheartedly believe they already know the truth? In short, we cannot.

When we trust, we are taking a leap of faith. We extend a courtesy to a stranger that may be our salvation as much as they may be our undoing. If it goes horribly wrong, you can be certain that you’ll be reminded of the fact often enough. If it doesn’t, many will make certain that you know it should have done. On reflection, one cannot win nor lose, only learn from experience.

When circumstances feel as if they’re turning into the surreal, like the current political situation…We can be guaranteed, our intuition will lead the way to the truth, as long as we don’t live in a world of wishful thinking. For as long as we cannot see our internal and external reality for what it is, we may never realize the truth. Our view of reality is more likely to shatter into countless pieces to be reconciled with the bigger picture.

Although we may never truly know anyone, we cannot spend our lives in distrust for something that has happened or might happen. We must learn to live in the present moment, if we wish to know the truth about our multi-dimensional reality, in which time is a mere sequence of moments interpreted by our consciousness. On a deeper level, time represents change. In Sanskrit, they even share the same word. This leads us to the question, how can something feel real, when in truth it is not?

Our senses can trick us into believing almost anything. Therefore, it is our responsibility to apply critical thinking to discern the real from the unreal. That being said, there is a simple rule, when questioning reality: If it is finite, it cannot be infinite. (Its source may be, but the object and/or subject is not) This rule of thumb makes things easier, but it can still be very confusing when putting theory into practice. In other words, that which is real cannot be manifest in relative existence, outside of the realm of self-realization. Conversely, that which is unreal cannot be manifest in the absolute, or ultimate reality.

Religion may guide you in your search for deeper meaning, but it cannot lead you to enlightenment via a path that has been taken by others. Only a handful of practices are common denominators shared by all enlightened spiritual teachers, which are kindness, deep contemplation, meditative concentration and gratitude. The path to self-realization is uniquely tailored to you. You cannot walk it in the footsteps of another or in honour of an ideal that was corrupted long ago.

Beyond ego and appearance, we are all one in heart, mind and spirit. We originate from the same source. Regardless of our religious traditions or personal beliefs, we share a universal spirit that has its roots in pure consciousness.

“We Are Not Our Bodies"

What all the corporations around the globe focusing on how to manipulate your body-image. Billions are invested on a daily basis into how to best play on your attachments and aversions. If there’s an inch of your body, you are self-conscious about, they won’t teach you how to overcome it, since it would rob them of their power against you. Like any narcissistic psychopath, corporations bet on the fact, you’ll run scared into their arms for a solution, if they manipulate resources to create disease and eliminate the competition. However, that which they cannot control is what they have  invested trillions into suppressing and that’s your way  out of this endless loop...

Their weakness is the same thing with which they are attempting to retain control: the absence of knowledge, blind trust & unquestioning conformity. For as long as you do not question their intentions or the world around you, none of us can reshape this world into something greater. More importantly, if we do not question, none of us will ever find the whole truth.

In reality, this body is only a fragment of our cosmic body, which doesn’t actually exist in the manner that we currently perceive it. Existential debates aside, every cell in the body is inherently connected to an all-pervading awareness, which permeates the phenomenal world. It is noumenal in essence. This is not to say that you cannot know your body, but by knowing the true source of your body, you needn’t know any more… In fact, there’s nothing to know about something that never was, but the ego can easily get in the way of understanding the reality of the self. Our individual self is no different from the universal self. Until we realize this, we will continue to differentiate between the internal and the external, the real as well as the unreal... In terms of self-awareness, this dooms us to seemingly endless cycle of identifying with what we are not, which causes suffering.

Whichever reality that we are in, we are not our bodies. Our awareness of being is not restricted to a particular species. Whatever form, we take, its foundation is light. The biophotonic matrix of the body is closely linked to the biophotonic matrix of the multiverse.

In addition, every physical form absorbs and emits photonic energy. Theoretically, more it absorbs and retains, the more it transforms, until all that remains is a ball of light, as it may. Every life-form appears to have the potential for this kind of evolutionary development due to the nature and/or origin of our multiverse.

As much as our society values the attractive appearance of the physical body, we do not connect enough with its source, which actually slows premature ageing. Our wish to be younger and healthier remains so veraciously persistent that our attempts to seek anti-ageing treatments often backfire. For example, endless brands of cosmetics or specialist creams used amongst to disguise as well as remove wrinkles. The chemical additives and preservatives added to the mixture accelerate ageing. Nothing we can buy on the market will make us younger or more physically appealing, otherwise everyone would use it. This is not to say that there are no treatments to slow or even reverse ageing. They are just not as readily available as we would like them to be. The same goes for just about anything worth the purchase, even including cybernetic enhancement.

There is much of our world, we do not see. So, it is easy to assume nothing exciting happens in this quadrant of space, but we are dead wrong. Crazy, impossible things always happen all the time. We just need to know where to look. For personal edification, there is only one treatment I can 100% guarantee actually postpones premature ageing (while preventing the majority of disease): homemade Hemp & Cannabis whole-body ointment or 9oz. liquid intravenous solution, commonly used by terminal cancer patients. (No additives. No preservatives. Only Organic Gardening.)

Historical Fact: As a matter of record, ancient Shamans and a particular types of African tribal priests traveled the globe with nothing more than Hemp & Cannabis seeds. They would settle down temporarily, until they amassed enough hemp for clothes and other essentials. It should be noted, as hemp has a turnover rate of six weeks, it enabled short stays, also allowing them to assist local villages with homemade medicinal concoctions. For personal use, they ground both plants into a fine, concentrated solution that'd be easily applied to every inch of their skin. Contrary to popular belief, they did not wash the mixture off after each usage. They applied a thick layer on their whole body, which supplied their bodies with vital nutrients as it dried. It was rumored that as they rarely consumed any kind of physical nourishment, except for hemp & marijuana, this was the source of their longevity and youthful appearance.

We are not our bodies, but person vanity is hard to shake. Beauty is a rich foundation of luck, bankrolling entire lives. Without it, we're the last one picked at school, we become second choice in dating at best and we're generally overlooked in our professional endeavors. To be easy on the eyes has more benefits all round for both genders, even though there is one thing beauty cannot achieve. Beauty does not elicit truth, More often than not, people will say whatever they need to say to boost their chances or to soothe a sexual interest with what they think others would like to hear... When there is no physical appeal, many do not rely on a compassionate approach to engage in conversation. They have no quarrels in revealing their true face. In a world, where kindness is frequently mistaken for courtship, this should come as no surprise. When there is nothing to be gained by manners or a friendly smile, many do not see the need. Although they are right, society does not require them to be warm-hearted or even well-intentioned, tactless behavior takes root gradually with adverse effects. Our thoughts as well as emotions have a physiological impact on our appearance. They can produce tension, restlessness and depressive states of mind. Moreover, they contribute to increased stress levels, which in turn triggers the chronic release of specific hormones in the adrenal gland (Cortisol, Adrenaline, Nor epinephrine). In my gerontological research, I noted a decrease in photonic energies during times of prolonged stress, disease and premature ageing, but let us start as the beginning...

Although the cells in the body can accumulate varying quantities of light, they can also store denser energies, like the equivalence of dark energy. To increase the absorption rate of photonic emissions, we must first focus on remodeling our basic requirements. Obviously, we must heighten the nutritional density and variety of our food/drink, but it is more important to control our breath and thereby our nervous systems. If we can learn to extend and retain the breath to the length of just three minutes (literally like a turtle), we could extend our lifespan by approx. 200-300 years. Yet, only if we can operate in this state, which is actually far more challenging than it sounds. Most cannot speak, eat or follow their normal lives in Theta.

With every shallow breath, we put additional weight/pressure on our cardiovascular system. Over time, this creates visible clavicular grooves in the chest. With every deep breath, we learn to distribute this weight/pressure  differently. When we learn to rest the chest through the regular practice of deep breathing, we also lower our risk for cardiovascular disease. As the movement of the abdomen massages internal organs, it detoxes them by triggering the release of free radicals. These are the cause of disease after a