We Are One by Anita B. Sulser PhD - HTML preview

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Truth Be Told...


"Bully-worship, under various disguises, has become a universal religion, and such truisms as that a machine-gun is still a machine-gun even when a "good" man is squeezing the trigger have turned into heresies which it is actually becoming dangerous to utter."

– George Orwell

What is religion, but an idea? A concept that has cosmic transformative potential… However, any idea can be turned in on itself to become the very thing that it stands against. When we speak of religion, we do not speak of our way of being. We mean how devoted we are to an imaginary deity in the sky that we would either run from screaming or pay hard cash to abduct us. In other words, we neglect the very foundation of religion that consists of ideas, which are much bigger than any organized religious system.

Religion has become this all-encompassing system that functions in all essence like a corporation. The Vatican, for example, is an arms stockholder and a bank with great influence in the corporate community. Islam, for instance, is a oil-funded system, founded on conquest through invasion and genocide. In every which way possible, our modern representation of religion has strayed far from its intended purpose… It no longer serves as a voice of reason or compassion, but detachment from the people that it serves. Corruption in any institution can only take hold, if organized elements within it act on delusional beliefs that do not benefit the greater whole. Although many religious scriptures can hardly be considered peaceful, (since they provide only small quantities of useful information), not all of them have been edited, suppressed or destroyed. Some still offer guidance toward understanding a higher power…an essence that existed prior to this multi-verse.

Above all else, religion is deep inner realization. It is not a path that anyone can choose for you or a state that anyone can elevate you to…You alone hold the key. Religion is the embodiment of freedom. We cannot deny that, because we cannot move or live without the idea of freedom or democratic rule for that matter. What makes religion so unscientific is that they continue to deny the power of the people in their aim to centralize it. In the absence of power, money and influence…Religion deals with the truths of the metaphysical world just as chemistry and the other natural sciences deal with the truths of the physical world.

In the words of Swami Vivekananda, all science has its particular methods, so has the science of religion. It has more methods also, because it has more material to work upon. The human mind is not homogeneous like the external world. According to the different nature, there must be different methods. No one form of religion will do for all. Each is a pearl on a string. We must be particular above all else to find individuality in each. No man is born to any religion; he has a religion in his own soul. Any system which seeks to destroy individuality is in the long run disastrous, as it impedes self-realization.

That notwithstanding, the war over our thoughts, minds, bodies and even our souls has been ongoing for countless decades…and it won’t end anytime soon. However, the reactions to what we think, what we say and what we believe are far more revealing than our stance towards any given thing. Religion is not excluded from this. Although religion is a constant source of conflict, it is not religion that is the issue. It is our attitude towards it. Religion is Freedom, which means that we must all find our own path to enlightenment and live with the moral consequences of our choices. However, there are far more important issues at hand than a global crisis of faith. As our nations are arming up for war, unequal resource distribution is worsening to deadly degrees. The little resources that we have are reserved for economic migrants, while our own citizens are subject to poverty, starvation, sexual exploitation and exposure to the elements.

Any decent counselor, therapist or doctor will confirm that silence is deadly, especially where hate crimes are concerned. Many homosexuals, transgenders, feminists and African-American Christians can attest to the fact that they were punished violently for their life choices. Back then, most looked the other way. Now, these abhorrent hate-crimes have returned to our streets. Ironically, they highlight exactly what happens when a non-believer enters a Muslim country. The punishments sanctioned by law favors the dominant religion, as ours did for countless centuries. We are not accepting their religious laws as our own, they are forcing them onto us, which is a crime against religious freedom on the streets of Europe.

No matter how many religious and/or spiritual practitioners adhere to peace, as long as they remain silent, the height of their numbers (and therefore influence) is irrelevant. They are complicit in crimes against humanity, dare I say, war-crimes at the highest levels. If they were truly peaceful practitioners of Islam, as they claim, they would die beside us. They would throw themselves in front of extremists, as any good Christian, Buddhist or Hindu should, defending against an impending terror attack. In other words, the strong protect the weak, otherwise what is the use of their strength? They obviously are not strong enough to maintain their own integrity, if their superiority-complex prevents them from doing the right thing.

We don’t need money, power or influence to stand up for our families, our communities and our way of life. All we need is a little courage with a plan of action. The instant that we allow ourselves to be trapped in this web of political correctness, we are sacrificing the truth for the sake of getting along with an oppressive ideology, reinforced by law enforcement officials that once had our trust.

Countless women are raped daily all over Europe, while the number is increasing. Statistically, this heightens the probability that over half will experience at least one or more sexual assaults throughout their lifetime, if not worse. Their fathers, brothers and husbands may have been offended a few hundred years ago, nowadays many of my clients report that the men in their lives are almost immune to this method of warfare. Their egos are not as easily damaged by such a violent crime, but they are easily led to expect women to ‘get over it’ in a period of 3-6 months, otherwise they often meet their needs elsewhere… Meanwhile, we wonder why humanity is facing several extinction level events simultaneously, when the answer is our lack of involved commitment to just about anything.

What May The Future Hold

In this world, anything is possible. Anyone can get away with anything at the right time under the right circumstances… There is only one slight problem with that. Diversity is paving the way to the enslavement of woman. We are expected to show respect and restrain ourselves toward an entirely different culture, when it is almost impossible to be repaid in kind at the best of times (by any culture). So, with every passing day, the nail of political correctness is hammered into the coffin of our Western civilization….

Contrary to popular belief, Imams across the globe take orders from the same people that control our leaders from behind the scenes. Yet, neither one of us pays this the attention it deserves. Complaining, rape and retaliation are easier methods than to confront that everything we have been told is a lie. Lies can inadvertently lead us to the truth about all things, whether you believe it or not.

…Truth be told, if Islam continues on its path of world domination, they will drive humanity into extinction. Every race (i.e. Caucasian, African- American, Indian, Asian, Arab, Feline, K9 etc.) will experience a significant reduction in numbers. This concerns humans, animals and plants alike, until there’ll be nothing left.

…Truth be told, if mankind continues on its path of planetary exploitation, whatever is above ground will be driven into extinction. Followed by one mass animal extinction after the other, the environment will have irreversibly changed. The plants and animals that survive will be as toxic to us as the atmosphere, the seas and the oceans, until the planet is no longer habitable by our standards.

…Truth be told, if Islam and the Sixth Mass extinction continue on their path unhindered, chances are worlds will collide with high casualty rates. It is expected that less than a hundred million (if that) would survive above ground.

Many of the people that I’m in contact with on a professional basis have woken up to the police at their door, others had their articles pulled… The West is evidently no longer a safe place to express our opinions, unless we are prepared to possibly meet a bloody end by doing so. The choice is ours, but we can be guaranteed that our government or law enforcement agencies will continue to support pedophilia, sexual and religious violence. The worst thing is that with every victim that is silenced, we are creating members of society that will not blink an eye, if violent crimes are committed. No one cared when it happened to them, so why should they care, if it happens to anybody else? An eye for an eye... However, what they’re actually dealing with is feelings of shame, guilt and emotional pain that are fueling self-loathing, which is then projected onto others that have experienced the same.
