We Are One by Anita B. Sulser PhD - HTML preview

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Final Note

Whose Life Matters?


"The reasonable man adapts himself to the  world.

The unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself.

All progress depends on the unreasonable man."

– George Bernard Shaw

We trust, regardless of all our past deeds, we trust. Regardless of who we think we are, we are bound to trust and depend on our fellow men. Yet, invariably that trust will be shattered. We will become overconfident or gullible, for which we'll have to pay a steep price. Each mistake is not a failure of our own making, but a lesson of our own making. We have not been abandoned by the world, it has simply shown us the inevitable. That which will happen repeatedly, if we do not take the next step in our own evolution...

Hope for the best, plan for the worst, expect nothing. The world has no room for those, lulled into a false sense of security or belonging. None of us belong here or came from here, it is not our true nature. All that we see is merely a figment of our minds. As vibrations on the electromagnetic spectrum flow like waves back and forth across the entirety of existence, our cortical sensors interpret and edit them in accordance to our beliefs and expectations. We never truly perceive the world as it is, only as we believe, expect and desire it to be...

Truth be told, we are beholden to those around us from the moment we take our first breath and we shall remain bound until we choose to free ourselves. As they say in Vegas, the house always wins. We may hope, pray or work our asses off, it'll all be for nothing, because nothing means anything anymore. Sure, it has its causes & its effect, but while we go round and round in circles, they elude us. We don't see that with every passing second, our consciousness gravitates toward its ultimate destiny:  Self-Realization.

Everyone has dreams. The truth is the majority, working to fulfill their dreams will never be in a position to fulfill them. I'm not talking about wealth, fame or power, but real dreams. Dreams, which have a humanitarian essence. Aspirations able to pave the way to a better world. We have to work together to achieve such a cause. We may not attain equal rights, safe resource production or its equal distribution in this lifetime. However, most of us are acutely aware, we cannot continue living this way indefinitely. We are already beyond the point of sustaining this world in its current state.

In other words, while we resist change, we are simply prolonging the inevitable. We are fighting against the endless waves of oncoming tides, we are the cause of. This is something, we cannot win against, unless we aim to defeat ourselves in the process. Eventually, we will have to give way.   Whether that is to God, the Universal Self or the Great Spirit is of no consequence. Sooner or later, all of us have to surrender to a power greater than our individual self.

When times are so hard that we cannot continue or bear the struggle any longer. We must remember, there are consequences, if we cut our journey short prematurely. Death is never the answer, for the universe knows how deeply our soul yearns to cease its own suffering. Through dying, we merely still the pain for a fleeting moment... After which, it'll return tenfold, as we come back to complete our journey.

Regardless of our colour, creed or face, we are all the playthings of a small elite, whose concerns surpass the quality of our lives. We have been for many lifetimes. An ideal world for them constitutes being tagged and billed for our own birth. Officially, we are unique individuals, whom it would be immoral to declare ownership over. Yet, as soon as the façade of false decency crumbles, they'd gladly have us pay for the privilege of being their property. In truth, they would inject us with compounds for which there is no cure in order for us to become indebted to them. In sickness, weakness and stupidity, we are theirs. We become dependent upon them, as we gradually become accustomed to living in chains life after life.

Your life matters, not since your opinion or mine dictates it, but because life is the only sacred "thing" we have left, once we have been stripped of everything. We came into this world as nobody with nothing and we will depart as such. At our core, we are not Joe Bloggs, the influential billionaire, or Mary Jones, loving mother. We are more than the roles we adopt for each other. We are one in heart, mind and spirit. We exist prior to name or form. It is not enough to think or believe it, we have to know it. We have to realize this knowledge to a point of no return...

We are timeless and breathless. The key is the realization of that. It is one thing to say, you are free while maintaining your ties with the world, when true freedom implies a state, in which you are self-sustaining. A state, in which money, property and recognition become illusory. When we recognize them as hindrances to achieve the very purpose, they serve, then we can transcend our need for them. If you can imagine how this could advance a single person or community, then imagine how this could advance an entire planet? How much suffering we could alleviate by changing a way of life that will be our undoing? At best, we may end up back in the Stone-Age. At worst, we will face the extinction of almost every species living on this planet, including our own. Even then, either life would be reseeded with the original blueprint of humanity and other species, or the experiment would be scrapped to try something else entirely.

Watch Out: We are dangerous. Our nature is disruptive as much as it is destructive to everything around us. Our souls were banished to this quadrant of space for various reasons. Whereas the only crime some of us committed was to think freely, others ended up here as a result of heinous, unspeakable deeds. Please do not misunderstand me, we have all done things, we regret. No one would never look at us the same way again, if they were aware of the total sum of our actions, but none of that truly matters... We cannot let our past define us. As soon as allow for that to happen, we delude ourselves into believing that is all we ever can be. Ultimately, we decide who we are by how we think and what we do in the present moment. With each second, we have the opportunity to choose our identity anew. To realize ourselves for who we are.

We are more, so we deserve more. We wish to give future generations only the best, which requires great sacrifices, but we deserve the same. We deserve to sow greater to reap greater. We deserve to live in a free world, where who we are is not subject to anything. A world, where immoral actions have empirically verifiable consequences on a moral spectrum, in accordance with the governing principles of the multiverse...

We are here in this place and time. Let us make the best of it.

Let us not dwell on what might have been but what can be.

Let us see the world in ways

That we never imagined or never believed possible.

We are infinite potential.

The power to make anything possible is ours for the taking.

The problem with our global society is that all the systems, we created, have been turned against us. Their very foundation has been corrupted. Over the generations, problems were generated, which coerced us to supersede our base liberties, including their responsibilities. The right to bear arms or for simple self-defense, for example. The right for a swift execution in otherwise corrupt judicial systems, for instance. (Something I would personally choose for myself rather than to sit on death row for decades, innocent or not...) or even the basic right to collect rain- water... We have sacrificed everything to the wrong people. Now, we are waking up to the consequences. However, there is one thing that even the most powerful of men cannot account for or control: Everything around us originated from an absolute reality, existent prior to the multiverse. All of space-time has its root in a quantum biophotonic matrix, in which everything happens simultaneously in a state of blissful oneness. A state, in which all is one without beginning or end, where we are not dependent on anything or beholden to anyone.

Above all else, we are consciousness.

We are beyond thoughts, words or mind.

We are Existence in the Form of Light.

We are Anything, Everything and Nothing.

We are the One that just is...

The best kept secret of existence is also the craziest. It teaches us to think in ways prior to the mind. Through the harshest times, it can keep us sane in an insane world. The challenge is not to resist the unraveling of our self to give rise to the Self. Every problem, we face, is an opportunity in disguise. Reality will surely try to test us in every form unimaginable. In turn, for each hurdle we overcome, we emerge more resistant as well as adaptable to change.

The secret that enlightened sages have attempted to convince us of is that nothing ever happened in the whole of existence. No one was born and no one died. Time is an illusion, as Einstein so famously stated. In truth, we are the embodiment of our infinite being. We are in all change, but we are essentially unchanging.

When you put this book down, take a moment to ponder the silence that came before and continues after its content. That silence, in which the beginning, middle and end merge beyond, where words cannot take us. Let time cease.