We Are One by Anita B. Sulser PhD - HTML preview

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Biophotonic Matrix:  quantum  mechanical  model  that  denotes  a connection between biology and biophotonics (associated with detection/measurement of quantum units of light)

Consciousness:  State & Quality of Awareness and/or Existence

Quantum Mechanics:  Quantum theory, involving the structure as well  as behaviour of atoms, particles and molecules.

Light:  Particles emitting electromagnetic  radiation, which transmits energy proportional to the radiation frequency.

Noumenon:  According to Shamanic, Indian and Kant’s philosophy, the term ‘noumenon’ refers to a thing as it is in itself, not perceived or interpreted, incapable of being known, but only inferred from the nature of experience.

Photon:  a particle representing a quantum of light  or other electromagnetic radiation, carrying energy proportional to the radiation frequency, although its rest mass is zero.

Soul:  Immaterial substance of the individual consciousness comprised of vital force, Prana and/or Qi

Spirit:  Prevailing, predominant Qualities of the  Soul and/or Individual Consciousness

That:   (I Am That/That Art Thou) Absolute Existence; Spirit of Multiverse

Theta Wave:  Neural oscillatory pattern observed in hippocampus in the form of electrical activity in the brain that occurs under certain conditions with a frequency of 4-7 hertz.