We Are One by Anita B. Sulser PhD - HTML preview

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The Light of All Lights


"I am neither a man, nor a woman, nor a god, nor a demon. No, nor any of the animals, plants, or trees. I am neither poor nor rich, neither learned nor ignorant. All these things are very little compared with what I am: For I am. Behold the sun and the moon and the stars, I am the light that is shining in them!"

–  Nisargadatta Maharaj

The universe, even the multiverse, has a beginning, which implies every world, every domain of space-time, also has a lateral end, but what about that which creates time & space in all its totality?

One cannot capture, contain, own, or imprison light. It excels at the art of bending space-time to its will. It has a spirit of its own. Although it is there, it is not. It knows no boundaries, while no amount of distance can hinder it from transferring information instantaneously to the very edge of the universe. It is limitless in every definition of the term. For light, all existences are a trick of its own creation. Some support life as we know it, others do not.

Light comes in countless forms. Whereas we can perceive a few of its forms with our bare eyes, there is a larger percentage, we cannot. Alternatively, when the conditions are just right, we can perceive the imperceptible. When the cells in the retina are stimulated to a sufficient degree, which triggers neural impulses in the brain, we can perceive a lower or higher frequency of the electromagnetic spectrum. The energy fields that surround every object or person, for example. Through study and practice, the invisible becomes visible without the need for scientific instruments to verify their presence, but that is another subject entirely.

In the way that spring water stores minerals when it runs through the mountains, energy adopts certain qualities through exposure. Whereas different streams are filled with different amounts of minerals, which are ultimately stored in water, light is also capable of storing properties that alter its composition and thereby its effects on surrounding life-forms. Moonlight, for instance, does not have the same attributes as sunlight, nor does it yield the same benefits. Yet, both originate from the same source. Although most disregard the concept of solar and lunar  energies...Everything is energy and there are many more forms of energy that we are currently unaware of.

For the purpose of this book, our focus will mainly be aimed toward one rather specific kind of light, a self-sustaining light, which does not absorb any external qualities, it becomes them in the illusion of form alone: the Light of Existence.

When we use words like biophotonic matrix, we rarely consider a word can be a reality in itself. We use words, as we would every other tool to articulate ourselves, but the majority of us no longer feel their meaning or question their implications. We live on fast-forward with perhaps infetixmal glimpses of what lingers within us... That which lies dormant at the base of our consciousness. Behind our three states of consciousness (i.e waking, dreaming and deep sleep) is a fourth that borders on awareness.

Our prehistoric cultures were acutely aware of this, as it strengthened their "sixth sense" for survival in hostile environments. However, since re-modeling our environment to create our modern lifestyle, we have become less receptive to the concept that "something" exists beyond what we can perceive through our senses. We rely on science over religion, but we truly understand neither. At the peak of scientific discovery, as it is with spiritual enlightenment, the rules of the game change. Still, they are universally the same rules. No matter what path we take, all roads lead to the same destination. This...what we are experiencing right now...is just a pit-stop for all of us. We are not the sum of our experiences, we existed prior to and after they've been long forgotten. They are but a ripple in the cosmic rivers that is our collective consciousness, whereas awareness is the ocean from which they flow.

The fourth state of consciousness is not so much a state as it is a way of life that comes in many varieties. It is present in all belief structures, despite the fact these structures predominantly serve as control systems that prevent the attainment of higher consciousness. Despite all, the problem with any industrialized Ponzi scheme is the spiritual essence of all things. No matter how corrupt something may be, it'll pass in the blink of an eye. It cannot last as long as it is in conflict with its true nature. Also, it almost always leaves devastation in its wake...

The roots of Self begin in consciousness and cease in awareness. The fourth state of consciousness is one of biophotonic origin. However, it has nothing to do with religious, political or scientific endeavours. It is that which creates governments, religions, sciences and, in our insane world, politics. To fully grasp what this means, we must first understand that light has a reality with an identity of its own in blissful emptiness. It is the key to comprehend an existence underneath the phenomenological world.

It is not enough to meditate on light or imagine how a photon perceives reality, although those methods can lead to transpersonal experiences, we must cultivate higher knowledge, leading to deeper states of awareness.

Double Consciousness

We exist in a state of double consciousness, as it may. While we bounce back and forth between various states of consciousness, the fourth state of consciousness happens concurrently with every other. It is a state outside of thought or language. It can only be experienced in silence. The ego dissolves as soon as we enter it. Every inch of individuality disappears, except for the ultimate. Our sense of doership in connection with the world becomes an internalized movement of consciousness, which we can be aware of at will.

On the surface, our consciousness is constrained by our identification with the physical body, but underneath, there is a cosmic body of light, approximately the size of an atom. The entire multiverse in all its vastness is much smaller than we perceive it to be. This cosmic body of light is nothing more than the biophotonic matrix.

Contact with what we call a holy or divine light is simply a deep realization of an all-pervasive quantum biophotonic matrix, we do not yet recognize as such...for which we have no reasonable explanation, as the subject is perceived as irreconcilable with our real-world understanding, when they are truly not. The quest to search for our true Self, or for the very reason behind our existence, is the most valuable contribution, we make can make for others as well as ourselves. Do not take my word as gospel, investigate. Explore the nature of your own spirit until all avenues are exhausted and the solution finally presents itself in all its glorious infamy.

Meditative Technique No. 1         Double Consciousness

1. Imagine that you are somewhere far away. (For example, in the stratosphere not so distant etc.) From there, gaze back at your body, which is lying or sitting in meditation.

2. Try to picture your surroundings without opening your eyes. Sense them, but don't apply to much force. Rest in a knowing awareness that sees all without needing to look. (It may take a few attempts to achieve this, but it becomes easier with regular practice.)

Advanced Method:

1) Every object in this world has a double character. It lives a double existence. It has relative as well as absolute properties. In so doing, "objects have a relational connection with us on account of which we like them, or dislike them, or evaluate them in a particular manner." However, objects have a substance of their own. Yet, we rarely submit to the idea that an object has an existence, independent from concepts we associate with it. Practice the previous steps on an object in your immediate proximity. With sufficient practice, the distance can be extended to include any object or location anywhere.

Important: Any preconceptions about the object represents an obstacle to knowledge of the object. Each individual or object in this world has a non-local, non-temporal essence, including us. Although it may appear, as if we are in this place at this time, that is not so. We have made this assumption to re-affirm our identity as independent entities, in turn distinguishing ourselves from other people, objects and the cosmos.

2) The highest goal of this exercise is oneness in contemplation of the object, individual or place. When that occurs, the subject is absorbed into the object and vice versa. In addition, if we continuously practice this on an object in a uninterrupted manner, the object not only reveals itself. It assumes an entire reality, in which our minds are transformed.

Consciousness harbours the capacity to project itself across all space-time through the biophotonic matrix, which is essentially a part of our higher self. In truth, you will find that reality is created from nothing but light and actually takes no form, while it goes by every name under the sun. Imagine this as a celestial current of light that supplies a cosmic body with vital energies.

Meditative Technique No. 2            What is Mind?

1. Sit cross-legged or lie down with spine and neck in alignment. Relax the body. Follow the breath. Observe the abdomen rise and fall. Simply, let yourself slow down. Slow the force behind the breath, rather than the breath itself. Don't pause between breaths. At some point, you will transcend awareness of the breath to awareness of your being. Aim to gently direct this experience toward cosmic oneness.

2. Consider, if all is mind, then everything is happening internally. Nothing that we see, hear, feel or think can be an external part of the many worlds, nor can it lead us to the trans- or non-existential reality of all these worlds, to that which existed prior to the multi-verse.

3. Contemplate objects, people and the world as non-externalised. Bring them together and imagine the whole that they form, at once, in your consciousness. Let all the things in all the worlds ftow together in all their totality without missing anything whatsoever.

Meditative Technique No.3           Universal Consciousness

1. In this exercise, the consciousness is transferred to the Universal Being and/or Reality. Instead of thinking of yourself in terms of the individual body, contemplate yourself as the Universal Body. Imagine the sun in place of the right eye. Envision the moon in place of the left eye. Picture your feet as the earth. Contemplate your head, as the celestial heavens.

2. Visualize the limbs of the cosmic body in such a way that there is nothing in the entirety of the cosmos, which is excluded. Everything in the multiverse forms an integral, organic part of the Universal Body of the Great Spirit.

"When you see the vast world before you, you behold a part of your own body. When you look at the sun, you behold your own eye. When you glance up into the skies, you are looking at your