We Are One by Anita B. Sulser PhD - HTML preview

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Ex Nihilo


"Absolute equals nothingness."

– Dejan Stojanovic

What is it actually supposed to mean to live in our society? With every passing year, even less wealth and resources are distributed equally. With each new day, it becomes more difficult to maintain employment, as the cost to survive skyrockets even higher. Needless to mention, the jobs most of us perform are so soul-sucking and life-shattering, no one commits to such a role for over fifty years without thoughts of blowing their own brain onto the ceiling with a sawed off shot-gun...

Truth be told, we are products...brainwashed cogwheels in the giant unfeeling machine that is our global community. From the moment of birth, we are indebted to society without making it as blatantly obvious as birth tax or birth licensing for the time being, but for how long?

From a moment that marks a spiritual transition from one life to the next, we enter this existence in illusory chains that aim to keep us bound life after life without conscious recollection. In all honesty, we have been here before and we will continue to come back, unless we break the cycle...

What used to be communal living has become socio-political manipulation on a planetary scale. Everything has become a mere tool to engineer our consciousness development at every step, ranging from breathing to food to water... Wherever we are, the chance is that as long as we live in these conditions, we'll die as a consequence. As a doctor, that lesson was the hardest for me to accept, but this realization is vital to change our way of life to a sustainable alternative.

It has to be stressed that for as long as our modern civilization is unsustainable, all our lives rest on a crumbling foundation. No matter how much mortar, we apply to seal the cracks, it'll never serve as an imperishable sub-structure to maintain our neglectful as well as excessive lifestyle. Our modern lifestyle is built on the extinction of almost an entire animal kingdom. It is the mechanism, which drives all the permanent environmental changes to our eco-systems. These can only be reversed with more advanced science than we admit exist not only in patent form.

If we lack the courage to resist or to risk our lives in the attempt, then our path is pretty much mapped out for us... However, if we don't comply with certain destructive social protocols, then our path may be steep or uncertain, but we are building a rock-solid foundation with a reliable moral compass. With an accurate knowledge-base, such a foundation allows us to be secure within ourselves, beyond the illusion of physical safety and/or the material. The ground could shatter, space could collapse as the cosmos swallows itself whole, and we would remain undisturbed by the sight of it all...

Don't look with your eyes.

Don't think with your mind.

Know with your heart.

Everything is predetermined by our actions. We create our own fate, as "independent individuals" and as a species. However, we sacrifice that liberty, when we allow the content of our minds to be dictated by those, who have no care for the side-effects, since they are not subject to what they force upon others. Our minds are no longer free and our choices are no longer limitless, when we are lulled into a false sense of security. In fact, it is deadly, but that's besides the point... Our quality of life would continue to deteriorate, as false promises propagate blind faith in a multinational system built on war, genocide and mass extinction. There's no beating around the bush...We silently co-exist with people that will kill any other species, mankind and this planet in the process for whichever reason. For some, its a jihad. For others, it's just to make a profit. The outcome is the same.

Regardless of how many barriers, we erect or how many borders we shut down (as a result of an ongoing invasion (we refuse to acknowledge publicly in fear of WW3) Regardless how poor or unfortunate we may be. None of this matters. What matters is that we don't exist as independent individuals. In fact, nothing in the entire universe can exist as an independent entity. Nothing can survive in a solitary state. As stated previously, we exist as an interconnected whole, in which each part is dependent upon all others. For example, we depend on our planet. In turn, our planet depends on a sustainable equilibrium in its eco-systems, which every inhabitant is reliant upon to an equal extent... On smaller and larger scales, we are in dire need of the public acknowledgment of the fact, we share a deeper connection with the planet as well as each other than we are willing to recognize.

We could be anywhere in space-time. Our geographical location or proximity to specific celestial bodies/living beings have no effect on our inherent relationship with the cosmos and that which conceived it. Regardless of where or when we are in this vast multiverse, distance is as illusory as the passage of time. In the absence of all which we think matters so greatly, We Are One. Not merely every living being, but also every universe, every dimension, every plane, every relativistic existence, even those that do not support any organic forms of life...All is One. That is perhaps the only free, unchanging truth about the fabric of reality.

Shared opinions, beliefs or even faith is a beautiful bond, which allows two or more people to experience a connectedness that has nothing to do with any of the above, but all to do with a simple truth: We are all cut from the same cloth, however deluded our beliefs may be or whatever insanity we may spew out next. At heart, the oneness of all things is not new to us. Oneness precedes the entire content of the multiverse. It predates time itself, but so do we for that matter...

What is Freedom?

Can you imagine an existence in which you don't need to eat, drink or sleep? In which you don't age? I never used to either, so if you didn't, don't worry. It is the stuff of legend or fantasy, not "real-life", right? Well, that's not entirely true. Far from it actually, immortality is the truest, most natural 'thing' there is... It is our true nature prior to desire and suffering, prior to birth and death... Prior to all, That is all there is. What I speak of is an existence in its own right. It is the only existence remaining prior to/at the lateral end of all other existences.

We are an embodiment of That:

Infinite, All-Pervading Awareness in the Form of Light.

We are undying Freedom solidified, as it may. We are the "I Am" that refuses to perish, for it does not know death... However, as soon as freedom solidifies, it is no longer free. It becomes entangled in a web of cause & effect, in which it loses its infinite potential by taking finite forms. That is where Self-Realization comes in...

We take a word, such as freedom, and dress it up to mean the ability to bear firearms, display flags, collect rainwater or grow clean food, but absolute freedom is not a relative construct. It is not there one minute or outlawed the next. It can never be seized or given. It is ever-lasting and omnipresent.

Even when our limitless potential appears to be non-existent...When all hope seems lost, we have the opportunity to create possibilities for others and ourselves out of nothing. Many have the chance to even the odds through moral or otherwise conducive means, which could immensely benefit society, but sadly few believe in themselves enough to realize their inner potential.

When the infinite manifests itself through the finite, it exists in a dual-state. On one hand, it is in a state of concentrated matter, attempting to solidify its infinite potential. On the other, it permanently remains in a formless state, in which nothing is created, destroyed or transformed.

When the infinite expresses itself through the finite, it may appear to exist in a dual-state, but it remains infinite. Regardless of what form it takes for how long, it is still formless at every moment. Whatever it desired to achieve has already been achieved, as it exists simultaneously at the beginning as well as end of time. All of space-time has come and gone. What remains is the purpose of creating this illusion, for as long as it is ongoing...

We still to seek the meaning behind reality, when it is already in our possession. The goal of our shared, relative existence is the realization of its self-sustaining, absolute source through direct contact. It cannot be imagined or described, only experienced. The actual means to directly come into contact with the Light of Existence is meditative absorption, for which meditation serves as mere training. (Bear in mind, meditation comes in all forms: Walking, sitting, dancing, singing etc.) Setting aside a mere 25 minutes each day for a practice, which should be pursued all day every day, does not spell out achievement. Conversely, joining a monastery isn't known as a quick route to enlightenment. Whichever path you choose, you will not emerge victorious without constant meditative concentration or awareness that develops into complete, meditative absorption. It is perhaps the only non-negotiable part of our journey to absolute truth. With meditation, we learn never to lose sight of what's most important, which is the most persistent hindrance. The mind prefers to forget what it needs to confront, delaying the experience while prolonging unhealthy attachments for the temporary pleasure that they bring...

It is our craving for anything, even the longing for desirelessness or inner peace, which makes us believe, we are something, we are not. It keeps us from realizing that we are not our bodies, our minds or our emotions... We are in everything, we lay our