Words From Walden by H Davey Thoreau - HTML preview

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Thomas Edison

There is an infinite intelligence allows our bodies to breathe while we sleep. It also allows our bodies to repair and regenerate while we sleep.

This same intelligence allows blood to travel through us, covering 19,000 km or 12,000 miles daily.


It allows a human heart to beat 100,000 times daily. It will enable the lungs to take around 20,000 breaths a day. The most amazing part is that we don't even notice any of this is happening.

Although empirical, the complexity of the body is in a realm that is still unfathomable for most people. This is due to infinite intelligence.

Whether you call it God, Universe or Source, they are all the same thing. Infinite intelligence.

It defies thought and understanding to grasp the full significance of the intricate nature in the design of the human body (plants and animals too). It is also wholly perfect and intended to be that way.

This infinite intelligence is not just in our bodies, but everywhere we look.

All the drops of water that make up an Ocean and then force the waves to roll in and out, depending on which way the earth is facing and the moon's pull.

The stars and planets are suspended in the sky and waiting for us to explore.

The mass migration of birds in the winter, heading south for warmer destinations closer to the equator. How is it that a bird knows how to get from Boston to Boca Raton?


This same intelligence also allows a Bear to hibernate for months while losing half its body fat but no muscle. Dropping the Bear's heart rate from fifty to ten bpm and lowering their body temperature from thirty-eight to thirty-three degrees. This same intelligence allows a Bear to go months without drinking, urinating or defecating.

A bamboo tree grows underground without sunlight for four years and is not visible above ground until the fifth year. At that point, it breaks through and shoots sixty to eighty feet in a few months.

That could not happen without infinite intelligence.

The rain which turns to snow at a specific temperature and the revelation that every single snowflake is uniquely different than its counterpart.

The beautiful colours of fall foliage or the grass. Grass which will grow faster the more you cut it just like hair or nails.

A field is full of dandelions that all look the same until you get a closeup and realize that, like snowflakes, every single one is different.

All around us are the designs of infinite intelligence at work, and most of us don't ever stop to think about it for even one second during our entire lives.



Alphabet soup for the soul vol.1- "J”

J is for Jesus

"I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in

darkness but will have the light of life."

John 8:12

Jesus Of Nazareth is the most widely recognized lightworker ever to walk the earth.


Jesus could access other dimensions and realms of existence through the third eye. In the gospel of Matthew, verse 6:22 says,

"The light of the body is the eye; if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light."

The third eye has been noted throughout history, as a place where we transcend our human experience into something more magical. Practiced from Egypt, India and China before Christ, to the Romans in the time of Jesus and then sweeping the internet a score of centuries later. It is seen as the gateway between the physical body and the metaphysical.

The pineal gland sits almost in the center of the brain. It is the size of a grain of rice and as depicted in many ancient hieroglyphs, it is a pinecone shape and the third eye.

The pineal gland acts as a transducer, a radio antenna that crystallizes and shimmers to flood chemicals into the brain. An explosion of ecstasy that will thrust one right out of the physical body and into a spiritual realm.

Jesus of Nazareth taught us how to elevate our vibrations and frequency to another level. Quantum physics tries to prove this scientifically and this will only become more evident and tangible as our science and measurements expand.

Jesus walked on water and made blind men see, deaf men, hear, and mute men speak. His Dharma continues to be fulfilled long after his death, and his Karma is stamped throughout the books of the time for all to witness.


Alphabet soup for the soul vol.1- "K”

K is for Karma

" How people treat you is their karma; how you react is yours."