Words From Walden by H Davey Thoreau - HTML preview

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Wayne Dyer

Karma is a Sanskrit word that means action, word or deed. Most people have understood this idea from a very young age. It's as 78

simple as cause and effect. Good karma, bad karma, whatever you put out will come back to you in return.

Do unto others as you would have others do unto you is the golden rule, and it is also how to create good karma. You reap what you sow is another aphorism. It is a simple method to ensure you live a happy, joyful, peaceful and meaningful existence.

If the energy you put into the world is positive, it will return to you manifested in some positive way (that you can not predict or at least I can not).

A good example that covers all three words used to describe karma ( action, word, deed) is helping a friend move to their new house or apartment.

Helping a friend would be initiating a positive action by performing positive deed and doing a positive work. With one decision, this person has given and is adding to a positive transaction in their spiritual bank account. Karma.

In helping a friend move, one would have sent good karma into the ether and therefore receive good karma from the ether.

The caveat is that it won't happen the way you think. The result is the same or greater, just not how you imagined it.

This does not mean that if you help move a friend, they will help you move when it’s your turn. That is too easy to predict. The only 79

predictable thing about karma is what you give, you will also get (good or bad, doesn't matter).

The lighter you are, the more light will shine through you.

Everyone puts out Karma, even if they don't know they're doing it.

So be intentional about what kind of karma you put out there for others to receive and feel.

So, is your karmic bank account on the plus or negative side?

Alphabet soup for the soul vol.1 - "L”

L is for Light

I should observe such a beam of light as an electromagnetic field

at rest.