Words From Walden by H Davey Thoreau - HTML preview

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Albert Einstein


While travelling on a streetcar and looking back at the clock tower in Bern, Switzerland, a young Albert Einstein dreamed of what riding alongside a beam of light would be like.

How fast would one have to travel to ride on a beam of light, and what would it look like on the clock. Would the seconds freeze or even possibly go in reverse?

The answer is one would have to travel at light speed, of course!

Light speed translates to 300,000km a second, according to Stephen Hawking. That Clock tower in Bern sparked the idea for the special theory of relativity, which has revolutionized modern physics and how we view our universe.

The math equation is more famous than its origin story just described. E=MC2.!

The easiest way to understand the math is by turning on a light.

At what feels like the same time you flip the switch; a light turns on across the room.

Another part we learn from the math is that we are all light waves of energy that vibrate through space and time.

Some of us shine brighter than others. We will even shine brighter than ourselves at different times. The reverse is also true, as vibrating lower and denser at certain times is a standard modus operandi for the masses.


Our thoughts determine how bright we shine and how coherently we vibrate. No matter how low or dense your vibration is at this moment, you can change it simply by changing your thoughts.

The world needs more light workers, so be careful of the things you put in your mind. Every day we choose what goes into our subconscious mind, through the music we listen to, the media we consume and even the people we interact with.

You are raising your vibration by reading this and focusing on the spiritual element which is inside everybody. Call it the soul, which, like a plant, requires love and light to flourish.

TRY THIS: Make a list of the things that bring you down to a lower vibration, and beware of them going forward. Be on the lookout for the lower frequencies that come with certain emotions such as envy, jealousy, shame, guilt, and blame, just to name a few.

You can start today and work to replace these feelings with higher vibrational frequencies such as love, joy, gratitude, compassion, peace and equanimity. And, when you fall from grace daily (which will happen again and again), just dust yourself off, get back up and continue the journey toward your highest self.


Alphabet soup for the soul vol.1- "M”

M is for Mindfulness

" Living twenty-four hours with mindfulness is more worthwhile

than living 100 years without it."