Words From Walden by H Davey Thoreau - HTML preview

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Henry David Thoreau

Nature has the answers to many existential questions if we are willing to sit back and observe.

The examples vary across the animal kingdom, the plant life kingdom and the world's oceans. Some are subtle metaphors, and some are so stunningly obvious that they make me ask, "How come I didn't see that before?"

The Amazon rainforest alone holds many of the answers to life itself. Explanations of how to grow, nurture, breathe, and eat, along with healing under the canopy nature provides. The answers are indeed everywhere. All we have to do is look.

It is no mistake that humans are made of the same elements found in the stars, which permeate the farthest reaches of space.

It is also no mistake that the human body and the earth are 70%


Nature maintains duality in everything. It is beautiful and ugly, gentle yet strong, loud and quiet, fierce but friendly, orderly and chaotic.


As the prophet foreshadowed, a day would arrive out of nowhere and with a wallop, winter would be upon us all.

As witnessed through the window, high above the perch where I write these words, the snow blankets the soft bed of lush rich green grass that lays beneath it. I am reminded that winter has swept in and taken credit for all the work the autumn winds did, whistling the weary down for slumber and putting the land to sleep again for another year.

Greatness is similar to snow. It starts with little flakes, which turn into a snowball that fits into a hand, and then, with a couple of rolls in the sea of snow, it's the size of a soccer ball. The snowball gets bigger as it continues down the same path with momentum until it gets bigger and bigger.

Creativity is sparked, and the culmination becomes a beautiful snowman that children can make come to life and play with as if it were a real person.

The impermeant nature of life returns the snowman to the earth in the form of melted water, in turn, allowing the grass to grow strong and thick. Changing from spring through the summer and eventually to autumn as the cycle repeats itself endlessly forever and ever.


Alphabet soup for the soul vol.1- "O”

O is for Observe

"Observe your thoughts, don't believe them."