Words From Walden by H Davey Thoreau - HTML preview

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Eckhart Tolle

Do you ever observe yourself conversing in your mind and asking yourself questions?

If you can observe your mind asking questions, then who or what part of you is watching and asking?

Michael Singer talks about this idea beautifully in his book the untethered soul. A must-read for anyone who has experienced spiritual awakening (or wants to).

The saying "you are not your thoughts" rings true if we observe our thoughts. The fact that you're observing your mind means you're not your mind. You are not attached to it.

TRY THIS: Can you bring your full attention and awareness to your right shoulder? Next, can you slide that awareness across your shoulders, down your other arm to your elbow? The answer is Yes to both those questions. So, then your thinking mind is not who you are.


The real you is an awareness. The real you is a soul, a spirit. The body and the mind are just the vessels which carry the energy.

Simply, a result of this earthly human experience we are having.

We were a soul before birth and will be a spirit long after leaving the body. Our human experience lasts for less than a nanosecond in the continuous complex clock of creation.

The idea is to detach from your mind and the identity created for you and by you. With that freeing of the mind, you also get freedom from your body which is your unconscious mind running programs.

Once you notice the programs are playing on repeat, you can ask questions.

Ask questions like, why does the adult me feel the need to continue to repeat the program I followed when I was younger?

Can I invent new programs to replace the old ones? Am I just repeating a neural pathway that is running without my knowing and understanding what is happening? Can I disconnect the pathway that is on auto-repeat? Can I disconnect the neurons laid down over the years or decades?

Such questions open the door to your awareness and will lead you down a new path. A path that will be very different from the cyclical experience you may have had for your entire life until now. A way of growth and creation.

A result is a new person who has broken free from the chains of the past. A person who can see that the soul has a more 90

significant say in personal evolution than previously known. A person who sees that the human body and mind are capable of much more than ever thought possible.



Alphabet soup for the soul vol.1- "P”