Words From Walden by H Davey Thoreau - HTML preview

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P is for Physiology

“If the placebo effect is a function of how a thought can change

physiology—we could call it mind over matter—then perhaps we

should examine our thoughts and how they interact with our

brains and our bodies.”

Joe Dispenza

Let's play a game!

Imagine if you will, in your mind's eye that you are holding a bright shiny lemon.

First, feel the softness of the lemon that gives a little when you squeeze it tight (not too tight).

Next, notice the waxy skin on the outer layer and the unmistakable scent of the uncut lemon.

Now place it on a cutting board and grab a big sharp knife.

Cut the lemon in half and then into smaller wedges like you would when adding it to a glass of water.

Finally, pick up one of the wedges and bite into it.


What does it taste like? Did your mouth water, or maybe your eyes squinted at the taste?

You just changed the physiology of your body by thought. What you think affects your body.

If your body can produce that kind of a change just by thinking about lemons for less than one minute, then what do you think is possible for our physiology if we sat alone in thought for ten minutes daily?

After a couple of months, our bodies would reflect the change we are attracting in our meditation, and we would feel as if the dreams we are going after have already happened because, according to our physiology and just like the lemon, we have changed our thoughts to reflect that the event has actually happened.

Then we begin to step into the things we are meditating about.

We start to attract the right people, events and circumstances in our lives and in doing so, we have just created our future.

As the saying goes, when life gives you lemons, create your future.


Alphabet soup for the soul vol.1 - "Q”

Q is for Question

"Question everything. Learn something. Answer nothing."