Words From Walden by H Davey Thoreau - HTML preview

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Margret Mead

If you do the work, you will reap the rewards. And, if you do what you love, it will not feel like work (most of the time).

Working hard is not about money or fame but rather about being the best version of yourself that you can be for your level of consciousness at any given time.


The goal is to evolve, but personal evolution does not simply happen by creating your future from a closed trans-like state of becoming no-body and no-thing, in no time, from no place. Going from no-where to now-here. There is another essential step.

After you create your future from that meditative state, that spiritual dimension, you must re-enter the physical body and play in the 3D world of physical form.

The trick is trying to stay conscious without repeating the negative thought loops, patterns and unconscious behaviours that are hardwired inside each of us. Neural networks that have been laid down over a lifetime.

We must ask, what can I do so I don't fall from grace today? And, If I do fall from grace, how can I shorten the refractory period?

Have you ever been upset about something you have said or done, and then, even days later, you are still upset about the same thing?

This is where you must forgive yourself and move forward to become lighter and vibrate higher. This is where we realize we are human. We get up and dust ourselves off and return to doing the work.

The prize is inevitable as long as we keep working and taking action toward our goals and dreams.


Alphabet soup for the soul vol.1 - "X”

X is for -" X marks the spot. "

"If 'X' marks the spot of the destination of our life journey, then

'Y' should be the reason we're choosing to go."