Words From Walden by H Davey Thoreau - HTML preview

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Cedric Crawford

The phrase 'X marks the spot' has several different attributions.

One version is that old pirates would bury their treasure, and they would remember where it was by placing an X on a map close to a landmark they sought as the burial site.


Another version is that the British army used it. For example, when performing executions, A soldier would mark a piece of paper with an x and position it on the heart of someone sentenced to death.

Somewhere along the line, we became less brutal in approaching this phrase.

For this article, you are X, and X marks the spot where you are standing at any time or point in the world. You are at the centre of your world at all times.

This means that you are the center point of your reality.

Everything you encounter daily is a message for you and you alone.

The guy you pass on the street at a particular time daily has a message for you.

The lyrics to a song stir feelings inside you. Pay attention to that message.

The bird that lands beside you in the park or the cat that crosses your path. The email you get or the book you read. All of these are messages for you in your world.

Other people are receiving different messages. There is magic in song, scenery and surroundings.

Sometimes we don't even know the message until a future time and date. Have you ever experienced this? Something happens, 114

and you instantly recall a song or a book you read in the past. The reason you realize right away is that it was meant for you.

This sometimes happens without our knowledge. For example, maybe you wanted to run first thing in the morning, but when you woke up, your foot was sore. So instead, you decide to run later in the day, and you encounter something you would not have otherwise seen on that run. That is also a part of the magic.

Do you believe in something you can't see but know is there? Just like a Wi-Fi signal that we know is there because our phone is working, yet we can't see it, God is the magic and is always there.

But, unlike the Wi-Fi signal, she never cuts out on us.

You are the X, and the map is your imagination. So, start right now, where you are and use whatever, you have.

Alphabet soup for the soul vol.1 - "Y”