Words From Walden by H Davey Thoreau - HTML preview

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Martin Luther King Jr.

Acts of kindness. Helping others without expecting anything in return. I believe this is inside the hearts of all humans, and only fear, scarcity or lack can stop this innate desire.

"Many hands make light work" and " it takes a village" are sayings passed down since ancient times and still ring true today.

They resonate because these maxims are not unique to a moment in history or a particular culture but apply to the entire species of humans. The same holds for Altruism.

Our desire to help others is ingrained inside every person on

Earth; it is wired into our DNA. There is a reason it feels good to be kind to others.

Holding a door open for someone else or helping an old lady to cross the road. A friendly smile or a warm embrace. All of these actions show love and not fear.


Because all these things are done from a state of love, they also make us feel great. By doing kind acts for others, we are showing love to ourselves.

The best part is that doing things to uplift those around us can almost always be done for free. So, you do not need money to be altruistic.

These thoughtful and caring acts can be done for anyone, regardless of their rank or status.

Altruism is suitable for all people, but especially for anyone suffering from pain. We are not stuck in our headspace when we take the attention off ourselves and put it onto others. Instead, our focus has shifted, and so will our environment, perception, and reality.

Since we know what we focus on expands, Altruism allows us to expand our focus toward others. In turn, we stop the mental suffering that is taking place inside of us.

When humans suffer, it is because the mind has taken over, and all attention, focus and thought pattern are narrowed inwards on the self. Altruism is selfless; meaning less about the self and more about others. In helping others, we truly do help ourselves.

Today I challenge you to do a random act of kindness for another.

What will naturally follow is that you will be more connected and not separated. Gratitude will flow, and healing will begin to take place inside you.


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