Words From Walden by H Davey Thoreau - HTML preview

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Henry Ford

It all starts with Belief. If the Wright brothers did not believe in themselves and had listened to the people who said it was impossible to fly through the air, then on Dec 17th, 1903, near Kitty hawk North Carolina, the "Wright Flyer" would not have flown 120 ft over a 12 second period giving birth to air travel and people would not be able to have breakfast in N.Y. and lunch in L.A.

Edith Eger was in Nazi concentration camps where she was starved and beaten. She witnessed a young boy being used as target practice and many other horrors in a place where the hope of survival was minimal at best, yet that little girl believed that she would see life into her 90s, and today, she is a 94-year-old psychologist.

Roger Bannister ran a mile in under 4 minutes. Everyone thought it was impossible, saying that his heart would explode, but Roger Bannister believed it could be done, and he did it. Since that day on May 6th, 1954, at Oxford University, over 1,500 people have 162

achieved that seemingly 'impossible' task. All because they believed they could.

Thomas Edison is said to have failed 10,000 times before perfecting the incandescent light bulb. Most would have stopped after 50 or 100, but Edison had something many don't believe.

Henry Ford built the Ford Model T, and when he revolutionized the industry by putting eight cylinders into one engine block, they said it was 'impossible.' Not to Henry Ford, who gave his engineers and architects lots of latitude and time to make the impossible a reality. After six months, they returned and said it could not be done. Ford said, okay, but do it anyway. He told them to keep working on it until they succeeded, and they did.

Everything you see that has been built must first start as a thought in someone's mind. A thought attached to a Belief and combined with desire (and action) is the 'secret' formula for success.

Elon Musk, Richard Branson and Jeff Bezos all believed they could one day send a civilian aircraft into space; guess what everyone told them? So, in the summer of 2021, all three men turned the impossible into a tangible reality for the entire world to witness and benefit from.

For all these amazing people, spread out over the past century or more, one thing they have in common is that they all started with Belief.


Alphabet soup for the soul vol.2 - "C”

C is for Challenge

"Challenges are what make life interesting, and overcoming

them is what makes life meaningful."