Words From Walden by H Davey Thoreau - HTML preview

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Marianne Williamson

God, Source, The Universe, The Field. Whatever you call the higher power that creates us and allows blood to travel substantial distances freely through our veins, provides abundance everywhere, at all times.

This same intelligence keeps us breathing while fast asleep, resting and repairing, regenerating and rejuvenating, so we function optimally each and every day.

The same higher intelligence also provides fruits and vegetables to nurture the body. By harnessing the sun’s power plus water as it falls from the sky, all the food needed for survival grows on trees, bushes or directly out of the ground.


The amount of food produced each year is enough to feed the whole world multiple times, and it all stems from the tiniest volume of seeds which grow into total abundance right in front of our eyes.

Made purposefully by God and given to us. The amount of abundance available is more significant than one can attempt to fathom.

One day while making dinner, I cut open a pepper which had at least one hundred seeds inside. If even half of the seeds turned into peppers after planting, I would have fifty new peppers, each with a hundred more seeds, producing five thousand more peppers.

After just a couple of years, you would have half a million peppers followed by a number like 50,000,000 and on and on, forever expanding.

All that abundance came from one seed planted with love and cared for over a much shorter time than one might assume. This idea works in an endless possibility of ways and means. The brain is another great example.

Look at how many neurons are in the human brain. As of the last count, there were 86 billion neurons inside the human brain. Is that how many drops of water are in all the oceans? How about the number of grains of sand? Is it possible that there are eighty-six billion stars in the universe?


Finally, abundance can be shown through the neuron example via human evolution in learning. If scientists one hundred years ago claimed there were fourteen billion neurons in the brain, and today they are saying eighty-six billion, then how many neurological circuits will the human brain have a fifty or hundred years from now. It matters not that we didn’t have the proper tools a century ago. What matters is the abundance was already there. We just couldn’t see it.



Alphabet soup for the soul vol.1 - "B"

B is for Benevolence

" Dress yourself in the silks of benevolence because kindness

makes you beautiful. "