Words From Walden by H Davey Thoreau - HTML preview

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Richelle E. Goodrich

Benevolence and Altruism are two states that guarantee compassion, joy and well-being. Sounds simple, doesn’t it? With consistent practice, it is!

We are designed to be sentient and generous beings. When we show kindness for the well-being of others, we shift the focus off ourselves and, in doing so, forget any pain we are in, emotionally, physically and psychologically. The kind of pain that keeps us stuck in lower frequencies.

The emotional, physical and psychological stability aid in our mental calmness, resulting in equanimity and worth installing the daily practices and disciplines required to get us there.

Physiologically, our body releases the needed chemicals to signal peace and calm, instead of the fight, flight or freeze alarm that goes off when the stress response is turned on (the stress response for many is on constantly).


In helping others, we allow ourselves to heal, and once that happens, we can heal others. If energy flows where attention goes, then by taking attention off yourself and putting it on someone else, your energy flows to them, which is the energy they can use to heal their body and mind.

Once we practice emotional intelligence, we vibrate higher, shine brighter, and create from a place of love and light.


Alphabet soup for the soul vol.1 - "C"

C is for Creation

"The birds I heard today, which, fortunately, did not come within

the scope of my science, sang as freshly as if it had been the first

morning of creation."