Words From Walden by H Davey Thoreau - HTML preview

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Henry Ford


If everyone is overcoming obstacles, the question becomes, what kind of obstacles do you want to overwhelm?

Obstacles that are put in our path make us stronger. They are a whisper from the versions of ourselves saying - 'hey, over here, keep going this way.

The Universe puts obstacles in our path to ask, 'How bad do you want it!'

Then, purposefully set up obstacles designed to make us stretch and grow.

Obstacles allow us to fail forward so we can determine what we want and what we don't.

If we run into an obstacle and decide to quit the thing we're chasing because of the challenges, we don't really want it in the first place. So, this is excellent awareness because we can move on to what we want faster.

However, if we push past the obstacle, that is when we adapt.

Additionally, we know we are going down the right path by pushing through obstacles.

We all have obstacles that we must face. That's a part of life. The more projects, money or responsibility we have, the more obstacles we will face.

Just remember that obstacles are signals of what we truly want.


Alphabet soup for the soul vol.2- "P”

P is for Perspective

“Your perspective is always limited by how much you know.

Expand your knowledge, and you will transform your mind”