Words From Walden by H Davey Thoreau - HTML preview

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Bruce H. Lipton


The world we see depends 100% on our perception.

Our perspective of life shapes the reality we see at all times.

The way a mountain looks, or a stormy sky appears is determined by what we perceive at that moment.

If we perceive life as not having enough or that life is scary, unsafe or fearful, that is what we will see.

If we see abundance all around us, we will find patterns of that everywhere in our life.

Albert Einstein said, “The most important decision we make is whether we live in a friendly or hostile universe.” A decision?

Absolutely! We get to decide what our reality is created from, starting with how we perceive the world.

What do we watch, read and see? What are we putting into your mind?

Once we see the world a certain way, we form beliefs that wrap around that perception.

How can two men both have their legs blown off in a war, and one is grateful because he did not die, yet the other one becomes depressed and suicidal? Of course, the same thing happened to both men, but their perception of the event and the world they occupy determines how they respond.


We have learned about fixed mindset vs growth mindset, which is similar to perception. So, if we perceive that we can not learn and grow, then we will not; if we believe in a growth mindset, then that’s what we will perceive.

Our world is arranged by perception; what we believe inside will manifest as an outer reality. Similarly, what we see in our world is a

The way we perceive the world will ultimately determine how we approach life. If we see the world as a place without enough to go around, we will isolate ourselves from love and adventure and live a life of lack and scarcity.

Sounds and sight are electrical signals that are sent to our brain so that our brain can make a guess of what is actually happening.

That “guess” becomes our reality.

We will form a belief depending on our perception, so the only question is whether you want to live in a friendly or hostile universe?

Alphabet soup for the soul vol.2- "Q”

Q is for Quest

"To begin is the most important part of any quest and by far the

most courageous"



What is your Ultimate Quest in life?

What do you want to do?

Is there someone or something that you would like to become?

Somewhere you want to see or live?

You can do that thing.

The way to do it is to take belief, faith and desire and mix them together. That is the secret formula that will allow you to chase your dream.

Whether it is love, money, legacy, fame, family, or many other things. When we question what we want from life, the answer will become apparent as a Quest.

We may not be able to see the complete Quest; instead, we may only see one or two steps ahead. That is okay. Once we start moving, the following steps will reveal themselves.

There is something we will learn or a person we will meet whom we do not know now, and the only way to get to that point is to begin the Quest.

The puzzle pieces will begin to fit together, but only once we have started building the puzzle. So, it is not something that you can just sit around and wait for.


Action is the key. Belief, Faith and Desire are all essential, but without action, they are nothing more than philosophy.

Where will your Quest begin, and where will it take you? Like a GPS system, we can enter a destination, but there may be 10,000

ways to get there.

The only way to reach our endpoint is to follow the next step and then the next, and the next until you look back one day and say, wow, I got where I wanted, but it didn't happen exactly how I expected.

Alphabet soup for the soul vol.2- "R”

R is for Regulate

"The emotionally intelligent person is skilled in four areas:

identifying emotions, using emotions, understanding emotions,

and regulating emotions"