Words From Walden by H Davey Thoreau - HTML preview

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Justin Young

Transcend time, transcend space, Transcend your life.

We are all running a program, multiple programs, actually.

The question Is, do you know who installed the program you are running?

If it was a program, you designed and installed intentionally and on purpose, that’s great. Good for you. You’re probably winning at the game of life.

However, if you’re running a program installed by one of the many different archetypes you’ve encountered since your birth, then it was put there by someone else, which means that your program is based on someone else’s belief system.

Of course, all of this is okay as long as you know it and agree. Ask yourself, “Is this a belief system that fits with my current values, and does it serve me now and in my future?


If you’re running a program that you don’t like or don’t want, the good news is that you can design a new program. One that you wish to can begin installing now, starting today.

To determine what programs we want and don’t want, we must know our behaviours and actions. We must look at the behaviours and actions that benefit us AND the ones that hinder us.

We must flip them upside down and investigate them from every angle. We can uninstall programs running our entire lives and evaluate if life is better without a particular program.

Take things apart, remove habits and decide if they still serve you today. If they do, keep them; if not, let them go and move on. It may take time and effort, but it is a guaranteed formula.

The programs are not just interpersonal either. Music, food, and sports can transcend culture, religion and age for the masses.

The programs we wrap around the fabric of our inner and outer world will determine the quality of our life today and well into the future.

Once we are aware of the programs, it becomes a choice. So, choose wisely, my friends and transcend those areas of your life that you know are no longer serving you!

Your future self is begging you!


Alphabet soup for the soul vol.2- "U”

U is for Unlimited

"Our only limitations are the ones we set up in our own minds "

Napolean Hill

We discover that we can go further when we push ourselves to the limit. It's how we evolve and adapt.

Let's use running as the example (again). If you run for 20 mins because that's the limit you set for yourself, then the opportunity for growth and adaptation comes in the 21st minute.

You do one more minute because you can. Because you know it's all a mind game, and what happens is that just like a dog being trained to sit, you train your mind to become the body and go further. It's what we are born to do.

Expand, evolve and adapt. Yet, we think we can't do something because we tell ourselves we can't believe in our minds (not the physical world).

If we tell the mind to shut up, we will discover we can do way more than we "think.'


And the most magical part of this process is that when we push ourselves to that breaking point and go past it, the doubts that were initially there disappear and vanish into thin air.

Another reason this is so powerful is that we will start to silence the doubts that arise in the future because we now have evidence that it's possible. Possible because we have already done it once.

At one point, the four-minute mile was a wall, a mind barrier until that veil was lifted by Roger Bannister. He was the first to run a sub-four-minute mile, but many followed in his footsteps.

If you remove one message from this article, let it be that "it's possible."

That is the ultimate starting point, knowing that it is possible.

After that, work on your belief system until possible is part of your vocabulary, and you can do anything.


Alphabet soup for the soul vol.2- "V”

V is for Visualisation

"Visualisation is daydreaming with a purpose."

Bo Bennett

If you can visualize your future and hold that intention in your mind every day, there will come a time when you will meet that future vision in the present moment. You will know because it will feel familiar, like you've been there before, and feel right. As if you were expecting it.

The alternative is not visualizing your future and stumbling through life 'hoping' for things. In that case, there is a chance that you will get them, but there is a better chance that you will walk right past the future you want as it appears.

Something remarkable unfolds when you visualize the future you want and focus on daily. First, you start to notice events, people, and circumstances that align with your intention, begin to appear in your life. Then, because you consistently focus on that future outcome, your brain (specifically the RAS or reticular activating system) finds a path forward, showing you how to do it.


Visualization, affirmations, intention, and a disciplined work ethic will lead you to the future you want, but you must also have faith, desire and belief.

When you combine faith, desire and belief, then sprinkle in a bit of visualization, you will manifest opportunities set up by the Universe so that you can take the path toward your dreams.

It may appear as a conversation you hear on a bus or a song on the radio delivering a message meant for us. The synchronicities spark ideas and become so apparent after a while that when it happens to me, I laugh a little, smile and say thank you.

In The Alchemist, Paulo Coelho said, "When you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you get it." The way you let the Universe know how to help us get what you want is by Visualisation.


Alphabet soup for the soul vol.2- "W”

W is for Willpower

Willpower! Do you have it? If you answered No, fear not, because it can be developed over time.

When we have willpower and dominion over our bodies, we can do almost anything in this life.

One way to do this is to teach your body how to automate positive actions that improve your life. Enhancing your life is akin to training a dog to sit and stay. Over time, repeated behaviour will automate a conditioned response with practice, and eventually, the body will naturally take this action.

For example, if the location has energy and time has memory (and it does), this means that by doing an activity at the same time and in the same place every day, we begin to tell our body that every day at 8 am, we will go to this location and do this thing.

Essentially, we develop an intentional pattern instead of unconsciously repeating patterns placed inside us by the 207

countless archetypes we have encountered throughout our lives.

Once you cultivate and grow your will, you will power yourself through the things that seemed difficult in the past.

Repeated training of your body will allow you to craft a life of mastery. In doing so, you won't be a follower of the crowd. You will not eat the cookie when you are on a diet. Instead, you will control your thoughts as they arise in your head. You will be able to have see the idea, label it and then watch it pass on without having to act impulsively or contradictory to your values and beliefs.

It comes down to keeping promises; once again, proving how we speak to ourselves is critical.

If you are the girl, who gets complimented for having a lovely dress and then says something like "It was on sale" or "Yours is nicer," these statements go against the will of someone with personal mastery. Instead, just say thank you and leave it at that.

I am not suggesting that others are not better at certain things than we are. Instead, I recommend that we take our mastery to the next level with the power of will.

If you have the will to survive, you are the ultimate survivor. If you can finish the race or do the hard thing you don't want to, please know that it will make you a better master over your domain.

We often see a competitors 'will' themselves to victory in sports.

They may seem down and out. But, battered, bruised, and broken, their will was never in doubt, and that is why even when 208

their gas tank is empty, they somehow 'will' themselves through the pain of defeat.

The greatest thing about the power of will is that it is a teachable skill. Once installed as a habit, then no one can stop you. So, my only question is, do you have the 'will'?

Alphabet soup for the soul vol.2-


X is for X-ray-vision

“He wished he had some kind of X-ray vision for the Human
