Words From Walden by H Davey Thoreau - HTML preview

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Kim Edwards

If you could choose a superpower, what would it be?

How about X-ray vision, the ability to fly, super-human strength, time travel or teleportation? How about all of the above?

When we go inside and sit in the empty, dark void, shutting out the 3-D sensory world, that is precisely the time when we can 209

work on such superpowers. Limitless possibilities in the quantum field can be manufactured in the alchemy of our minds. We can time travel, see places we usually can’t see with our eyes, and visualize things that nobody can.

Lucid dreaming and Astral projections are two well-documented ways to make all these fantastic superpowers real (I have not enjoyed these experiences yet). All that matters here is your subjective experience. It matters not what anyone else says.

So, what is your superpower? Do you have more than one?


Alphabet soup for the soul vol.2- "Y”

Y is for Yin- Yang

"Yin and yang. The qualities that make us human. As though

our lives play out on an immense balance scale - move one way,

the scale tips to the left, but move the other, and it swings to the


Abramelin Keldor

The Yin-yang is the ultimate symbol of duality. Feminine v masculine, light v dark, good v evil.


The symbol is a beautiful swirling image that flows into each other and is stamped with a dot from the opposite sides. The bubble seeps through as a reminder that in all good lurks some evil, and out of all evil can be found some good.

Light and dark is the cyclical representation that shows the impermanence of all things. Think seasons or a 24-hour day.

Wherever you are reading this in the world, you are about to witness this in nature. Winter is either coming or going, meaning that the spring will begin to show the birth of a new light or autumn has put the plants to sleep. A new moon and a new world.

We shall search for the good as we emerge from the evil that has enveloped the world for the past few years.

The yin-yang can also be a personal reminder that no matter where you are on your journey, you are capable of both sides of this cultural coin.


Alphabet soup for the soul vol.2- "Z”

Z is for Zen

"I have lived with several Zen masters - all of them cats"