Words From Walden by H Davey Thoreau - HTML preview

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Dr Robert Holden

If the first thing you say every morning when you open your eyes is, "Thank you, I am grateful to be alive," then you're proactively starting your day positively. Conversely, if you check your phone to find out what you missed, you start from a reactive state of mind.

The Wise sage said: 'As you begin your day, so too, the rest of your day will unfold.'

By waking up in gratitude daily, eventually, with practice over time, you will find many things to be grateful for.


We should all be grateful for everything in our lives, the good, the bad and the ugly. Sometimes, stormy weather may cloud our judgement, but even in these times, we must be grateful. Without hard times, how would we know or appreciate the good times?

Instead of going through your day saying I have to make my kids lunch and drive them everywhere, or I have to go to work, or I have to shovel the snow or cut the grass, start telling yourself , I get to make my kids lunch and drive them everywhere, I get to go to work, I get to shovel the snow or cut the grass. These are gifts.

Living life every day is a gift.

Would you have spent your last day in a perpetual state of gratitude if you were to die tonight in your sleep?

Would you have chosen to be proactive or reactive? Do you choose gratitude or a bad attitude?

The bottom line is that if you wake up and think of how much life sucks, everything you see and do will reflect that, but if you say thank you and feel grateful, that is what you will see. The choice is yours, and it is really that simple.


Alphabet soup for the soul vol. 1- "H”

H is for Heaven

" Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done on EARTH as it is in


Matthew 6:10

Almost everyone has heard these words before, but what do they mean?

I believe it refers to the divinity that is inside all of us. A presence that is being experienced collectively through awakening and is being felt in numbers more significantly than at any other time throughout history.


The accounts reported by millions of people with varying degrees of similarity are unprecedented in the history of humanity and stretch across the globe.

When mixed in with the following two quotes from the Bible, it appears as if we literally get to create Heaven on Earth; 1- Psalms 46:10 -Be still and know that I am God 2- Matthew 6:22 -The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light.

These quotes reveal secrets about meditation and the need to go within so that we can find God and create our Heaven here on Earth.

If everything we are and see is light waves of energy vibrating through space and time AND the light of the body is the eye, it would mean that when we go inside and activate the third eye, then what we are experiencing is God's divinity.

The exact divine nature can be referred to as infinite intelligence and is coursing through any human willing to see.

The same divinity that allows humans to be made from the same material as stars.

The exact divine nature that gives us beautiful birds, fish and animals to adore.


When we hear the words, thy will be done, people think it will eventually happen, but what if it means thy kingdom come thy will be done, as in will power or willing it to happen through what we decide to see?

We can literally will things into existence; until we do, the Earth can seem more hellish than heavenly.

Alphabet soup for the soul vol.1- "I”