Words From Walden by H Davey Thoreau - HTML preview

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Henry David Thoreau

The Earth we occupy is drenched in various forms of life, full of energy and intelligence, both visible and invisible to the human eye.

The energy we experience on Earth is all around us; it is in everything and everywhere. The leaves of a tree that produce food for both humans and animals are made and infused with higher intelligence. It is also found in insects and organisms.

Is Earth the only place where intelligent life can prosper in the cosmos?

As we expand our universal reach through space, we will discover that we are NOT the only planet where intelligent life exists in such abundance, but you already know that.


One of the most intriguing things about Earth is that it is the only planet we currently know of where so many life forms thrive together. Lifeforms so complete and complex that are intertwined in a web of connectivity and these different life forms are structured to depend on each other for survival.

Another empirically fascinating fact is that Earth is a place with such extremes that the climate you are in can kill you or make you stronger.

A place where due to gravity, we see oceans and lakes stick to the earth like glue and rainwater naturally falling out of the skies. A place that can erupt, shake or burn to regain control. A planet that can speak to the global awareness of all its inhabitants to wake up.

Often referred to as Gaia, or Mother Gaia, this planetary consciousness of Earth is a living, breathing thing that plays by different rules much more sophisticated than meagre humans can currently fathom.

As for Gaia, she got fed up with waiting for us to fix the problems we created and decided to clean the causeways of Venice and patch the ozone later herself. The symbiotic relationship that falls under Gaia's umbrella is dependent on it.


Alphabet soup for the soul vol.1 - "F”

F is for Focus

"Focus on the journey, not the destination. Joy is found not in

finishing an activity but in doing it. "

-Greg Anderson-

What we focus on expands. Many people have been attributed with saying , "Energy flows where attention goes," and whether the energy is positive or negative, this is true for everyone. No one is exempt from this universal law.

If you want to become a musician, for example, you must focus on that. In doing so, your energy will flow there.

To achieve success, you have to practice by visualizing and then becoming the thing it is that you want. If you direct your attention towards this thing, then the energy inside you flows directly to it.

This means you have to do the things a musician would do. You must write music, learn instruments, practice singing, learn about mixing equipment and find places to practice living in front of 64

people. Essentially you must focus most of your energy and attention on that thing.

If, instead, you say I'll start tomorrow, I'm too tired right now, or I'll start later. Your energy is directly tied up in procrastination, and since your attention is not on becoming a musician anymore, you will not become that thing.

When I first started writing, I had no experience. I didn't even know the difference between a noun and a verb.

I did know, however, that to become a writer, there is only one way. I had to immerse myself in the craft. I had to focus my energy and attention on writing by sitting down and forcing myself to write. So that's what I did.

Every day, unsure what to write, I would set a timer and write down whatever came into my head until the timer went off.

After doing this month after month, I slowly found my style and progressively improved.

The reason is that I focused all my attention on becoming a writer; as such, my energy started flowing to where my attention was going. There is no other way to achieve the things you want.

The more you find your passions, purpose and principles, the easier it becomes until one day, you reflect quickly on your journey and realize that your time and energy have been steadily flowing where you put your attention.

Go into your memory bank right now and recall when you were stuck in a state of being mad or upset and couldn't get unstuck. The reason is that negative energy flowed to that thought or situation and directed your attention to the loop that got you stuck in the first place.


The flip side of that coin is that we had all had moments when our energy was so bright and radiant that even an energy vampire crossing our path could not disrupt it. That is because our focus was on something more significant.

By focusing all your time and energy on your dreams, that reality will expand until you become that thing.

Ask yourself where is your attention flowing? If you don't like the answer, focus your energy and attention on your dreams until they become a reality.



Alphabet soup for the soul vol.1 - "G”

G is for Gratitude

“The miracle of gratitude is that it shifts your perception to such

an extent that it changes the world you see”