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My Struggle: Book 5

My Struggle: Book 5

Author: Karl Ove Knausgaard

Pages: 626

Edition: Hardcover

List Price: $27

Published: Apr, 2016

Publisher: Archipelago

ISBN: 9780914671398

Highest rank: #16 on 23rd, Apr 2016

First entered: 23rd, Apr 2016

Number of weeks: 1

Book Summary

The fifth book of Knausgaard's powerful My Struggle series is written with tremendous force and sincerity. As a nineteen-year-old, Karl Ove moves to Bergen and invests all of himself in his writing. But his efforts get the opposite effect - he wants it so much that he gets writer's block. At the same time, he sees his friends, one-by-one, publish their debuts. He suspects that he will never get anything published. Book Five is also a book about strong new friendships and a shattering love affair. Then one day Karl Ove reaches two crucial points in his life: his father dies, and shortly thereafter, he completes his first novel.


Karl Ove Knausgård

Name: Karl Ove Knausgård

Hometown: Oslo

Born: Dec, 1968

About the author:

Nominated to the 2004 Nordic Council’s Literature Prize & awarded the 2004 Norwegian Critics’ Prize.

Karl Ove Knausgård (b 1968) made his literary debut in 1998 with the widely acclaimed novel OUT OF THE WORLD, which was a great critical and commercial success and won him, as the first debut novel ever, The Norwegian Critics' Prize. He has since received several literary prizes for his books.

Don Bartlett

Name: Don Bartlett

Other books by author...

  • My Struggle: Book Four
  • My Struggle: Book Four
  • Autumn
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