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My Struggle: Book Four

My Struggle: Book Four

Author: Karl Ove Knausgaard

Pages: 350

Edition: Hardcover

List Price: $27

Published: Apr, 2015

Publisher: Archipelago

ISBN: 9780914671176

Highest rank: #15 on 2nd, May 2015

First entered: 2nd, May 2015

Number of weeks: 1

Book Summary

At eighteen years old, Karl Ove moves to a tiny fisherman's village in the far north of the Arctic circle to work as a school teacher. No interest in the job itself, his intention is to save up enough money to travel while finding the space and time to start his writing career. Initially everything looks fine. He writes his first few short stories, finds himself accepted by the hospitable locals, and receives flattering attention from several beautiful local girls. But as the darkness of the long arctic nights start to consume the landscape, Karl Ove's life takes a darker turn. His writing repeats itself, his drinking escalates to some disturbing blackouts, his attempts at losing his virginity end in humiliation and shame, and to his distress, he also develops romantic feelings towards one of his students. Along the way, there are flashbacks to his high school years and the roots of his current problems. Ever present is the long shadow cast by his father, whose own sharply increasing alcohol consumption serves as an ominous backdrop to the author's lifestyle.


Karl Ove Knausgård

Name: Karl Ove Knausgård

Hometown: Oslo

Born: Dec, 1968

About the author:

Nominated to the 2004 Nordic Council’s Literature Prize & awarded the 2004 Norwegian Critics’ Prize.

Karl Ove Knausgård (b 1968) made his literary debut in 1998 with the widely acclaimed novel OUT OF THE WORLD, which was a great critical and commercial success and won him, as the first debut novel ever, The Norwegian Critics' Prize. He has since received several literary prizes for his books.

Don Bartlett

Name: Don Bartlett

Other books by author...

  • My Struggle: Book 5
  • My Struggle: Book 5
  • Autumn
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