Building Soils for Better Crops Sustainable Soil Management by Fred Magdoff and Harold Van Es - HTML preview

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Chapter 17

Managing Water:

irrigation and drainage

Worldwide, over two billion acres of virgin land have been plowed and brought into agricultural use since 1860. Until the last decades of the twentieth century, clearing new land compensated for loss of agricultural land. In the 1980s the total amount of land under cultivation began declining for the first time since farming reached the land between the Tigris and the Euphrates.

—david MontgoMery, 2007

Deficits and excesses of water are the most significant

failures were also responsible for the collapse of soci-

yield-limiting factors to crop production worldwide. It is

eties. Notably, the salinization of irrigated lands in

estimated that more than half of the global food supply

Mesopotamia and filling up of ditches with sediments—

depends on some type of water management. In fact, the

cleaned out by enslaved Israelites among others—resulted

first major civilizations and population centers emerged

in lost land fertility and an inability to sustain large

when farmers started to control water, resulting in more

centrally governed civilizations.

consistent yields and stable food supplies. Examples

Today, many of the most productive agricultural

include Mesopotamia—literally the “land between the riv-

areas depend on some type of water management. In

ers” (the Tigris and Euphrates), the lower Nile Valley, and

the United States, average crop yields of irrigated farms

China. High yields in drained and irrigated areas allowed

are greater than the corresponding yields of dryland

for the development of trade specialization, because no

farms by 118% for wheat and 30% for corn. At a global

longer did everyone need to provide their own food

scale, irrigation is used on 18% of the cultivated areas,

supply. This led to important innovations like markets,

but those lands account for 40% of the world’s food

writing, and the wheel. Moreover, new water manage-

production. The great majority of agricultural lands

ment schemes forced societies to get organized, work

in the western U.S. and other dry climates around

together on irrigation and drainage schemes, and develop

the world would not be productive without irrigation

laws on water allocations. But water management

water, and the majority of the U.S. horticultural crop

Photo by Judy Brossy


Building SoilS for Better CropS: SuStainaBle Soil ManageMent

chAPter 17 Managing Water: irrigation and drainage

Table 17.1

fields earlier in the spring and harvest later in the fall

Approximate Amounts of Water Needed for Food Production

without causing extreme compaction.


Gal ons of Water per Pound

The benefits of irrigation and drainage are thus



obvious. They are critical to food security as well as to



the agricultural intensification needed to protect natural



areas. Concerns with climate change, which is result-



ing in greater occurrences of deficits and excesses of



precipitation, will increase pressure for more irrigation



and drainage. But they also exact a price on the environ-



ment. Drainage systems provide hydrological shortcuts



and are responsible for increased chemical losses to



water resources. Some irrigation systems have resulted



in drastic changes in river and estuarine ecosystems,



as well as land degradation through salinization and

sodium buildup, and have been sources of international

Source: FAO.

conflict. In the case of the Aral Sea—formerly the fourth

acreage—especially in California—is entirely dependent

largest inland freshwater body in the world—the diver-

on elaborate irrigation infrastructures. Even in humid

sion of rivers to use for irrigated cotton farming in the

regions most high-value crops are grown with irrigation

former USSR resulted in a 50% decrease in the area

during dry spells to insure crop quality and steady sup-

of the sea. It also became severely contaminated with

plies for market outlets, in part because the soils have

drainage water from agricultural fields.

become less drought resistant from intensive use.

To address excess water problems, the best fields in


the U.S. corn belt have had drainage systems installed,

There are several different types of irrigation systems,

which made those soils even more productive than they

depending on water source, size of the system, and

were naturally. Drainage of wet fields allows for a longer

water application method. Three main water sources

growing season because farmers can get onto those

exist: surface water, groundwater, and recycled

fIrst consIder soIL IMProveMent

Healthy soils with good and stable aggregation, enhanced organic matter levels, and limited or no compaction go a long way toward “drought proofing” your farm. In addition, reduced tillage with residues on the surface also helps to enhance water infiltration and reduce evaporation losses from the soil. Cover crops, while using water for their growth, can act as a water-conserving surface mulch once they are suppressed. But, of course, water is needed to grow crops—from 19 gal ons to hundreds or more gal ons of water for each pound of plant or animal product (table 17.1). And if it doesn’t rain for a few weeks, crops on even the best soils will start to show drought stress. Even in humid regions there can be stretches of dry weather that cause stress and reduce crop yield or quality. Irrigation, therefore, is an essential part of growing crops in many regions of the world. But the healthier the soil you have, the less irrigation water that will be needed because natural rainfall will be used more efficiently.


Building SoilS for Better CropS: SuStainaBle Soil ManageMent






chAPter 17 Managing Water: irrigation and drainage

Figure 17.1. A farm pond (left) is used as a water source for a traveling overhead sprinkler system (right) on a vegetable farm.

wastewater. Irrigation systems run from small on-farm

Small-scale irrigation systems nowadays tend

arrangements—using a local water supply—to vast

to pump water directly out of streams or farm ponds

regional schemes that involve thousands of farms and

(figure 17.1). These water sources are generally sufficient

are controlled by governmental authorities. Water appli-

for cases in which supplemental irrigation is used—in

cation methods include conventional flood, or furrow,

humid regions where rainfall and snowmelt supply most

irrigation—which depends on gravity flow—and pumped

of the crop water needs but limited amounts of addi-

water for sprinkler and drip irrigation systems.

tional water may be needed for good yields or high-qual-

ity crops. Such systems, generally managed by a single

Surface Water Sources

farm, have limited environmental impacts. Most states

Streams, rivers, and lakes have traditionally been the

require permits for such water diversions to ensure

main source of irrigation supplies. Historical efforts

against excessive impacts on local water resources.

involved the diversion of river waters and then the

Large-scale irrigation schemes have been

development of storage ponds. Small-scale systems—like

developed around the world with strong involvement

those used by the Anazasi in the southwestern U.S. and

of state and federal governments. The U.S. government

the Nabateans in what is now Jordan—involved cisterns

invested $3 billion to create the intricate Central Valley

that were filled by small stream diversions.

project in California that has provided a hundredfold

Figure 17.2. The Ataturk Dam, part of the GAP project in Turkey, diverts water from the Euphrates River (left). The main canal (middle) conveys water to the Harran Plain for distribution to individual fields (right).


Building SoilS for Better CropS: SuStainaBle Soil ManageMent





